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Everything posted by Lunch

  1. Lunch

    Rts 1.0 build and conquer is out

    Hiya all, i'm having some slight problems i get "addon dkmm_rsc requires version 1.92 of application" when running all the mods that karrillions server is running...strange indeed.. Im using goty, clean installed and patched to 1.94b together with ofpwatch which then results in this error
  2. Lunch


    is there some way of viewing the russian ofp site in english...i have a hard time readin the kyrillic alphabet hehe
  3. Lunch

    Playing flashpoint over an ipx/spx network

    The wierdest variant of the "you have been f****" theme has to be "Lo, thou hast been sodomized", dont remember where i read it though, (hope i dont offend anybody by this)