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Posts posted by lee_h._oswald

  1. The first 10 weapon packs will be M4 "weapon packs".

    M4 with Acog, M4 with EOTech, M4 with backup iron sights, desert painted M4, M4 with LAZER, M4 with nuclear device, etc.

    Proper MP5's would be great, but I don't think we will see a nice MP5 pack in the next 6 month.

    Remember my words!

    MfG Lee ;)

  2. Played some hours CRCTI and the missing AA is the pure horror.

    The arma typical bad mp performance + no AA + the blur after running 10meters is the absolute PAIN!

    Whatever BIS is doing right now, I think adding AA is the most important thing that needs to be done to the engine.

    MfG Lee

  3. Man. Im so confused on what I should do. I just purchased a 4890 and a new MA770-US3 Mobo for my current rig (my old MX2 Mobo was causing wierd stuttering), ive got the famed(shamed?) 6000+ x2 Windsor and basically, im gettin the low 20's in FPS, even with all settings on normal.

    I been lookin at the Phenom 2 955 and now im reading that its no good, so where do i go from here. I really enjoy the game, but its hard to do so with such low FPS.

    I'm playing on:

    - old asus mb with nforce5(570 Ultra) chipset

    - old X2 6000+

    - 4GB DDR(800)

    - GeForce 8800GTX(768MB)(1920x1080)

    Using Kegety's anti blur/bloom fix I'm getting very good/playable fps, so I don't think you need to upgrade your CPU.

    Chernaurus was not playable for me until that fix and after that I could fly with 10000m viewdistance, but take a look yourself:


    (click for higher res)

    MfG Lee :)

  4. I'm using Kegety's wonderfull fix.

    This fix made the game very playable for me, chernaurus runs like a dream now!

    I'm really not a friend of all this "shiny new features" we see in games today.

    I don't need the game to simulate things(blur, bloom, dazzle, zoom) happening to my eyes, because my real eyes can react to things happening on the screen themselves.

    What I need is nice graphics(like the water now) and a proper antialiasing to get rid of the edges.

    MfG Lee ;)

  5. I have no TrackIR, the TrackIR-settings are ArmA default. Just add the gamepad to that functions.

    Yes, everything is zoomed out, works great for me. But you can zoom in/out as far as you like with the throttle control.

    Oh, and I'm not rich, that 37" cost me 599,- Euros last december. I think that's affordable and what the hell I'm working for? ;)

    MfG Lee:)

  6. I think no 5.1 is because the weapon sounds are in the .wss format. I don't know why they insist on using .wss instead of wav/flac/mp3/ogg..

    Funny thing, you can't hear the shot from the correct speaker, but the falling "cartridge case" and the "click" when the magazine is empty.

    MfG Lee

  7. Looks like most sound problems are gone.

    Still a bit "muffled"(doesn't change to sharp/clear anymore when changing the sound acceleration in the dx diagnostic tool) and still no 5.1 from the main weapon.

    And I'm pretty sure, the overdone blur when running/turning/etc is better now.

    Need some more testing but it looks like this patch is 2 or 3 steps FORWARD!

    Nice work so far BIS Team but still a far way to go.

    MfG Lee
