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Everything posted by Lt_Dan_Sweden

  1. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    C0000005 access_violation

    Hi I run a 1.49 Dedicated succesfully on a laptop. My attempt to start 1.58 on it has failed. I even reinstalled the whole OFP on the Laptop with same error C0000005. (I have ruled out "human error" by getting a Dedic 1.58 to work on my Desktop Computer. ) On the Laptop the Flashpoint.rpt shows ===================================================================== == C:\Program Files\OperationFlashpoint2\OFPMPTest_Server.exe ===================================================================== Exe version: Tue May 21 15:120 2002 file: Game001 world: Intro campaign: battle: mission: ======================================================= Date: 05/23/02 Time: 21:197 ------------------------------------------------------- file: Game001 world: Intro campaign: battle: mission: Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION Version 1.58 Fault address: 00553692 010152692 C:\Program Files\OperationFlashpoint2\OFPMPTest_Server.exe Prev. code bytes: 6C 24 18 C7 45 0C 00 00 00 00 8B 46 08 8B 78 28 Fault code bytes: 8B 9F 00 01 00 00 8B 87 FC 00 00 00 3B D8 8B 76 Registers: EAX:006CC610 EBX:010A6770 ECX:010BBB00 EDX:780EC2E2 ESI:010BBB00 EDI:00000000 CS:EIP:001B:00553692 SS:ESP:0023012F8BC EBP:010A6770 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:0038 GS:0000 Flags:00010202 ======================================================= The Context.bin can be downloaded here The Context.bin file My specs are CPU=PIII 850 Mhz Memory=256 MB Ram Graphic card=ATI Rage Mobilty 128
  2. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Veteran mode

    If you run the dedic on a non-login system like win98 or so, and the install is fresh de default user is /users/default/ or something. Cant rember for sure but it was self excplicatory. If you use a win2000/XP with loginname (say loginname=joe) the default directory will be /users/joe/
  3. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Dedicated server problem

    looks like you have a Dedic already running (from a previous crash?). Press Ctrl+Alt+Del and check out which programs/processes that are active. Kill all named OFP. Then try to start again.
  4. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Dedicated server settings problem

    Yes By looking using SEARCH-utilty i found: See http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....ficulty :-)
  5. Hi I have made a great mission for Multi but it memory leaks. But only on Dedic servers and only during the starting of the game. To specific, memory is calm, when sides are assigned, its calm when Roles (officer, machinegunner etc) are being chosen. Then the mission is sent to all players. Memory increases from 50 to about 90 MEG, then the Briefing screen is seen. Now is when the memory doesnt stop. It keep growing until all ahve pressed green and game is started. When the game is started it stops. I have made two amnual changes in files init.sqs ? side player == resistance : goto "resistance" 1 setradiomsg "null" 2 setradiomsg "null" 3 setradiomsg "null" 4 setradiomsg "null" exit #resistance exit AND DESCRIPTION.EXT respawn=3 respawndelay=60 onLoadMission=$STRD_01 titleParam1 = "TimeLimit:"; valuesParam1[] = { 900, 1800, 2700, 3600}; defValueParam1 = 1800; textsParam1[] = {"15 min","30 min","45 min","60 min"}; TitleParam2 = "TimeZone:"; ValuesParam2[] = {7,1}; DefValueParam2 = 0; TextsParam2[] = {"Morning","Night"}; You can download the whole source code or PBO at http://swec.cjb.net/banor.htm The name is "Advanced ambush" Need help with Beta testings.
  6. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Which flashpoint.cfg settings are needed on dedic?

    BUMP Still would like to know which VIDEO settings have effect on a dedic; if I would like to increase SERVER-performance, with loss of Graphics?
  7. Which of these (see below) are not needed on a machine that will only run Dedic? The reason i want to know is not that i need the 2 kb of space it might save, but it will narrow down the configuration options. Light_Explo="1"; Cloudlets="1"; MaxSizeGuaranteed="512"; Cockpit_Textures="256"; Limit_LOD="0.019"; CPU_Benchmark="1740"; 3D_Performance="1740"; Frame_Rate_Pref="500"; VehShadows="1"; File_Heap="16"; Object_Textures="256"; HW_Type="Direct3D"; MaxObjects="256"; refresh="75"; MaxBandwidth="2000000"; Shadows="1"; Language="English"; Quality_Pref="500"; Resolution_W="1024"; Adapter="0"; MaxSizeNonguaranteed="64"; Texture_Heap="16"; Resolution_Bpp="16"; Resolution_H="768"; Reflections="1"; MaxLights="23"; MaxMsgSend="256"; Sky="1"; Animated_Textures="128"; Light_Missile="1"; Landscape_Textures="128"; Textures_Drop_Down="4"; Shadows_LOD="0.050"; LOD="7.500"; MinBandwidth="768000"; Total_Memory="768 MB"; Light_Static="1"; VoiceOverNet=0;
  8. BIS/Suma, when you are changing the Netcode, why not make it so that a ABCmission.pbo, includes a pointer to the ADDONS needed and let them be downloaded too, if needed for the client? If you don't the players will(already are) be divided in two camps: 1- Those only use oridinal addons from patches and cant play on all servers. Getting kicked/hung/crashed on every other server. Server having ghost players after client crash. 2- Those who give up manageing and controlling the addons, and simply downloads all, and I mean all. This very likely results in a buggy and memory leaking OFP which gets back at you guys... I have 450 missions on dedic server, and I have no idea which mission demand what addon One clan member has above 600 Mbytes in ADDON So please consider and or respond to the suggstion.
  9. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Lan in scandinavia

    Sorry would not be intrested. Why? 1 Most important, the OFP Multi performance, is mainly held back by CPU demand, not bandwith. You would need a P4 3,0 Mhz for every group of 32 players or so, for a good Dedic Server. 2 I have broadband with pings around 13ms and up, when going to servers in Stockholm 3 I have a Dedic at home which i Get 100 MBit to and below 10 ms in ping. 4 Copenhagen(Denmark) is too far from Stockholm for my gaming-budget.
  10. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Suma - multiplayer feature wanted in next release

    Aldega, the list in MISSION.SQS has a list of the Sub-ADDON needed. For exampel. I make a mission which uses KegtOffArtic.pbo. and is listed in the Mission.Sqs. Fine. So now I go look for KegtOffArtic.pbo in the ADDON directory. There is no such PBO??? It's because the KegtOffArtic.pbo is a Sub-ADDON inside an ADDON called KegtKolgevXYZ.PBO that is 4 MEGS. So your solution is not rocksolid, but i good start. My opiniuon is that, yes a newbee, with 56 K trying to play without any addons (needing 20 Megs) would be aproblem. My answer/solution. BIS makes a script that during the download mesures 1 Size of download 2 Estimated time needed to recieve complete package. Of course all Dedic servers should be able to EDIT 1 and 2 according to there capacity and choice. This script combined with a ADDON_needed_log given to players who get kicked/diconnected would be a powerful solution.
  11. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Anyone who plays in mp should read this

    Suggstion: Only people with Game Nick different than Forum nick reports?
  12. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    What is desync and how can we reduce it?

    I think I know the answer... You have too low MaxMessgSend Try 256 and see if desync dissapear. Read this http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....;t=8959 256 seen abit high for me,but I have a P3 850 as server. I use 196 now. If I use 64 and play a Close combat CTF in City, it desyncs badly.
  13. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Which flashpoint.cfg settings are needed on dedic?

    According to http://www.3dap.com/flashpoint/deddyinfo.htm#15 you should * Parameter "hostname" added to dedicated server config. Usage: hostname = "The best server"; This phrase apears in session description instead of IP address Haven't tried it. What I do. I open the OFP/BIN/String.csv And search for the line "Dedicated Server" and replace it with what I want. Mine says, "Get ADDON www.com Clanname Server"
  14. I found the solution in the Artillery Final script. To make the Flare work write ?(muntype =="125"):impact="Flare" camcreate [_x,_y,(_z+100)];mun125=mun125 -1 In other words exchange the fix nr 20 to (_z+100) It really Awesome on a night mission!!!
  15. Great work Goette. I love the ADDON. It has passed many month since you released it but I still think this is the best ADDON of all!!! It works great in 1,46. I have question: previous post you wrote "change this line in arti.sqs ?(muntype =="125"):impact="Heat125" camcreate [_x,_y,_z];mun125=mun125 -1 to this ?(muntype =="125"):impact="Flare" camcreate [_x,_y,20];mun125=mun125 -1 then u have Flares instead of Heat125" I have done that and the effect is an Illumnating Cartridge. Not a flare. That is good for seeing where the impact is, but if i want a Flare that lights up the battlefield for 10 secs during a night mission? Is it possible? If yes, How?
  16. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Maxmsgsend=256 then open ports = 256?

    Hi I would like to understand MaxMsgSend? One explanation: In a Dedic_Setup.rtf made by Radishville Quote "MaxMsgSend=; Maximum number of messages that can be sent in one simulation cycle. Increasing this value can decrease lag on high upload bandwidth servers. Default: 26 " End quote From Codemasters http://www.codemasters.com/support/faqs.php?gameid=14 "Problem: What ports need to be opened in a firewall to play online? Solution: Direct X will need port 47624 or 6073 tcp both outgoing and incoming 2300-2400 tcp both incoming and outgoing 2300-2400 udp both incoming and outgoing Operation Flashpoint needs 2234 tcp both incoming and outgoing" This got me thinking... hmmm... Now the question: Do I need to open 256 ports if i use MaxMsgSend=256?
  17. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Which flashpoint.cfg settings are needed on dedic?

    More info: the VoiceOverNet=0; doesn't work as a server setting, seems to be a client setting if it works at all?
  18. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    We need help for multiplayer servers...

    Between 10-18 players dependin on the mission type. If many Choppers and Tanks are present a max is 10. With 5-10 players I have 50 FPS. I have XP on my other computer a 1GHz with 768 of Ram, and there is practially no difference in perfomance. If you have a good connection like i do (pings down to 11 ms from other broadband connections in Sweden) the CPU is the limiting piece. Not the OS version. Go ahead and try before judging.
  19. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    We need help for multiplayer servers...

    Hi Regarding the "You need a Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows XP computer to run an OFP dedicated server. We recommend using at least PIII 800Mhz machine, with 256Mb RAM and a 256kbps upload network bandwidth." I run a dedic succesfully on a Win95 with 850 Mhz and 256 Ram. I love the XP for my regular desktop, but for the dedic I like win95 since it has less over-head. Do not comprise o 256kbps on upload, 1-2 Mbit = top performance, no need for more since OFP dedic doesnt use it. Spend money on CPU instead.
  20. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Maxmsgsend=256 then open ports = 256?

    aha Two more question: 1 So could you simplify by saying: "Too high Maxmsgsend defently will result in Desync above 0"? 2 Can Maxmsgsend be any integer number? (The reason I ask is some peolple are only testing 64,128,196,256 etc numbers that can evenly be divided by 64)
  21. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Which flashpoint.cfg settings are needed on dedic?

    OK i tested the hard way by removing all, and adding setting piece by piece (those the dedic asked for) until it started. Here is the result Needed settings for Dedic in CFG are: 3D_Performance="1740"; Animated_Textures="128"; Cockpit_Textures="256"; File_Heap="16"; HW_Type="Direct3D"; Landscape_Textures="128"; Light_Explo="1"; Light_Missile="1"; Light_Static="1"; Limit_LOD="0.019"; LOD="7.500"; MaxLights="23"; MaxObjects="256"; Object_Textures="256"; Resolution_Bpp="16"; Resolution_H="768"; Resolution_W="1024"; Shadows_LOD="0.050"; Texture_Heap="16"; Textures_Drop_Down="4"; Not Needed are: Adapter="0"; Cloudlets="1"; CPU_Benchmark="1740"; Frame_Rate_Pref="500"; Language="English"; MaxBandwidth="2000000"; MaxMsgSend="256"; MaxSizeGuaranteed="512"; MaxSizeNonguaranteed="64"; MinBandwidth="768000"; Quality_Pref="500"; Reflections="1"; refresh="75"; Shadows="1"; Sky="1"; VehShadows="1"; VoiceOverNet=0; Out of these i belive the following affects the dedic but are optional: MaxBandwidth="2000000"; MaxMsgSend="256"; MaxSizeGuaranteed="512"; MaxSizeNonguaranteed="64"; MinBandwidth="768000"; VoiceOverNet=0; Total_Memory="768 MB"; Now to the list of settings that DONT affect the DEDIC server: Adapter="0"; Cloudlets="1"; CPU_Benchmark="1740"; Frame_Rate_Pref="500"; Language="English"; Quality_Pref="500"; Reflections="1"; refresh="75"; Shadows="1"; Sky="1"; VehShadows="1"; Is this true? Does all the others affect the dedic, or are they just asked fpr by routin, when starting. For example, if i change 3D_Performance will that affect the dedic server? May be you don't know for sure but I welcome a qualified guess.
  22. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Running up the hills

    Wrong! Should be "Cross-hair in upper left corner", in my previous post. hehehe Theory....
  23. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Running up the hills

    What previous poster means is: Sidestepping and pointing the rifle uppwards. In detail: Facing the hill, turn 45 degrees to left. Press E and D at the same time. Then raise your aiming/cross hair to the upper-right corner, if looking in 1st person view. It takes some practise, and the angles are very small, but when you do it right, the player gets a real boost uppwards.
  24. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Server question

    Beside of all the Netcode ports you need to open port 80, since its an XML, to get the logo to work.
  25. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Admin controls:

    I belive its possible, just do the MAPS right ----------------------------------- How to set time limit.(Like official mission) Lucifuge Rofocale Miscellaneous -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At first,you need write "Description.ext" like this. *************************************** TitleParam1 = "TimeLimit:"; ValuesParam1[] = {600,900,1200,1500,1800}; DefValueParam1 = 600; TextsParam1[] = {"10 min","15 min","20 min","25 min","30 min"}; *************************************** then,you can choose time limit when starting game. and put trigger --Type:End #1 --Condition:Time >= Param1 (Command"Time" is reference to how many seconds passed since starting game.) Then,game will end if time comes. This is a beginner course. Now,you can show selectable menu on ServerSetup screen by "Description.ext". and its possible also at Param2. For example,if you want selectable TimeZone menu, write "description.ext" like this. *************************************** TitleParam2 = "TimeZone:"; ValuesParam2[] = {6,12,18}; DefValueParam2 = 2; TextsParam2[] = {"Morning","Noon","Evening"}; *************************************** next, put trigger for init. --Cond:true --OnAct:SkipTime Param2 (Dont forget to set Time of Intel to "00") then,you can choose time zone at ServerSetup screen.