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Posts posted by lee_h._oswald

  1. Only game series that is worth to play...

    Sad that BIS is doing EVERYTHING to scare away their customer with:

    - releasing the game(s) full of bugs.

    - need ages to fix 8 year old bugs.

    - don't get it, that the "spirit of OFP" is missing in ArmA1 & ArmA2.

    - don't get it, that a really good campaign(CWC) & a perfect MP mode(classic CTI) is needed.

    MfG Lee :banghead:

  2. then why have they released 3 patches if they didn't care? ... And there's a 99% chance that BIS will get this game in order...just when is another matter

    I'm sure they care, but there is something going terribly wrong since ArmA1.


    OFP in the last days had a very strong community and the most talented MOD Teams/Addon Makers I have ever seen in any game.

    Me and my mates had an own linux ofp server, playing a self made custom CTI with tons of addons close to every day. Huge mission with hundrets of enemys, on the ground and in the air!


    Then ArmA1 came..

    Released full of bugs, all the old OFP bugs and with the new features a lot of new ones.

    Only ~3 of ~20 player could play the game, even after some patches, so they left ArmA1. There was a horrible linux dedicated server support, with every new patch we had to wait "weeks" for a the updated linux dedi..

    We tried everything to keep the ppl playing.

    After some time we had to cancel our server cause no one was willing to pay for it anymore if they couldn't play on it.


    Then the pay-addon came, "Queens Gambit" splitting the community in half..

    "Queens Gambit is required for this addon!"

    More players left, very few mod teams, much of trying to get the game running, less playing -> loosing the interest in this game more and more.

    Then with the latest updates, ArmA1 runs very well on most pc's but there was "no one" left to play and most of the talented addon makers went away.


    And now we have ArmAII..

    Released in a better shape then ArmAI but also full of old and new bugs.

    But there was hope.

    "They must have learned their lesson with the ArmAI desaster!"

    Do they?

    I'm not sure, for me It looks like the same procedure we had with ArmAI.

    If this is the case, this games series is [d]DEAD[/b]!


    Look around, where are all the old players?

    Where are the big mod-teams/addon makers?

    Where are my old OFP playmates?

    Where is the FUN we had playing CTI on our good old linux server?


    Look at the "Patch 1.03 Satisfaction Survey" thread.

    44% voted "BAD".

    This forum has Members: 59,252 but only 324 voted.

    Let's face it, good times are over and BIS isn't doing a great job at the moment.

    Yes, it's nice to see all those patches/bugfixes, but how about releasing a game without all the well known bugs!


    Bah... again too much energy wasted on this game, writing this text which is forgotten/never read in about ~15minutes....

    MfG Lee :(

  3. Some bugs will celebrate their 10th anniversary of existance in the very near future..

    I'm sure we see ArmA III with the same old (legendary?) bugs and an unfinished ArmA II which nobody plays anymore.

    I never thought that this would happen to our beloved BI games.

    MfG Lee ...

  4. Second good poll, great!

    I voted:

    "- Fixed: The patch has fixed some serious issue for me"



    This patch (esp. AA instead of fillrate) made the chernaurus island playale on "high" settings for me, fps wise.

    This patch and the new NVidia vga drivers v186.18 boosted performance for me.


    - NForce5 MB

    - AMD X2 6000+(2x3GHz)

    - 4GB DDR2 800

    - GeForce 8800GTX 768MB (game res: 1920x1080)

    - SB Audigy 4

    - 2x 150GB "velociraptor" hdd in Raid0(Stripe)

    - Windows XP Professional


    MfG Lee

  5. First: Thanks for a poll like this, VERY user friendly!

    I voted:

    "- Good: I am satisfied with the patch, but I hoped for more"


    What I hoped for:

    - 100% working 5.1 surround sound(esp. own weapon, free-look left or right and shoot. Firing sound comes from all speakers, dry(empty mag) sound comes from the correct speaker(s)).

    - Working AA with shadows(from v1.00 on).

    - Working thrust in aircrafts(from v1.00 on).

    - less LOD switching and/or the option to configure the values for "switch to lower LOD when xmeters away" like it was possible in OFP via .cfg editing.

    Many other things are not so important for me at this moment, ArmA2 is generally a step in the right direction!

    Thanks again.

    MfG Lee

  6. You can easy test it with arma2.

    Set fillrate to 100% and looks at the fps.

    Then set the 3D Render(fillrate) to 125% and look at the fps again.

    100% --> 1280x1024=1310720(pixel)

    125% --> 1600x1280=2048000(pixel)

    23"LCD--> 1920x1080=2073600(pixel)

    As you can see, 125% fillrate with your old monitor has the nearly the same amount of pixel as the new lcd with fullhd resolution.

    It's not exactly correct, because with a widescreen monitor your FOV(field of view) is wider also(more objects on the screen).

    MfG Lee ;)
