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Everything posted by Lt_Dan_Sweden

  1. Lt_Dan_Sweden


    My experince: The bandwith on a dedic is between 56-130 kbits/s per user. Even if a user has more than 130 to server it doesn't use it, except when downloading missions. If the 12 people connectin have DSL, you could estimate 12*130= 1560 kbits/s plus downloads of maps. Say medium size map is 100 k, twice an hour. The rest is math. Regards Lt_Dan_Sweden
  2. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Hosts file

    hehe Ok we need some more people to tell us if its only me and Zenit who dont make HOSTS.TXT work. All: Start the windows program NOTEPAD write in the folowing IPS Then SAVE as HOSTS.TXT place the file in ..Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\ Start OFPR v 1,75 Press Multiplayer Press LAN/INTERNET so it shows LAN Can you see the servers? Shutdown OFPR. Now open HOSTS.TXT and remove IPS and instead write DNS swecserver.cjb.net wkkserver.cjb.net ofp.die-soeldner.org:2240 SAVE Start OFPR Press Multiplayer Press LAN/INTERNET so it shows LAN Can you see the servers? A short report will do fine: For example IP=works DNS=works Lt_Dan_Sweden
  3. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Hosts file

    Great News. It works!!! But only for 2 secs, then the servers dissapear. There is also one BIG condition to satisfy. The servers written in HOSTS.TXT cannot be numbers anymore. All IPs with numbers ( for example) are ignored by OFPR. You have to get an DNS/Nic for the IP number. Try adding these in your HOSTS.TXT swecserver.cjb.net ofp.die-soeldner.org:2240 wkkserver.cjb.net If you have LAN chosen instead of INTERNET, under MULTIPLAYER. You will se the servers for about 2 secs. then they are removed by the OFPR netcode. There seem to bee an AUTO-Refresh every 20 secs. So just wait a little and they appear again. So maybe its not GREAT news, but its semi-great. BIS, please fix this. Regards Lt_Dan_Sweden
  4. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Server cfg file setup

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Odie3 @ July 31 2002,23:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I was wondering if there was a way to setup the server to default to Cadet. Â <span id='postcolor'> Short answer: To have Cadett always on = Not possible. More info: If you have a limited number of missions you play often, you can add the specific setting for them in the cfg file. And then you can choose cadett for those. Something like this: class Missions // list of missions that will be played in cyclic order { class Mission01 // any mission name here { template = Caen Conflict.Intro; // directory or file name of the mission (without extension pbo) - the mission must be located in directory MPMissions cadetMode = 1; // 0 = difficulty veteran, 1 difficulty cadet param1 = 1200; // sets parameter of the specific mission- see description.ext of the mission param2 = 100; // sets another mission specific paramter }; class Mission02 // any mission name here { template = Reversed 2-20 CTF-Everon.Eden; // directory or file name of the mission (without extension pbo) - the mission must be located in directory MPMissions cadetMode = 1; // 0 = difficulty veteran, 1 difficulty cadet param1 = 1200; // sets parameter of the specific mission- see description.ext of the mission param2 = 5; // sets another mission specific paramter }; Lt_Dan_Sweden
  5. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Technical info on sockets - suma

  6. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Login as admin; maps dissapear

    Hi On my dedic server, both in DirectPlay and SOCKETS, tha maps dissapear if we (yes not only me) use #login XYZSSS as ADMIN tha maps dissaper. But if we us #Vote admin NAMEABC alla the maps are visable. Has any other dedic admin experinced this? Lt_Dan_Sweden
  7. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Version problem

    See this http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin...._sweden Regards Lt_Dan_Sweden
  8. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Version problem

    See this http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin...._sweden Regards Lt_Dan_Sweden
  9. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Need help finding map

    Hi I have mailed you CTF Rock Valley[1].Abel.PBO May differ from what you played? Lt_Dan_Sweden
  10. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    What happened

    Hi All in all, Sockets seems to perfom better than DPLAY. So congrats. There is some stuff to fix although. I run a 1,75 SOCKETS Dedic and can confirm the behaviour of downloads, taking a timeout, and when started they go slower than DPlay did in 1,49-1,0. Worst case scenario, is when i Connect on the LAN, with 100 MBit and still have to wait 30 secs to get 200kB. On top of that, 1,75 CLIENT doesnt save missions in the MPMissions as before, so all players have to download the map over and over again. This really makes the "getting started period" longer than before. I dont know why you did this? People who collect map, can catch them in the TEMP dir anyhow. There is another bug of Ghostplayers. We have had that in Dplay before but this bugg is worse. The Ghost seems to appear more often if the Admin does a #reassign, instead of #missions. But it happens at #missions too. The carachteristic is that the player, drops from a normal ping, say 75ms, to 0 ms. He doesn't get back to Lobby, after the #reassign or #missions. Now comes the bad part. What does the Admin do? Kick of course. Ask him to rejoin( we use sep voice program). But he cant rejoin! Even thou the server has acknoledged the KICK with a response "player abcd has disconnected". There is a ghost left. Non visable. Before, on dplay 1,49-1.0 the player could rejoin and get a nr 2 after his name "player abcd 2" connected. This is not possible any longer. And above that, the maxnumber of real players on the sever, is lowered by one due to the ghost. The only way to get the ghosts away is to restart the server. Due to the above problem, we know have to restart the server every 2-3 hours of play. Or accept that or max nr is lowered (from 15 to 10-12 in our case), and that or regular players cant rejoin. Finally a smaller bug, when logging in #login passw the maps dissapear. This does not happen when admin is VOTED. I have just learned that by klicking OK, they appear again, although its a bug. Dedic SPECS PIII 850 256 RAM Win XP 2 MBit both up and down. Regards Lt_Dan_Sweden
  11. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Login as admin; maps dissapear

    Thanks That was the workaround :-)
  12. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Help with optimized cfg file for ded server

    Hi I have tweaked the Flashpoint.cf and the SERVER.cfg files a lot during 1,46 and earlier. But almost all Server variables where associated with DIRECTPLAY. So if you use SOCKETS I have no advice. Does anyone have a link to techncal info on SOCKETS how it works etc? Regards Lt_Dan_Sweden
  13. Hi I cant create a dedicated server with sockets. If i choose directplay with the line -dplay in my shortcut it starts. As you know the Server Console window read like this normally: Window Header = Operation Flashpoint Console version 1.75 port 2302 Inside window row1= time Dedicated server created Inside window row2= time Server identity created When i try using SOCKETS it goes like this: Window Header = Server Creation Failed: 2302 Inside window row1= time Dedicated server created then it stops, no row2 is created. Yes I have sent a complete report to BIS. Yes it is an orginal software. Yes I have done a complete uninstall, and reinstall of OFP 1.0---1,75 Yes the behaviour is the same when using "../FlashpointResistence.EXE -server" Yes i have made the same software/CD work as a SOCKET server on different Computer with differents specs. My Specs PIII 850 Mhz Ram 256 ATI Rage Mobility OS is Windows 2000 Professional My guess Since this laptop is a work computer, it may be win2000 that has SOCKET disabled? How and where? Regards Lt_Dan_Sweden
  14. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Dedicated 1,75 sockets dont work dplay does

    I have changed OS to XP, and it works. So the conclusion: Win 2000 Professional can be configured to not allow SOCKETS somehow. (RegEdit or other install or removal)
  15. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Addon packs for multiplay

    Great idea; a addon-pack. I started a topic regarding this problem in april or may regarding the problem, suggesting alternative solutions in the "Addon-handling" for the Resistence. Cant find that topic with the louse search tool... I ll get to the point know. I belive you should not base that packet on top-20 voting. I think all addons that pass a QUALITY control should be included; yes even if it means that the pack will be above 250 Mbytes. Two solutions: One file This solution demads that the tha addons be bundled into a single big file. Cons: Wil require huge downloading capacity of server. Money? Bundle Scripting By using a .BAT file or similar, with links with included addons, and locally instaling them would be a solution. Example of Bundlescripting First you have to download manually Army.0, Army.1, Army.2, Army.3 and Army.4 Then you have to run a file ARMY.BAT. It has the following content Copy /b Army.0+Army.1+Army.2+Army.3+Army.4 Army.exe Rename Army.exe ArmyOpsRecon.exe If you could do this process in one-click, via scripting, get all files in list, IF file is *.ZIP the extract file, and after that COPY *.PBO to ADDONS Of course both ideas require a community to do maintain the Script with updates, and verify that links in script work over time, and of course do that strict quality control, maybe with a little help from a community. Sign me up if this becomes a reality, I'm willing to do some work. Lt_Dan_Sweden
  16. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Public master server for ofp:r

    Dedicated is seen through the built in browser. Lt_Dan_Sweden
  17. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Resistance: blurry unreadable text

    Hi i have a Geo2MX and have had same problem, but only if increase the maxview setting to beyond what my hardware supports, 3500m or so, so I stay belove that number and all is cool. Regards Lt_Dan_Sweden
  18. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Resistance:can´t host mp games

    You dont mention anything about firewall, ports and DMZ. You do know that since 1,75 the default port has changed from 2234 to 2302. I have problem hosting SOCKETS, but Direct Play works, so if doing a dedic host, try the -dplay in the shortcut. Reagards Lt_Dan_Sweden
  19. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Resistance does resist!

    Yes I have original game. Yes it crashes, especially in Campiagn. I have 1 GHz 768 RAM Geo2Mx The problem is the memory! 1,46 i could easilly turn off SWAP/PAGE-file (using only real RAM) in XP and use OFP 1,46, plus all other needed programs. Using Resistence 1,75 it sometimes runs out of memory, so my solution, is to turn ON the SWAP again. Its a must to run the campaign. Its a maybe in multiplayer (sometimes yes somtimes no). On the OFPR box is says "Minimum system requirements are equivalent to the original Flashpoint Recommended Specs" Not True according regarding the use of RAM, according to me. Regards Lt_Dan_Sweden
  20. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    1,75 directplay on a 1,49 dedic?

    Thanks. I had heard that this was not possible, but it is. Problem solved. Thanks again. Lt_Dan_Sweden
  21. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    1,75 directplay on a 1,49 dedic?

    Hi I run a 1,49 Dedic for our clan. All are going to uppgrade to resistence, but the shipping times varies widely even within Sweden. We have Caln match scheduled for tomorrow the 3rd of july. Now to my question. I cant connect with 1,75 to the 1,49 dispite change of ports and using Direct Play? Can I change the 1,49 setting to accept 1,75? Can I change 1,75 so I can connect to 1,49? I can understand the business-model reasons why not supporting forward compatibility, with add-ons, but backward? Regards Lt_Dan_Sweden
  22. Lt_Dan_Sweden


    I have exactly the same question in the forum MULTIPLAYER. I have elaborated a little bit more on the questin, please go there. Regards Lt_Dan_Sweden
  23. Lt_Dan_Sweden


    I have exactly the same question in the forum MULTIPLAYER. I have elaborated a little bit more on the questin, please go there. Regards Lt_Dan_Sweden
  24. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    Question for those who run 1.49 servers

    check out http://www.theavonlady.org/theofpfaq/mp/disablevon.htm bur it doesn't work on my 1,49 server. People can still use VON. Regards Lt_Dan_Sweden
  25. Lt_Dan_Sweden

    C0000005 access_violation

    OK have done that. I thought support@ was for non-Beta. I have read the rules now.