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About Lipton@VS

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  1. Lipton@VS

    I need help!

    Oh... And the server doesnt crash... thought the playing peeps think so... u know... as all of them get disconnected "at once"...
  2. Lipton@VS

    I need help!

    Hi... again... I run it on a 2.0 Ghz P4, 512 Mb Rdram, 10Mbit conn... Win Xp... Tcp/ip... 10/100 3com nwcard... The symptoms are: Sometimes, very randomly, or so it seems... the server wont let people using GS Ingame browser (Or reg GS) join... and sometimes it kicks all but some users... Sometimes even all users... and then they cant get back on, if they are not using direct. This is VERY disturbing as the server is oftfull, we are running a clan, and that i have such a god line... so... I need any help i can get... maybe it's my router anyways...? Do i need to set up a static route? And how do i do it? Does this info help?
  3. Lipton@VS

    I need help!

    Hi... I run a ded OFP-R server and sometimes people cant connect (Mostly via Gamespy Ingame? Browser) and server even kicks people randomly... I have a netgear router with the ports 2302-2304 opened, I have tried to open the Ports that Gamespy uses too, but that doesnt help a bit... PLEASE help me... This is ruining for all the players... And me... I have read the whole forum looking for answers, but without Luck... Tnx in advance, Lipton
  4. Lipton@VS

    Ded server help!

    I run a Resistance dedicated server on a PIII 1Ghz, 512Mb Ram, 10Mbit internet connection. I have a router with the correct ports opened. The problem: Sometimes people have trouble connecting to it. Not allways, that's what gets to my head... And I have no clue of what the trouble is... Should i have a static route set? Or something else i might have overlooked...? Plz help me!
  5. Our server (oo7Vetserver) was taken "hostage" some days ago by a voted admin... who infakt voted himself... And oo7Vet wasnt near so he couldnt shut it down... That could do for a nice scenario... Otherwise i think the new netcode runs smooth as silk... Close to anyways... Looking forward to Res. :D:D