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About LancerEvoX

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. LancerEvoX

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    i think i found my cause... i forgot i installed llaumax-h2o.exe before i used the dll.... not sure how to remove it so im gonna end up reinstalling. reinstalling fresh didn't help =/
  2. LancerEvoX

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    i have a radeon 9600, and everythign works except for water reflection... spent the last few hours trying to tweak it but no luck
  3. i started reinstalling OFP... and i was wondering because i saw someone converted Ghost Recon units to OFP, but now i can't find it. if someone has the link, or can send it to me, i would greatly appreciate it. Also, are there any RTS maps for 1.46?
  4. LancerEvoX

    Site found with 3d models

    I have somewhat no prob loading those models to Milkshape3d. I tried exporting it as another file and O2 would not load it.
  5. LancerEvoX

    Site found with 3d models

    Wuts going on with that APC he was working on? It seemed to drop off the radar. Man i can't wait to start driving those APCs.
  6. LancerEvoX

    Site found with 3d models

    I'm talking bout hte APC and Dropship... I wanna see them in OFP
  7. I found a site where the guy has made very nice models of very popular things, like the aliens apc. Go here to look: http://members.ozemail.com.au/~dproc/index.htm
  8. LancerEvoX

    Mreq: opfor models

    Yes i have half life, but it would be cooler to see half life units in real life situation. And besides, someone made a Half Life Gordon Freeman model.
  9. LancerEvoX

    Mreq: opfor models

    Can someone convert and add to Operation Flashpoint those Hi-Def Grunts from Half-Life Opposing Force? I would like to see them in the Operation Flashpoint game. For stats, give them like Nightvision and added bonuse to Armor for the PCV they wear (powered combat vest). For anyone doing this, i will appreciate it greatly.
  10. LancerEvoX

    Colonial marines mod

    i know its off-topic, but that would be cool, to see a real mod or TC for tribes 2, let alone a Colonial Marines based one.
  11. LancerEvoX

    Colonial marines mod

    It was mentioned a few times wehn the topic of what happened to the aliens APC. Its hasn't been BUMPED... so i don't know whats going on. But i would love to see Colonial marines based mods. I'm all for it.
  12. LancerEvoX


    i'm requesting for colonial marine models. i really dont care if they use the current guns that are available to ofp, i just want some colonial marines in the game. some pics of the colonial marines are found in another topic... (warning: might take a lil bit to load cuz of the pics) http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....4;st=10
  13. LancerEvoX

    Alien/futuristic looking vehicles.

    i mean just colonial marines, using standard guns. only add flashlight, nv goggles, and give them more protection due to the armor they wear. just for a basic model, then ppl can add new gun modes and use the model afterwards.
  14. LancerEvoX

    Alien/futuristic looking vehicles.

    i think the colonial marines would be pretty darn cool for ofp. i wuz gonna request that model, but lets see what happens.
  15. LancerEvoX

    Alien/futuristic looking vehicles.

    geez, i can't wait for the APC to be released. the long suspense is driving me insane. NZXSHADOWS give us an update on ur progress...