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About Lorenzo

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Lorenzo

    Some questions ..

    i'm surprised, i have try : fin=1 (normaly) in the script but i have't do it work ... i go make more tests thanks
  2. hello i have some questions, i put all here : i reach the action (script) for ended an intro (and mission) ... i have try forceEnd but nothing append how i can "put up" a variable from a script to the mission ? i have to define a variable in a external script (.sqs) and i need it for start a trigger in the initialization field ... but it's not the same level and the trigger don't have the variable ... ther'is somebody who use this actions ? </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_cam camSetBank -5 _cam camSetDir 50 _cam camSetDive -50 _cam camSetFovRange [0.1, 0.5]<span id='postcolor'> for me they do nothing i can see ... thank's
  3. hello, i reach a really big tutorial for make intro and movie . my problem is the use of camera thanks
  4. Lorenzo

    "ofp 2" in the futur ?

    hello, "OFP 2" is a futur reality ? bohamia interactive work on it or it's just a project ? thank's
  5. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DV Chris Death @ Mar. 21 2002,18:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I for myself think, it's even an advantage, that he's using french variable names, because so people would know, that all, they can't understand, are variables, and the stuff, they can understand are commands   <span id='postcolor'> DV Chris Death : lol ...... it's facts life ? you're right, normally it's not a big problem LauryThorn : no problem ... i put my script in spanich/english/french forums and i can't make a good translation at each time ... it's long for me to translate .... While i am writing this message i have 2 dictionnaries next me and i look all the time inside .. i have make a little traduction : nom == name garde == protection boucle == ?? actions == actions fin == end ; [name_unit_to_move,name1_unit_to_protected,name2_unit_to_protected,...] exec "move.sqs" .......
  6. Lorenzo

    All in one mission helper

    thank's, it's look good for script i prefer EDITPLUS , it color the script code for make easier editing but it's just a text editor, you need to know script language ....
  7. hello, this is my second script this time i want 1 unit or 1 group of units protect an unlimited amount of units who's scatter on the map and go next the unit who take damage (1 time) .. this is an exemple : p1 is the unit "protector" bb1, bb2, bb3, bb4 is the units to protect ... you put a trigger and in condition you put : getdammage bb1 !=0 OR getdammage bb2 !=0 OR getdammage bb3 !=0 OR getdammage bb4 !=0 in activation you put this : [p1,bb1,bb2,bb3,bb4] exec "move.sqs" don't forget to cut the trigger : no other activation and select "plusieurs fois" .. perhaps "more time" in english ... i'm not sure this is the script in move.sqs ; [nom_unité_a_deplacer,nom_unité1_a_verifier,nom_unité2_a_verifier,...] exec "move.sqs" ;/******************************************************* ;* ;* move.sqs ;* ;*******************************************************/ _nom_garde = _this select 0 _nb = count _this - 1 #boucle _nom = (_this select _nb) ? (getdammage _nom != 0) : goto "actions" _nb = _nb - 1 ? _nb == 0 : goto "fin" goto "boucle" #actions _pos = getpos _nom _nom_garde domove[(_pos select 0)+10,(_pos select 1)+10] #fin -------------------------- it's a simple script but you don't have to put a lot of triggers or waypoint with it .... perhaps someone who's good in mathematique can make a little fonction with sinus and cosinus for place the "protector" align in the right side of the unit who take damage ?? i reach how i can destroy the trigger who don't have utility after the "protector" move ?
  8. yes, it's the first test i have make but i think it's better for ressource processor if they are all in the same group ...... and i have an HUGE amount of trigger an WP in this mission ... i use all who's possible for reduce this amount yes, i have a lot of crash with this ''stupid'' pilotes , for solve this problem i put this in the initialisation field : this flyinheight 129 this flyinheight 126 this flyinheight 123 this flyinheight 120 they fly one on top of the other ...
  9. hello, i don't know how make 4 air unit (ch-64) perfectly in a line trough waypoint (the leader is all the time in front) ... for make an air drop who look good the problem -> the 4 air unit is in a same group, i can't use synchronisation by the waypoint ... perhaps you have a idea ? thank's
  10. thank's, i go test this ! have you got a idea for why it's work when the height is < 130 meters ?? normally when i take a helico i can go : height > 2300 meters ..
  11. hello all, i have a find a ... "bug" !? i put a air unit like a ch-47d or uh-60 and i initialise it with : this FlyInHeight 130 now i put waypoint by default "en marche" and when i test, the air unit can't go trough the waypoint, it turn all around i have test with different height and the problem appear only when the height >=130 meters ...... with different helicopter the problem is the same ..... perhaps this "bug" is know ?? it's possible to by-pass it ? thank's
  12. Lorenzo

    Triggers trigger time

    i think the risk exist .... it's very difficult for know it without a lot of tests on differents configurations ... perhaps after know the limits you can use the command "Benchmark" for fit your mission to the possibility of a configuration !?
  13. i have do it   i'm happy, it's work fine ... thank's to Rastavovich for his help . the script is good and , it's do for make a group or other to airdrop from a plane or helico with a timer between drop. i have seen an other way to do this but it's with a lot of trigger (1 by soldier to drop) i it's not very good for the processor's ressource ... this is it : ; ------------------------------------------ ;[helico,s1,1] exec "para2.sqs" ;helico = nom de l'helico ;s1 = chef du group ou membre du group ;1 = ecart de temps entre chaque larguage ; ------------------------------------------ ;TitleText["trigger parachutage atteint","PLAIN DOWN"] _helico = _this select 0 _chefgroupe = _this select 1 _temps = _this select 2 _tab = Units Group _chefgroupe _nb = Count(_tab) _i=0 #boucle ~_temps _soldat = _tab Select _i _soldat Action ["EJECT",_helico] UnassignVehicle _soldat _i=_i+1 ?(_nb == _i):Goto "fin" Goto "boucle" #fin ----------------------------- i put traduction here : ; ------------------------------------------ ;[helico,s1,1] exec "para2.sqs" ;helico = the name of the air engine ;s1 = the name of the soldier (chef!?) from a group that we want airdrop ;1 = time between each drop ; ------------------------------------------ i have make a mission test with this script, if you want it i can send it or perhaps you know a web site who take it ? ------------- i put it here : http://complet1.free.fr/divers/parachutage.Eden.rar say what you think about it