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Everything posted by Locke@Germany

  1. Locke@Germany

    Identical file's in ArmA PBO's

    Hi, after playing a little bit around with the ArmA pbo's i've noticed that many files seemed to be identical. I've extracted all pbo's in the Addon folder and started comparing the files with doublekiller for their size and CRC. The result is that almost 4000 file's with about 314 MB apear to be totally useles.  A few examples: Air.pbo\AIM9xSidewinder.p3d identical with Air.pbo\Sidewinder_proxy.p3d Air.pbo\Data\Anim\Mi17_Cargo02_V2.rtm identical with  Air.pbo\Data\Anim\Mi17_Cargo02_V6.rtm The file Sara.pbo\Data\Layers\m_000_000_lco.paa has almost 1200 copy's in the same folder, from m_000_001_lco.paa to m_042_042_lco.paa, resulting in 1171 file's with a total size of 195 MB that ALL HAVE THE SAME CONTENT. I would be happy if BIS would remove the identical file's in future Updates, as i don't think it helps the performance of a game that already is very hardware demanding. Locke.
  2. Locke@Germany

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    Still those ugly soundbugs, got an audigy with the latest official drivers for XP installed the updated OpenAL blablabla... If i'm running with or without HW Acc. or EAX makes no difference. Upgrading from V1.02 to V1.05 even introduced new sound bugs, like having no weapon sounds from my own gun after respawn or gunshots that sound if they are playing repeatedly in very small inervals out of all speakers at once   I'm very disapointed, i really hoped BIS would fix the sound problems, as these are the biggest atmosphere killers for me. Â
  3. Locke@Germany

    Armed Assault weapon ballistics

    Kinetic energy of bullets has relation with bullets speed. But bullets in ArmA loose its kinetic energy over distance without loosing their speed? I know that BIS has told us that there would be "kinetic energy" but you can easily try it out yourself, i've made a little addon i used for testing. It's simply a soldier with a little script that attaches a camera to the bullet's he fires and gives you the speed of the bullet in m/s and distance from shooter. As you can see, if you try the Addon or already made some similar experiments youself, the bullets don't decelerate, if the flightpath is clear it fly's for 3 sec. with it's v0 and then diapears, i haven't tryed if the timetolive value works for bullets or if it's still hardcoded for simulation = "shotBullet"; like it was in OFP. Locke Test Soldier - Rapidshare Locke Test Soldier - MegaUploads
  4. Locke@Germany

    Armed Assault weapon ballistics

    When comparing OFP's and ArmA's ballistic the only differences i can see are the richochet's and the slight change in trajectory when a bullet has passed through an object. There is no wind that influences long range shoots. Bullets don't loose speed over distance, they don't even loose speed when penetrating an object or richochet of the ground. Apart from the slight change in bullet trajectory the penetration system seem's to be the same as in OFP, objects either let a bullet pass or not, regardless of caliber, material thickness or bullet speed. Â I would have atleast expected that bullet's loose speed over distance, but seeing how little has changed in the physic's department i don't expect any miracles to happen with the next patches. Locke.
  5. Locke@Germany

    Weapons Config Bug

    Hi, there seems to be a problem in ArmA (V1.01 and V1.02) regarding the weapon configs. If the weapon has multiple firing modes like Single,Burst & Full Auto the reloadtime set in the first firing mode is also used in all other modes. Regardles if there is an entry reloadtime defined for the other modes. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Locke_TestM16 : Rifle { scope = 2; value = 0; model = "\ca\weapons\m16_proxy"; optics = 1; displayName = "Test Weapon"; picture = "\CA\weapons\data\equip\w_m16_ca.paa"; UiPicture = "\CA\weapons\data\Ico\i_regular_CA.paa"; drySound[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\M16_cock_v1", 0.000316228, 1}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\M16_reload_v1", 0.01, 1}; magazines[] = {"Locke_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"}; modes[] = {"Locke_Single","Locke_Burst","Locke_FullAuto"}; class Locke_Single : Locke_Mode_SemiAuto { sound[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\AK74_1_SS_A", 10.0, 1}; reloadTime = 0.1; // this is used for all other firing modes, but why ? recoil = "AK74Recoil"; recoilProne = "AK74Recoil"; dispersion = 0.0025; minRange = 2; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 250; midRangeProbab = 0.7; maxRange = 400; maxRangeProbab = 0.04; }; class Locke_Burst : Locke_Mode_Burst { sound[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\AK74_1_BS_A", 10.0, 1}; reloadTime = 4; // testing only - gets totaly ignored by ArmA ffCount = 3; recoil = "AK74Recoil"; recoilProne = "AK74Recoil"; dispersion = 0.007; minRange = 2; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 60; midRangeProbab = 0.7; maxRange = 100; maxRangeProbab = 0.05; }; class Locke_FullAuto : Locke_Mode_FullAuto { sound[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\AK74_1_SS_A", 10.0, 1}; reloadTime = 8; // testing only - gets totaly ignored by ArmA ffCount = 30; recoil = "AK74Recoil"; recoilProne = "AK74Recoil"; dispersion = 0.005; minRange = 2; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 30; midRangeProbab = 0.7; maxRange = 60; maxRangeProbab = 0.05; }; class Library { libTextDesc = $STR_LIB_M16; }; I've come across this bug while working on a weapons & Sound MOD i intend to release in the near future. While most weapons achieve very high rates of fire when set to fully automatic (normaly ranging from 600 up to 800 rounds per minute) a human being in reality is not able to reproduce those high rates by pressing the trigger repeatedly in single fire mode. While limiting the single mode to around 350-400 rpm i noticed that this also influenced the other firing modes aswell, even if they had a different reloadtime defined in their part of the config and where not based on the single fire mode. Furthermore not only Addons seem to be effected but also the original weapons from the game show this strange bug, just try the minigun on the blachhawk and you will notice that the time it takes to empty the 2000 rounds of ammo is the same (around 12sec.) for both firing modes. I've also made a little test addon to showcase this strange effect, the code-sample is from this test addon. Test Addon Download - MEGAUPLOAD Test Addon Download - Rapidshare Sorry if this has already been reported somewhere but for me this is a new entry in the steady growing list of Bug's in ArmA. Locke.
  6. Locke@Germany

    Weapons Config Bug

    Hi, yes i'am aware of this, but you would be still able to click your mouse button faster than you would be able to sqeeze the trigger of a real gun. The two values in the line sound[]={}; are only representing the volume and pitch the sound effect should be played ingame. In current ArmA it is simply not possible to have multiple firingmodes on a weapon and have different reloadtimes for each of them. You can easily try it for yourself by setting the reloadtime of the Single-Mode on your MP5 to a rather high value like 1 sec. or more for testing and you will see that also the burst and full-auto-mode are using this value, regardless of what sound effect or reloadtime settings are used for the other modes. As i said above a good example is the original M134 Minigun mounted on the UH-60. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class M134 : MGun { scope = 2; displayName = $STR_DN_M134; cursor = "\ca\Weapons\Data\w_weapon_mg"; cursorAim = "\ca\Weapons\Data\w_weapon_mg"; showAimCursorInternal = 1; magazines[] = {"2000Rnd_762x51_M134", "4000Rnd_762x51_M134"}; modes[] = {"LowROF", "HighROF"}; canLock = 0; class LowROF : Mode_FullAuto { displayName = $STR_DN_M134_2000; burst = 5; multiplier = 5; reloadTime = 0.022; sound[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\m134loop4_end", 10.0, 1}; soundContinuous = 0; flash = "gunfire"; flashSize = 0.1; recoil = "Empty"; maxLeadSpeed = 600; aiDispersionCoefX = 5; ffMagnitude = 0.5; ffFrequency = 11; ffCount = 6; dispersion = 0.015; minRange = 1; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 300; midRangeProbab = 0.58; maxRange = 400; maxRangeProbab = 0.04; }; class HighROF : LowROF { displayName = $STR_DN_M134_4000; reloadTime = 0.005; sound[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\m134loop3_end", 10.0, 1}; soundContinuous = 0; showToPlayer = 1; minRange = 1; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 200; midRangeProbab = 0.58; maxRange = 300; maxRangeProbab = 0.04; }; }; While both modes got different sounds and reloadtimes the first reloadtime is used for both modes, resulting in the same ROF for the "HighROF" and "LowROF". This can be tryed by anyone with a clock, just take the time it takes to fire all ammo in both modes and compare them. As for the MP5 i would like to add that a silenced MP5 with retractable stock but without the burst-mode is called a MP5SD3. While BIS calls the weapon ingame MP5SD6 it could be seen as a realism issue that they did not configured it with a 3-Round burst. Source: Heckler & Koch Website Locke.
  7. Locke@Germany

    Total conversion mods, access & prefix

    Hi, having a little problem here. In order to not have a giant modfolder I've been trying to make one big Config.cpp and up till now it worked just like in OFP where most info was stored in the main Config. I can assign new recoils & sounds to weapons just fine but i can't change the rate of fire. The value i set in my main Config has no influence at all, it seems to get overwriten by the default reloadtime that is defined in Weapons.pbo. As if there is no access-restriction at all. Â Comming straight from OFP config editing this doesn't seem right and makes me also believe that there is something wrong with "access=x". Locke. Edit: even after not using the predifined firing modes in my weapon-cfg i'am not able to change the rate of fire. AK-74 in main config: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class AK74 : Rifle { scope = 2; value = 0; dexterity=1.18288; model = "\ca\weapons\AK_74_proxy"; displayName = $STR_DN_AK74; picture = "\CA\weapons\data\equip\w_ak74_ca.paa"; UiPicture = "\CA\weapons\data\Ico\i_regular_CA.paa"; optics = 1; drySound[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\AK47_dry_v1", 0.000316228, 1}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\AK47_fill_v3", 0.00562341, 1}; modes[] = {"Single", "Burst", "FullAuto"}; magazines[] = {"30Rnd_545x39_AK"}; class Single { ammo = "Bullet"; recoil = "Locke_RifleRecoil_AK74"; recoilProne = "Locke_RifleRecoil_AK74"; reloadTime = 0.1; dispersion = 0.00075815; multiplier = 1; burst = 1; autoFire=0; displayName = "Single"; sound[] = {"\Locke_ModernSFX\SmallArms\Fire_Rifle_545x39_AK74.wss", 10.0, 1}; soundContinuous=0; ffCount=1; aiRateOfFire=3.32; aiRateOfFireDistance=500; useAction=0; useActionTitle=""; minRange = 2; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 250; midRangeProbab = 0.7; maxRange = 400; maxRangeProbab = 0.04; showToPlayer = 1; }; class Burst { ammo = "Bullet"; recoil = "Locke_RifleRecoil_AK74"; recoilProne = "Locke_RifleRecoil_AK74"; reloadTime = 2.0; Â Â //Testing dispersion = 0.00112577; multiplier = 1; burst = 3; autoFire=0; displayName = "Burst"; sound[] = {"\Locke_ModernSFX\SmallArms\Fire_Rifle_545x39_AK74_Burst.wss", 10.0, 1}; soundContinuous=0; ffCount = 3; aiRateOfFire=5.000000; aiRateOfFireDistance=500; useAction=0; useActionTitle=""; minRange = 2; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 60; midRangeProbab = 0.7; maxRange = 100; maxRangeProbab = 0.05; showToPlayer = 0; }; class FullAuto { ammo = "Bullet"; recoil = "Locke_RifleRecoil_AK74"; recoilProne = "Locke_RifleRecoil_AK74"; reloadTime = 2.0; Â //Testing dispersion = 0.00225154; multiplier = 1; burst = 1; autoFire=1; displayName = "Full Auto"; sound[] = {"\Locke_ModernSFX\SmallArms\Fire_Rifle_545x39_AK74.wss", 10.0, 1}; soundContinuous=0; ffCount = 30; aiRateOfFire=0; aiRateOfFireDistance=500; useAction=0; useActionTitle=""; minRange = 2; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 30; midRangeProbab = 0.7; maxRange = 60; maxRangeProbab = 0.05; showToPlayer = 1; }; class Library { libTextDesc = $STR_LIB_AK74; }; }; everything else works as it should without any error-messages when i start the game with my MOD. My Sound-FX is beeing used, my dispersion values and the custom recoils work ,only firingrate seems to be somehow not changeable or being overwriten by something else. Â Maybe i'm thinking too OFP'ish about the Problem. But how can values in the main config that are access=readonlyverified get overwritten by an addon config ?
  8. Locke@Germany

    Identical file's in ArmA PBO's

    the performance impact should be zero ? As i don't have the tools to test i can't say if all these duplicate textures and *.rvmat file's are even used. But if they are used wouldn't this result in a lot of wasted VRAM too and not only wasted Diskspace ? For example: a 3d-Model uses 3 textures A,B and C. Another model uses the textures A,D & E. Let's assume texture D is identical to texture B, just a different name. If these two models are used ingame the VRAM has to load and contain texture A,B,C,D & E instead of A,B,C & E. Wouldn't this result in longer loading times and higher memory consumption ? Locke
  9. Locke@Germany

    Arma bugs

    I think it's only a Config error. In OFP there where two entry's in the Ammo-Class that defined the Tracers. Example: tracerColor[]={0.700000,0.700000,0.500000,0.040000}; tracerColorR[]={0,0,0,0}; The second one was being used when tracer's where switched off. Â Wanna bet these two lines (if still there) contain the same values in ArmA. So to answer your question: either wait for an official patch or use the do it yourself method and change the config.bin. If the syntax is still the same as in OFP you just need to change the tracerColorR entry. btw: I can't believe such thing's (and many others) where not recognized while beta testing the game ( Somehow i'm beginning to doubt if it was tested at all) Locke.
  10. Locke@Germany

    Arma sound: question ..

    ArmA release is more and more becomming a big disapointment. Makes me sad and angry to read about bugs in ArmA that i know from OFP for years.
  11. Locke@Germany

    Arma bugs

    Bullet's still don't loose speed over distance ? Makes me wonder how a bullet in ArmA looses it's kinetic energy. Locke.
  12. Locke@Germany

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Hi, just saw the four small clip's and instantly fell in love with the swimming possibility  . However the building destruction could be improved alot, i remember the old Comanche series of Arcade-Helo-Games from Novalogic and Delta Force had something wich looked quite good for the time it was released. If i remeber correctly the building started to collaps more slowly and there was alot of smoke and dust, so you couldn't see that the building actually was slowly sinking into the ground and was then replaced with some destructed model. In comparision to this the destruction-sequence of the building in the video seem's much to fast, as if it had no mass at all. While not really great it's still a very huge gameplay improvement over OFP. Hope the AI will also be able to use this to their advantage, meaning: If an enemy (squad) is hidden in a building ,the building itself does not represent any tactical important installation and heavy weapons that could destroy the building are available, instead of cleaning the building room by room they just destroy the whole building. Bye, Locke.
  13. Locke@Germany

    Mi - 8 pack v 1.0 relased

    AFAIK they are allready binarized.
  14. Dowload Links: ----------------- OFP Animation MOD Version 0.54 Beta Fixed Some other Pics: Pic Pic Pic Pic OFP Animation Enchacement Final Features -------------------------------------------- Main Goal off this little MOD is to add much more freedom to the players movement and thus increasing Operation Flashpoints playability to a level never reached before. This already includes: --------------------------- - Leaning from Standing and Crouching Combat Positions - "Emergency"-Roll in Lying Combat position - Crouched walking with Rifle in hand (early version) Final Version will atleast Include: ----------------------------------- Handguns -------- - Leaning from Standing and Crouching Handgun Positions - Crouched walking AT Weapons ---------- - firing of AT Weapons (LAW's,RPG's etc.) from standing or lying position - Leaning* with AT Weapons from crouched position (will be more difficulty to aim from this position) - Walking in all directions - reloading in crouched or lying position *maybe a standing Lean to spot around obstacles without being able to fire Handgrenades ------------ - throw grenades around corners Also there will be various bugfixes (interpolations,spotability etc...) and further optimizations included, for further info on these make sure you read the Readme.txt of any new version that get's released or from time to come here and have a look at the newest development. maybe i've forgot something ... ------------------------------------------------------------ This is an Addon made by OFP-Fans for their own enjoyment and of course for all others too ! So if you feel that i've left out something that would be very important to add it to the Features-list here then don't just sit around, ASAP come here or PM me and make your thought's public !!! This also counts if you might be able and willing to add something of your own to this project (animation skills, knowledge or just a good idea). Â
  15. Locke@Germany

    Shadows of the Motherland

    Hi, nice campaign so far. But it seems i've got some problems in the "Last Stand" - Mission, orders are simple: defend the evac zone until all NATO personal has left the island... . I've fought of the first wave and began retreating to the minefield, under heavy fire from advancing enemy units i made my way down to Modrava. Once reaching the outer limits of the city i'm getting told that there are only 10 minutes left until the last evac leaves, shortly before i reach the evac-zone another message tells me that i should go to the evac-zone now or it would be too late. Â But once i've reached that spot i can wait for ever and no damn chopper comes to pick me up, there's also no other message that it is already to late and they left without me, i could just wait there forever. Â Â
  16. Locke@Germany


    Thanks for this great surprise.
  17. Locke@Germany


    I've found a update released on 8th of November on OFP-Center.de Translation: Hadn't the time to try it out as those 35 megs are quite much for my 56k. SEF HMMWV Patch Download
  18. Locke@Germany

    Jon Doe

    Thanks, that was the info i was looking for. Â
  19. Locke@Germany

    Jon Doe

    Hello, i just stumbled across Offtime's Nogova Police addon, created from the john doe model. But i can't seem to find a working link  Has anyone a working link for the addon, both links mentioned earlier in this thread are not working for me. Thanks in advance, Locke@Germany
  20. Locke@Germany

    NIMOD Dynamic Weather

    It is. Your proposal has been noted and carried into action. This is now fixed but fixed version isn't yet downloadable . Be patient, it will come out. Also the fog vision block is under work. Sand storm is also under decision and developement. Great to hear that. and thanks for the quick fix I can't imagine OFP anymore without your great clouds enabled.
  21. Locke@Germany

    NIMOD Dynamic Weather

    The fog seems to be created on the actual hight of the player ? What i'am after would be fog that more keeps close to the groundlevel, only covering the lower regions of an island. Maybe you could give a maximum hight for the fog particles that are being created .
  22. Locke@Germany

    NIMOD Dynamic Weather

    Â great addon spend at least one hour only flying over Nogova and watching the clouds. Â Also the falling leaves make for a really grat scenario on Autumn Nogova Thanks for your hard work.
  23. Locke@Germany

    VME Release !

    Hi, make sure that you have the latest version of JAM Magazines, seems to me that you have V2. JAM Magazines V3
  24. Locke@Germany

    OFP Animation Enhancement V0.5

    Hello. Sorry for the lack of updates recently. But even now i don't got much time on my hands. I'm still working on the AT anims, progress is relativly slow in the last time as i'am working also on some other stuff . Btw. thanks for all the possitive feedback Locke. Â
  25. Locke@Germany

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    Finaly had the time to try em out. Well they are really great looking weapons , but what seems to be a bit forgotten is the realism in this weaponspack. I mean almost every weapon including the MP-5's has got an Initspeed of about 2200 m/s Also on some of the models, parts of the scope or other weaponparts are disapearing behind the muzzle-flash.