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About Legion5

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Legion5

    Whats up guys, check out my work

    Yes they are all on computer. I could never do textures and bump maping like that(mainley because I do meshes and have somone els do the textures usulay but eventualy I will get around to dooing them myself). Any ways those are realy good. The first and last ones give ti away though. You didnt antiallias them or work on the lighting I take it but those are good for quick renders!
  2. Legion5

    Some units that would be intresting in resistance

    yes I know TANKS dont have them (I meant the AA ones). The EA-6B is a ground atack plane its just has a spetialized mission. If you would notice I put the EA-6B at the bottom of this list almost meaning Its probably the most pointless unit that would be in there. The SA-6 is fairly cheep to manufacture and you would expect to see it on an island near nato. Harriers would be very usfull scince they are mainley for the marines and make good gound support planes. Perhaps in a jungel camo or somthing. The assult ship would be cool for a mission but prety useless. BTW the marine version already has all these units so all that BSI would have to do would be to port them over or include them in a patch so we could use them in Mission Editor.
  3. Legion5

    Some units that would be intresting in resistance

    The EA-6B would be used to jam tank radars to give you an advantage vs the enemy. It also can be outfited to be a ground assult plane. The SA-6 would be used for credibel AA. Shilkas just arent enough to be a threat and that mission where u had to take out 3 of them was a joke because when I fly my planes I almost never get hit by their AA and usualy take them out. The SA-6 would make missions like that more relistic.
  4. Legion5

    Some units that would be intresting in resistance

    well most of those things are prety much usless in game but the main thing that would be important would be the inflatabel raft for the pilots. The second would the mortar. Third the harrier. Fourth the assult ship. Fifth the EA-6B and lastly the SA-6 SAM. these would all be cool aditions to the game and would enhance SP ME and MP
  5. Legion5

    Addon requests.

    Boats: Aircraft carrier Assult ship(aircraft carrier isnt that realistic but assult ship is) [you know how it looks] Life raft (for pilot eject with padel so I dont die in the watter pilot only) ACLC(would be cool impractical) Aircraft: C-130 Herculese(here is what I have in  mind) AV8B Harrier II (they already have the model for the marine version) F-16 (The US has tons of them stationed everywhere, besides dogfights would be cool) EA-6B Prowler (it looks so cool and its secondary config is a carrier or large assult ship based ground atack plane) Vehicels: M2 Bradley IFV(self explanitory, the version with the side mounted M-16's is missing from the game) SA-6 GAINFUL Surface to Air Missile(A-10 this!) Weapons: M82A1 Special Application Scoped Rifle(meet MY sniper rifel! ) Shoulder-Launched Assault Weapon (SAW) (ive got a present for ya IVAN! ) M224 60mm Lightweight Mortar (and the game said it had mortar infantry )
  6. Legion5

    Some units that would be intresting in resistance

    YES! Well the carrier would probably not be patroling off the coast of (i think its called dunmberg or somthing) but maybey kokuchev(yes that is spelt wrong 2). Hmm amphibiouse assult ships u say  (sorry that is what I meant in the first place they do look suprisingly alike) If im not mistaken there are sevral NATO military bases on the other 2 islands and maybey it could be on tis way to refule and just in range. Any ways here is the revised list of units that would be cool: Boats: Aircraft carrier Assult ship(aircraft carrier isnt that realistic but assult ship is) [you know how it looks] Life raft (for pilot eject with padel so I dont die in the watter pilot only) ACLC(would be cool impractical) Aircraft: C-130 Herculese(here is what I have in mind) AV8B Harrier II (they already have the model for the marine version) F-16 (The US has tons of them stationed everywhere, besides dogfights would be cool) EA-6B Prowler (it looks so cool and its secondary config is a carrier or large assult ship based ground atack plane) Vehicels: M2 Bradley IFV(self explanitory, the version with the side mounted M-16's is missing from the game) SA-6 GAINFUL Surface to Air Missile(A-10 this!) Weapons: M82A1 Special Application Scoped Rifle(meet MY sniper rifel! ) Shoulder-Launched Assault Weapon (SAW) (ive got a present for ya IVAN! ) M224 60mm Lightweight Mortar (and the game said it had mortar infantry ) RPK RPG-7V RPD T-62M's (sorry hard to find pics of these)
  7. Legion5

    Some units that would be intresting in resistance

    bump carriers r cool
  8. Legion5

    I kno it been said b4 but.....

    well the resistance should have a knife as small arm wouldnt mind it. The damage models do need to be improved though espetialy when a 60 ton tank goin 80 down a hill crashes into a building a bounced back, ya thats realistic. Also when i hit the gound with my wings i want my wings to break off not the damage model automaticaly aplied and my engins mangeled.
  9. Legion5

    Realism of tanks...

    well it wouldnt kill BSI to improve the tank AI and make the damage and armor models a 'littel' more realistic. Just make the tank spacing a bit wider make the shock after a hit a bit longer and make the tank engins a bit more powerfull, that easy.
  10. Legion5

    Some units that would be intresting in resistance

    well as I said before the carrier would be a cool last mission where the resistance has to steal a helicopter and contact a Nato carrier that hariers and other planes on it. The mission would go like this. You start out in a tent and your comander tells you that they have just heard that a US carrier will be patroling near here and that they need to contact them so that they can help them. Your mission is to get the the carrier with an aircraft radio it so your not shot down and then land on it and tell the captain of what has been hapening on islands and what the russians have been dooing This would just be a cool unit and i think they already have the model for it in the marine training version so it wouldnt be that hard.
  11. Legion5

    Several important issues 4 bohemia

    in real life if u try to swim with 200 pounds of equipment on u would die this is how most of the soldirs in Normady died. Pilots should swim though they have life jackets, I hate it when i eject over water and I die! This shouldnt happen I want a life jacket and an inflatabel rubber boat, oh and a padel
  12. Legion5

    Resistance features

    india has tons of rail roads and it is poor as dirt. the island should have 1 rail road going from 1 end to the other crossing through a lumber factory and a bunch of farms and going to a harbor
  13. Legion5

    Resistance features

    india has tons of rail roads and it is poor as dirt. the island should have 1 rail road going from 1 end to the other crossing through a lumber factory and a bunch of farms and going to a harbor
  14. well with the upcoming resistance XP there are some units that i think would would be cool in resistance. Well first off in one of the earlier american mission u hear them talking bout an aircraft carrier but there is none in game yes the game is set 3 years earlier but this could be part of a mission where you have to steal a boat or helicopter and tell the americans of the atrocites that have been done to your peopel Also the harrier from the marine version would be nice  with a few other like 1 or 2 carrier aircraft. Finaly some civilian building improvments like opening doors and the refiting of those building with just the black in the doors that look uncompleted. Actual destructabel buildings, it always anoyed me how when I crashed my tank goin 80 down a hill into a building and not even a  scorch mark Also there is a lack of women and children but this isnt that obviouse. The game is due in about a month and is probabley in the QA stages or in the last mission stages but this would make a killer patch or a last mission