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  1. Laitex

    Sound addon, who made it?

    OFP2 supports script so that my fullauto sound technique will be available both in OFP and OFP2. But I hope OFP2 should support "realistic" fullauto sound with hard coded. Because "realistic" fullauto sound with the aid of script consumes more resources than hard coded. I am not sure how much does it consume PC resources, but my 1GHz machine gets severe if many units equiped with my "realistic" fullauto sound start shooting at the same time. This is because everytime you shoot, an invisible fragment is produced upon the unit and it is forced to "say" firing sound. Anyway I will soon exhibit the format of my "realistic" fullauto sound system so that you can implement it against your addons easily
  2. Laitex

    Sound addon, who made it?

    I guess you talking about "~0.09" in BMP2_Cannon30.sqs? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> #HE ? _this select 1 != "Cannon30HE" : Exit [_this select 0] exec "\SoundBIS\scripts\BMP2_Cannon30_singleShot.sqs" ~0.09 [_this select 0] exec "\SoundBIS\scripts\BMP2_Cannon30_singleShot.sqs" Exit I put "~0.09" here because BMP2 consumes two bullets in 0.18 second. You can find following definistion in bmp2.pbo. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">multiplier=2; reloadTime=0.180000; And "BMP2_Cannon30_singleShot.sqs" generates single shot sound. Here I call this script twice with an interval 0.09 seconds in accordance with the definition of BIS BMP2. I am not familier with actual Russian Army, I am not sure this rate of fire is correct or not. Sorry, I am not familier with "wgl" projects. It seems "wgl" also adds event handler against m2a1/bmp2 and my "SoundBIS.pbo" overwrites it. If you restore the previous version 1.61, you can see "wgl" effect again. As you said, 1.7beta is "just" the Reallistic Fullauto sounds. M2A1, BMP2, Vulcan and Kamov is changed in this version. Conversely, I can change ONLY M2A1, BMP2, Vulcan and Kamoc from the restriction config.bin. If you want to apply the "Realistic Fullauto sounds" to all BIS addons, you have to change original BIS config.bin but it would introduce "cheat" warning in mp. But my purpose in this  version 1.7beta is to test the new architecture the "Realistic Fullauto sounds" and open its result and architecture to the public. I hope some projects which change config.bin, such as "wgl", "INQ", "DR" and "ECP", of course including countless addon/mod-makers, show interest in this project. What really takes advantage of this "Realistic Fullauto sounds" is not my sound packs but them.
  3. Laitex

    Sound addon, who made it?

    I'd like to tell you the new fullauto sound techniques. Following wave form shows what you hear in default fullauto mode. Sample sound Each color corresponds to each shot. Look at <span style='color:lime'>green</span> and <span style='color:blue'>blue</span> wave forms. Both sounds are halt as soon as next shot starts. This spec brings quite artificial fullauto sounds. And here is my solution to this problem. Sample sound I built the new fullauto sound technique with the aid of script. In this new technique, you can see the <span style='color:lime'>green</span> and <span style='color:blue'>blue</span> wave forms invade next shots to some extent. And as a result, this brings very natual fullauto sounds. Above is one of my new fullauto sound techniques. I named it Type Single Shot. But I also have engaged another technique; Type Loop. Some BIS addons, Shilka, Vulcan, M2gun, various machine guns play wave files cyclically. Here is an example. Sample Sound As you can see, one wave file which begins from <span style='color:lime'>green</span> and ends to <span style='color:red'>red</span> is played cyclically. Is there any problem in this default loop sound? Yes. Firstly, look at the end of this sound. It always stops at the red part. In this default loop sound, whenever you stops firing, the wave file is kept playing until it gets to the end. If you brought too long wave files, your addon would often kept playing firing sounds though you'd stop firing. This is why you addon maker must have chosen short wave files for loop sounds. Secondary, default loop sound system can only specify a body sound. In actual fields, you will hear reverb and echo sounds after you stops firing, but default loop sound system cannot specy this reverb sounds. I have just thought of introducing reverb sounds to the defaul loop sound system...and Here is my solution to the default loop sound problems with the aid of script. Sample Sound Please notice two points which I have told. Firstly, body part, which is shown as "LOOP PART" in this picture, becomes quite long. But it does not necessarily keep playing until it gets to the end. In this picture, it stops at the half of it (The point it stops is not red). In this new technique, the body part stops as soon as you stop firing. Addon makers need not edit loop sound sources as short as possible. Secondary, look at the end part of the picture. When you stop firing, "<span style='color:blue'>END PART</span>" is played. This is the reverb part. In this new technique, you can specify two wave files; body part(LOOP PART) and this reverb part(END PART) newly. I have applied Type Single Shot against M2A2(25mmHE), BMP2(30mmHE&AP) and Kamov(30mmHE&AP) and Type Loop against Vulcan(20mm canon). Here is the link to the new version 1.7beta -> Download If you have any trouble, you can easily restore previous version 1.61 -> Download This new technique seems to require a little bit PC resources because it is mainly coded by script. 1 GHz or faster may be the border of this technique. Anyway if I get enough feedbacks concerning this technique, I will open specifications for addon makers to be able to implant this new techniques easily in their addons.
  4. Laitex

    Sound addon, who made it?

    I am the creator of "SoundBIS.pbo" and it has nothing to do with "Bohemia Interactive Studio". http://battlefieldinsane.soundvault.net http://svd.s20.xrea.com/ First, my apologies to all for bringing confusion to this community. I am an administrator of "Battlefiled Insane Soundpack" project. The 2nd sound pack which was introduced in this forum was named "SoundBIS.pbo" after the project name "Battlefield Insane Soundpack", not after "Bohemia Interactive Studio". I should have named it not "BIS" but "BISP" . Please let me introduce my sound projects. As you visit my site, you can find two major projects: Basic Sound Project and Resistance Sound Project. The former project just replaces "Sound.pbo". Most basic OFP sounds would be replaced. And the latter project, often discussed in this forum, focuses upon the sounds which were added mainly in OFP:R. Not only many sounds are replaced but also new features are introduced  in Resistance Sound Project; new sounds which are driven by event handlers are added. Here is a list of it: *(Apr 14th) I released new Resistance Sound Project which version is 1.7 beta. I put "beta" because this new version contains very challenging ideas; Reallistic Fullauto Sounds. Details are introduced in my site, so I'd like to tell you what it is like. Many sound modeler have complaints about fullauto sounds of OFP. When you fire in fullauto mode, previous firing sound just dissapears as soon as you fire next bullet. Hearing is believing. Here is a example of firing sounds from famous addon "MG42". MG42 : Normal Fullauto Sound Can you feel it's natural sound? No, I can't! Then I just try to make more natual fullauto sound system which is based on scripts. And here is my new fullauto sound. MG42 : New Fullauto Sound I have just implanted this new technique to Resistance Sound Project and M2A2, BMP2, V-80(Kamov), Vulcan's canon sounds are enhanced. Please visit my site, you can compare the sounds before and after this new technique. I am also looking forward to hearing feedbacks about this new technique. I have already received some feedbacks which claim that "mission addons ......." message appears in a few missions when you fire M2A2, BMP2, V-80, Vulcan in which new fullauto sound technique is implanted. I also want to know whether this techniqe is available in multiplay; whether you can fire properly and whether you can hear propperly when other guys fire. I am not sure whether this new fullauto sound technique is available in OFP. Anyway I believe that this new technique has influence upon OFP2. This is why I have released this new technique to the public.
  5. Laitex

    Small tip for radeon users

    I guess Radeon gives vivid graphics , but not sure about latest card.
  6. Laitex

    Class cfgsfx

    In the config.cpp, you can find "class CfgSFX". It defines environmental sounds, e.g. crickets, birds and so on. Here is example of "class CfgSFX". </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// sfxfile, vol, frq, probab, min_delay, mid_delay, max_delay sounds[]={sound1, sound2}; name = $STR_CFG_SFX_CA_M16; sound1[]={"weapons\M16single", db-20,1, 0.5, 0,2,5}; sound2[]={"weapons\M16burst", db-20,1, 0.4, 0,1,10}; empty[]= {, , , , 1 , 5, 20};<span id='postcolor'> What are "min_delay", "mid_delay" and "max_delay" defining? And what is empty[]? Is there any relation between "delay" and empty[]?
  7. Hi all, Do you know how to use "class CfgSFX" in Description.ext? I searched around the net, but can't find examples how to use CfgSFX in Description.ext. I want to add arbitrary enviromental sound (e.g. new insect's sounds) to missions by defining "class CfgSFX". Because "class CfgRadio" or "class CfgSounds" cannot put sounds to arbitrary point on the map or cannot play back again and again.
  8. Thanks all. I have just applied what you tell to my add-on. Download it here. Light Armaments Project Revision 1.3 This add-on adds emergency ejection sounds to A-10(LGB), CH47D, OH58, Kamov(Ka-50). Just eject from the cargo of CH47D. In addition to ejection sounds, this add-on also change other sounds. You can get details at comments, and downloads page. Thanks all again! My Webpage
  9. OFP:R has Ka-50(V-80). Of cource I will change Ka-50 ejection sound. I hear that Ka-50 blows up propellers when emergency ejection. And thanks.
  10. I'm sorry to say that I forgot about choppers. Choppers can fly though its speed is equal to 0. To detect whether he jumps from the chopper, we have to examine chopper's height. In the last discussion, we can detect speed easily( "Speed" command ), but there is no direct detecition of height. How can we know whether chopper is in the air or on the ground?
  11. Thanks. "cargo" is correct.
  12. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Rastavovich @ Jan. 19 2003,00:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">_this select 1 is the position that was left, in your case "DRIVER"<span id='postcolor'> I am sorry, can I ask one more thing? _this select 1 in "getout" means the position of vehicle. Is it string? for example "driver", "gunner", and what about the position of cargo? "back"?
  13. > Is there any way to specify ejecting pilot, not the vehicle? I found that _this select 2 is ejecting pilot. Thanks guys.
  14. We may be able to use "Say" command instead of "vehicleRadio". We let "ejecting pilot" to "Say"(play) the emergency ejection sound (defined in class CfgSounds). > _this select 0 is allways the vehicle itself on eventhandlers. Hmmm... Is there any way to specify ejecting pilot, not the vehicle? If we can, following script is just o.k. class EventHandlers { getout="ejectingPilot Say ""EjectSound"""; };
  15. Thanks! It seems to work good. But it also seems there is still some problem. Look, I write config.cpp as follows. I define "getout" and "getin". When you get out or get in, vehicleRadio "EjectSound" should be played. But actually, the sound was played only when I "getin" to the plane, and not when I "getout". I am not sure, but "vehicleRadio" is played only when you are in vehicle, isn't it? This is why "getin" sound is played, but "getout" sound is not played? (Because after I get out, I AM outside of the plane.) I want to play emergency ejection sound when you eject from the plane, that is to say sound should be palyed outside also. Is there any idea? class EventHandlers { getout="_this select 0 vehicleRadio ""EjectSound"""; getin="_this select 0 vehicleRadio ""EjectSound"""; }; class CfgRadio { class EjectSound { sound[]={"\Fighter\emergencyEjection.wss","db+10",1}; name="EjectSound"; title=""; };