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Everything posted by Liquid_Silence

  1. Liquid_Silence

    Tales of war rangers released...

    To think that two mod teams that I respect could come to this  <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:gold'>Silence is golden</span></span> No more.
  2. Liquid_Silence

    Modern usmc marpat

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Cloney @ Jan. 31 2003,03:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What would be *REALLY* cool is if they were released with the BAS Ranger/Delta Pack! Imagine that! MARPAT, Desert and Woodland Rangers and ton and I mean TONS of new rifles for them to play around with.<span id='postcolor'> Um, it would never happen since BAS does realistic addons... Rangers = US Army... MARPAT = MARine PATtern Rangers != Marines i.e. Rangers don't get MARPAT (p.s. No offence meant, I'm just being blunt 'cause I'm in a hurry )
  3. Liquid_Silence

    Vehicle towing a load

    Problem with this is collision, as setPos can overlap objects, and we can't test for collision (accurately) ourselves...
  4. Liquid_Silence

    Realistic sniping

    Any progress on this AceCube? 'cause the mil-dot scope on Hubba's M24, if no-one else noticed, isn't the best for realistic sniping: look at spacing of the horizontal dots, esp. the two closest to center...
  5. Liquid_Silence


    When dynamically creating triggers (using the "emptyDetector" class) is camCreate or createVehicle the proper command to use? I've been told that camCreate doesn't work properly sometimes...but I've tested it for getting height ASL and it seems to work fine for that purpose... I'm also looking for any other information on the "emptyDetector" class people may have...like: is it possible to configure the trigger like in the mission editor...(probably not, but it's worth asking )
  6. Liquid_Silence

    What do you think is the easiest?

    But Suma, that's cheating Anyway, I think the first time I did that mission I took ages to land as well, even with auto-hover on It was 'cause I keep going too fast...so I'd end up overshooting the LZ and pulling up heaps ( 'cause I didn't know how to slow down any other way ) I got the hang of choppers when I started editing, as I decided to scout for perfect locations in a helicopter...to get a better view of the scenery (and since flying is fun )
  7. Liquid_Silence

    Propositions toward next patches

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (MaxPower @ Jan. 26 2003,20:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It will be great if we have the fork functio  like in C </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> argument fork script Operand types:   argument: Any Value   script: String Type of returned value:   Nothing Description:   Execute script. Argument is passed to script as local variable _this. Script is first searched in mission folder, then in campaign scripts subfolder, last in global scripts folder.   And this function don't stop current Script Example:   [player, jeepOne] fork "getIn.sqs"<span id='postcolor'><span id='postcolor'> Just use exec, it doesn't stop the current script... i.e. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;init.sqs _i = 0 #loop [_i] exec "subScript.sqs" ~1 if (_i < 5) then {goto "loop"}<span id='postcolor'> </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;subScript.sqs _i = _this select 0 hint format ["Number: %1", _i]<span id='postcolor'> would count from zero to five in hint boxes, once a second... If the exec command stopped the current script, then only one hint box would appear... Um, I'd like to see setPitch and setBank commands: currently, if you setPos a jeep (or other ground vehicle) above the slope on a hill, the vehicle will tilt as if it's going up/down the hill...which isn't very helpful to realism when you're making an underslung cargo script...
  8. Liquid_Silence


    Um...someone did red optics for a weapon (I think they were red anyway...) look for the terminator addon...I haven't used it myself, but what you wanna do might be possible...
  9. Liquid_Silence

    [new function]pitch/ bank angle

    Cool... EDIT: can anyone who tests out the usefulness of this for height ASL testing please post results...
  10. Liquid_Silence


    lol EDIT: Ok, I've stopped laughing now... So...you're willing to pay US$200 for a re-texturing job eh? Why would you pay that if you didn't expect some personal gain from it? What possible motive do you have for paying money for a retexturing job when there are many who would do it for free? What diabolical and foul purpose is this retexture to be used for? ( ) Why the secrecy? Why, I ask you? Why? (You aren't giving us enough information not to be suspect)
  11. Liquid_Silence


    Yes it is possible... I have a working cargo rope script sitting on my computer, being beta tested at the moment... This cargo rope script uses setPos to do it's job...and the helicopter can go at any speed it likes... I tried using setVelocity, and this slowed the helicopter down, just like you are saying about setPos, but setPos works perfectly... If it really comes down to it, and speed is essential: use a function...(getPos, setPos works without one though...as in a very early version, I didn't use a function...) EDIT: The use of functions might let us to use setVelocity as well...due to their "speedy" nature Since my cargo script is modular ('Cause BAS's MH47E has a static Z position, so you need a slightly slower workaround) I can test it very easily...I'll get back to you...
  12. Liquid_Silence

    Choppers for marines?

    Mmmm...anything BAS makes to do with the Marines will be snapped up instantly by me (Actually anything they make at all, but Marines stuff especially ) In the meantime however: I think someone else has made some new Marines...Can't remember who, or how far away they are though (So it's not much use knowing really...)
  13. Liquid_Silence

    Save to disc ?

    saveVar "variable" and textLog variable: you should try these out as well... I don't know specifics of their execution, but it's worth a try...
  14. Liquid_Silence

    Propositions toward next patches

    And if you setPos it to make it stay in the aircraft, you may as well have collision detection on, cause setPos ignores it (collision detection) anyway...
  15. Liquid_Silence

    Addaction menu

    You're basically talking about dialogs: Vektorboson's dialog tutorial
  16. Liquid_Silence

    Engineon && isengineon

    OK, here's what I got: I've only used engineOn once, and it worked: context: in the init field of a grounded helicopter at the start of a mission syntax: this engineOn true result: I sat there doing nothing and the engines started up by themselves... I'm guessing that unit engineOn false will work the opposite way...but from what you've said, you tried it out and it didn't work? maybe setting it to false is buggy/doesn't work, and we can only turn engines on with it at present...dunno isEngineOn I haven't used yet, but I'm guessing that the syntax is the same as most other "get" functions in ofp, so: _myboolean isEngineOn unit would return the state of their engines (you probably already thought of that though, but I can't be bothered deleting... )... Good luck with getting it to work...
  17. Liquid_Silence

    Freeze animation

    try the "stop" command: I've had some success using this with salute routines where I don't wanna use disableAI...e.g. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">soarCommander stop true soarCommander doWatch player player setBehaviour "SAFE" @unitReady player player playMove "EffectStandSalute" ~0.5 soarCommander playMove "EffectStandSalute" ~1 soarCommander playMove "EffectStandSaluteEnd" ~1 player playMove "EffectStandSaluteEnd"<span id='postcolor'> worked fairly well (if I remember correctly), so something like this should work: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">spotter stop true spotter playmove "WhateverTheBinocularsAnimIs" ~for a bit :) spotter stop false<span id='postcolor'>
  18. Liquid_Silence

    Propositions toward next patches

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Able to shut off collision detection on units (make sticky) <span id='postcolor'> Um, that would just mean that they would pass through each other... One thing I would really like would be for vehicles setpos'd above ground not to look like they were still on the ground: if the terrain at [x,y,0] is slanted. a vehicle setpos'd at [x,y,50] will be slanted as if it is sitting on the ground (at least that's what it did when I tested one of my scripts just before...) This is where having: 3ddirection unit  and  unit set3ddirection 3ddirectionarray, would be useful...
  19. Liquid_Silence

    Event handlers questions.

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (BratZ @ Jan. 09 2003,04:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Anyone know how I can change this to make it available for only the gunner position? condition="this animationPhase ""rcanopya"" < 0.03 and player in this "; And like any chance I can change this one to like only if the engine is running? Or anything better condition="this animationPhase ""foldwings"" < 0.5 and player in this "; I havent had to run a seperate script yet ,I've kept everything in the config the condition statement appears to only accept few conditions?<span id='postcolor'> only in gunner position: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">condition={(this animationPhase "rcanopya" < 0.03) and  (gunner this == player)}; <span id='postcolor'> only when engine running: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">condition={(this animationPhase "foldwings" < 0.5) and (player in this) and (isEngineOn this)};<span id='postcolor'> except that for the isEngineOn one, you may as well use the engine eventhandler... Um, I haven't used "isEngineOn" before but if it conforms to the way most OFP functions run the syntax should be right... EDIT: I haven't really looked at .cpp coding much yet though, so I haven't used eventHandler much yet...so I have no idea if these will work...
  20. Liquid_Silence

    One question:

    um, I'm really at fault for misreading your post Glad you got it working...
  21. I definitely agree with the typeOf variable request... Um, as to further requests... ( maybe I should change that to wishes) - dynamically createable markers... - strings convertable to arrays of characters, or at least more manipulation of strings possible (subtract...) - unitClass unit : returns a string containing the units class name... - magazine setAmmo amount : useful for those times when you need to attach a silencer to your weapon ... - implement pointers for arrays. e.g. normal array works as usual, but have a "pointer" function where: pointer array returns a pointer to the array instead of the array itself...
  22. Liquid_Silence

    Scripting command request

    I definitely agree with the typeOf variable request... Um, as to further requests... ( maybe I should change that to wishes) - dynamically createable markers... - strings convertable to arrays of characters, or at least more manipulation of strings possible (subtract...) - unitClass unit : returns a string containing the units class name... - magazine setAmmo amount : useful for those times when you need to attach a silencer to your weapon ... - implement pointers for arrays. e.g. normal array works as usual, but have a "pointer" function where: pointer array returns a pointer to the array instead of the array itself...
  23. Liquid_Silence

    Laser designator

    I'm shooting blind, but could you do a workaround with the "fired" event and create a temporary real laser designator (with an empty model or something) at the location/in the direction of the one on the tank? (maybe use init to create it and just setpos on fired, to reduce processor load, kinda like using loadfile on an .sqf) Of course this probably won't work, but I couldn't resist posting
  24. Liquid_Silence

    Sticky glue

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">another way is look at weapon:- 1. weapon is modelled singularly in 02 2. but when in game, its attached to soldier by memory points and can move along with soldier whether in plane or land. 3. is there a way to config object to memory points on bigger objects?<span id='postcolor'> There are: the cargo spaces... Proxied units can't move independantly, that's why when you're in a truck or something, you can't move... You might be able to use something like: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#loop {_x setVelocity [(getVelocity _unitInCargo select 0)+(getVelocity _plane select 0),(getVelocity _unitInCargo select 1)+(getVelocity _plane select 1),(getVelocity _unitInCargo select 2)+(getVelocity _plane select 2)]} forEach _unitsInCargo ~0.005 if ((count _unitsInCargo) > 0) then {goto "loop"}<span id='postcolor'> and remove/add units to _unitsInCargo via another script... but the problem is detection... you would need to have a trigger for each plane/chopper set to the dimentions of it's cargo space, and to have a loop running to setPos/setDir it to the transport...and then run height comparison on each unit in "list triggername" to see if it was standing in the cargo space or on the ground....
  25. Liquid_Silence

    One question:

    in the triggers condition field put (in the e.g. "fire" is the fire's name...): </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">inFlamed fire<span id='postcolor'>