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Posts posted by lee_h._oswald

  1. Thanks for the answer.

    I noticed this "bug" at the first flight but I wasn't sure if it's a bug or not.

    But after flying this beautifull helicopter for countless hours now, I noticed that it's not possible to take a "quick look" at the the artificial horizon and get the information you need.

    I can't wait to fly a new version of this fantastic helicopter addon!

    Thanks again!

    MfG Lee smile_o.gif

  2. Not really an addon request, maybe more scripting releated.

    I really would like to have a realistic startup sequence on BIS and addon helicopters.

    Like this(first 45 seconds):

    Would it be possible to have a script and a turbine startup/shutdown sound, activated via the init line of a helicopter, that does this:

    - add an action menu entry called(e.g.): "Start Helicopter".

    - when pressed, it plays the turbine sound

    - while the sound is playing, some seconds later the engine of the helicopter goes on and the rotor blades start spinning

    - remove the action menu entry

    - add another action menu entry called(e.g.): "Shut down Helicopter)

    - when pressed, it plays a turbine shutdown sound and stops the engine of the helicopter


    With that option you could chose to have a realistic startup sequence if you want to.

    Any ideas how to realise this?

    Thanks all!

    MfG Lee smile_o.gif

  3. Another little idea/request for the next cargo system update.

    Can you please make an transportable "Repair Point".

    Mapfact made an invisible repair point and I made it transportable via the init line.

    Works fine, but having something visible (a tent and/or some boxes/tools) to transport would be much better.


    MfG Lee smile_o.gif

  4. In OFP you could change the values higher than in the option menus.

    In ArmA it looks like most settings have a "highest possible value" you can't override.

    I have every possible values set to very high in ArmA and I still see LOD/model switching and "popping up" trees/houses/objects in the distance.

    Easiest test is to stand on an open field with some trees in the distance. Then zoom in and out. The trees are transforming (very smooth) from 1 model to another which just looks not right.

    I would really like to have the chance to set my personal values for LOD's and how far models are been rendered.

    MfG Lee

  5. What is so special about the ACE ammo crates?

    Sorry to ask, but I'm not using ACE, I have not even took a look at it.

    I don't think that your Evolution needs a thousand gimmicks it's great the way it is now. The cargo system in it's current state should be implemented just to have the chance to get fuel/ammo and static weapons from A to B for better chances when attacking the towns.

    In later versions, when more special weapon containers are available (crates with only tank shells, etc) you maybe can implement it into the ranking system.

    You are doing a great job!

    MfG Lee

  6. Seems my monitor can only go as high as 60Hz.

    May need to re-invest.  sad_o.gif

    60hz is fine, if your "monitor" is an lcd.

    My 37" LCD TV I'm playing on also can "only" 60fps.

    Your 30fps problem has another reason I think.

    Let's start with your graphics card, is it an ATI or NVidia?

    And next, what graphics driver version are you using?

    MfG Lee

  7. I can't get it to work that I have ZOOM OUT all the time.

    I edited the profile, killed the entry, loaded my profile, restartet arma, started with no addons, didn't modified the fov settings, made a new profile.

    The only thing that works now is the toggle zoom out key, but only for weapons... Get in a truck and I have my nose pressed against the windshield.

    Playing on a 37" LCD with all that zooming makes me sick...

    MfG Lee crazy_o.gif
