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Posts posted by lee_h._oswald

  1. That "zoom problem" has been one of the most annoying bugs in ArmA1.

    In ArmA2, there is the same problem(thanks for ignoring BIS Team), but I have a "very special" fix for this.

    As ArmA2 supports multiple input devices(joysticks, joypads, wheels, etc), you only need a unused controller with a "throttle function".

    I'm using the logitech wingman rumblepad:


    Just configure the zoom in/out (continuously) to the "sliding throttle".

    Now you can set a fixed zoom to whatever value you like!

    I'm using a complete zoom out as I think, my real eye has no zoom, why should my virtual eye have one?!

    Oh, and I also drive cars/trucks/tanks/etc with the pad sometimes. It's fun!

    MfG Lee ;)

  2. Some good news!

    After some research and a lot of try and error, I have this:

    - If you have WinXP click START -> run...

    - Type dxdiag hit enter.

    - Go to Sound and set the hardware sound acceleration to the second from left "minimum acceleration".

    - Close dxdiag.

    - Start arma2 without any sound releated shortcut parameter like -dsound or -openal.




    When I do that, I have NO working 5.1 surround sound, but the muffled sound and all the strange effects (LOUD flies/birds/rusty doors/etc) are gone!

    The sound is very crisp and sharp!

    Finally I can fly those great helicopters with good sound!

    But remember, the dxdiag settings now may affect other games you play! Don't forget to switch back to full acceleration, befor starting other games. It's easy, cause you don't have to restart your PC to make it work.

    I hope it helps!

    MfG Lee :)

  3. Ok, tested a bit and found following:

    Using the -dsound parameter, my game starts fine.

    I'm going into the editor and set 1 BluFor men, then click preview.

    Game starts on Utes and all sound are crisp and coming from the right direction. Only problem is the permanently sound of flies all around. :eek:

    Next test, again editor -> Utes.

    But this time one BluFor helicopter -> preview.

    ---> Crash to desktop!

    Wait, I can play the game with correct sounds, but only as men, not as mashine? :confused:

    BIS, what are you doing to us? (again?)

    Is WinXP SP3 and an Creative Soundblaster Audigy 4 such prehistoric/extraterrestrial hardware?

    Please help us with this issue!

    What about -dsound and -openal, do they still work?

    What about the...



    ...settings in my user config, do they still work?

    Why are they not in the ingame sound options?

    Is ArmA2 still using the OpenAL sound? I can't find an openal installer on my game dvd.

    Anything we can do to get crisp and clean working 5.1 sound?

    I tried my onboard soundcard too, same problem.

    MfG Lee :confused:

  4. I'm having strange sound problems too.


    - the bee/fly sound comes ONLY from the subwoofer of my 5.1 speaker set.


    - pointing a gun in one direction and turning the virtual head, the gun sound always comes out of the same speakers. If the mag is empty, you can here the "click" sound is coming from the correct speaker. (looking front/left, you hear the click from right/behind)

    Then I remembered the ArmA1 startup parameter -dsound

    When putting this to the arma2 shortcut, the sounds are perfect, everything comes from the correct speaker.

    Only the bee/fly sound is always there, very annoying!


    Later, my game went very unstable but I don't know if it is releated to the sound parameter. Very often, when in the editor an click "preview", the game tries to start the "mission" and then crash to desktop.

    I will take a look into this issue later the day.

    MfG Lee

  5. I got a bad Performance with my 3,7Ghz Quadcore and a GTX280, 4GB DDR2-Ram.

    When i drive around in a mission I got only ~20-30Fps. And it stutters when I turn 90°.

    Even with fillrate at 50%. The only way for me to get constantly ~40fps is to set the viewdistance to 500. All other graphics-option all together are only 5 maybe 10 fps difference when activated/deactivated.

    Try checking the speed of your hard drive(s) with a programm called HDTach.

    It's freeware.

    MfG Lee

  6. After some hours of testing and tweaking:


    I have weird sound issues.

    - Sounds are muffled.

    - I can hear far far away vehicles.

    - Flies are extremly loud.

    - No true 5.1 surround sound for the weapons.**

    ** = If I turn my head in freelook, the gun sound comes allways out of the center&front speakers(like it should, when looking straight ahead), but not from left or right or left-/right-/behind.

    Most weird thing, the sound of the falling ammo cases are coming out of the correct speakers...

    I tried newer/older driver and my onboard sound instead the audigy 4, nothing works. (OFP, ArmA1, other games are working greatâ„¢)


    Next thing is the "missing" antialiasing.

    I read that you can activate 2x AA with 150% fillrate settings, but that kills a LOT fps. So back to 100% = no AA.

    Without AA, the game looks horror! I'm running 1920x1080 but it looks like 800x600.

    That kills all the beauty of the island..


    - Motion blur while turning is too much.

    - EOTech reticle is too tiny

    - destroyed vehicles look like they are dead for 1 billion years


    - same unrealistic thrust control like in ArmA 1...

    Maybe there is an option to switch it to "realistic mode", I will take another look at that. But maybe BIS is deaf on that ear or Marek loves flying planes with "special input controllers" that benefits from that annoying "feature"...






    - helicopter flying is fantastic !!!

    - multiple joystick support !!!

    - car steering works great !

    - looking behind/over your shoulder !!

    - reload while moving !!

    - moving, running, change stands, looking, doing things, etc is really quick !!

    - animals !!! (can't wait to see the first deer/dinosaur/giant tarantula in the game!) :D

    - different sounds/effects when bullets hit: wood/stone/glass/metal/etc.

    - great number of people/vehicles/weapons/etc

    - zillion other things I have to explore in the next hours/days/weeks/lightyears.


    MfG Lee ;)

  7. The info I am really waiting for, is, what is with the next ArmA(1) patch?

    I really don't care about all the ArmA II screenshots.

    I'm disappointed with ArmA I and the patch releasing policy and the last thing I will do is to buy ArmA II just because of the ongoing massive screenshot campaign.

    This time, after the ArmA II release, I will sit and wait.

    Watching the TROUBLESHOOTING section.

    If ArmA II has all the old bugs/sounds/glitches, I'm not going to support BIS again and "hope for the future patches".

    MfG Lee

  8. I think, there was some misunderstanding. wink_o.gif

    - I did not want you to make a flight simulator from arma.

    - I did not compare your addons with RKSL one, it was a tip to take a look how it "feels" to fly their lynx.

    - I did not say: "Apache can't do rolls and loops!!!1!"

    If you watch the youtube videos posted by sk3pt you see that rolls and loops are very well planned flight manouvers.

    At the moment in arma, it's no danger to do rolls, because it's to easy to make them. You sometimes even not loosing height doing them.

    Loopings are harder to do with your apache and feel more realistic.

    Compare my video with the youtube ones.

    http://lee.plankton.ch/Apache.wmv (right click save as..)


    Thanks for listen to the players, you are doing a great job HWM Team!

    MfG Lee smile_o.gif

  9. Big thanks for all your hard work!

    But I have to say, that I'm not happy with the AH-64. sad_o.gif

    The "no names" in the editor isn't really a problem, you can add just one and take a look what it is.

    The real problem for me is the flight characteristics.

    The Apache feels totally wrong, you can make siderolls, loopings, etc. like it is an vehicle for air stunts or something.

    This, for me, totally destroys the fun of flying this helicopter.

    It looks like this:


    But it feels like this:



    Sorry for my "bad comments", but I really think it's something that is needed to be worked on.

    MfG Lee sad_o.gif

  10. I just want to generally thank all involved in the Project RACS.

    It's not only the great quantity and the very good quality, but also the way you release your addons.

    It's like with the BWMOD at good old OFP times.

    Release when ready(when playable, not when 110% perfect), update when time allows it.

    Keep up the fantastic work and be proud of what you have already done for us!


    MfG Lee thumb2.gif

  11. Gnat @ Feb. 15 2009,08:17)]Well, whats even more odd, is the fact a Su25 or 39 etc wasn't in the game to start with ......

    Yes, SU-25/39 would have been the perfect choice.

    MfG Lee

  12. Not really an addon request, maybe more scripting releated.

    I really would like to have a realistic startup sequence on BIS and addon helicopters.

    Like this(first 45 seconds):

    Would it be possible to have a script and a turbine startup/shutdown sound, activated via the init line of a helicopter, that does this:

    - add an action menu entry called(e.g.): "Start Helicopter".

    - when pressed, it plays the turbine sound

    - while the sound is playing, some seconds later the engine of the helicopter goes on and the rotor blades start spinning

    - remove the action menu entry

    - add another action menu entry called(e.g.): "Shut down Helicopter)

    - when pressed, it plays a turbine shutdown sound and stops the engine of the helicopter


    With that option you could chose to have a realistic startup sequence if you want to.

    Any ideas how to realise this?

    Thanks all!

    MfG Lee smile_o.gif


    Anyone with scripting/modding capabilities please.

    MfG Lee wink_o.gif
