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About LordNam

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. LordNam


    Thx SUMA
  2. LordNam


    SUMA: I'm sorry, but the Serverdocs mentioned in patch 1.30 NEVER seemed to UNPACK into my OFP dir. I tried to do an upgrade from 1.29 - this didn't give me the docs. Then I tried doing a FRESH install of 1.0, upgraded to 1.20 and then to 1.30 - this STILL didn't give me the docs !!!!! Can you possibly send them to me please ? lordnam@wkk.dk Thanx in advance SUMA. How about it - you like this idea SUMA ? Or have you intended doing something like this yourself ? I / WE in WKK just cant wait anymore on this NICE feature :-) P.S. Please send those server docs from patch 1.30.
  3. LordNam


    ANNOUNCEMENT: Tired of OFP servers hanging, and no LOCAL Server admin is available for rebooting the server ? Not possible to list MAPS/MISSIONS of server remotely ? Neither possible to change those Mission cycles, session passwords, admin password and ALL the other parameters in your server.cfg Furthermore tired of NOT being able to refresh your OFP server remotely, cause no LOCAL Server admin is at the console. All this is POSSIBLE with my new PHP/Serverside scripts - WOSAB So far, It's possible to RESTART the OFP_Server.exe and/or REBOOT my machine via Web-interface (YES http://yourdomain.com/wosab). BETATESTERS: As of yet, I/WE need Betatesters for my WEB-based OFP Server Admin Base (WOSAB) - 1 or 2 betatesters from each platform available. We already have found one, besides the folks from WKK. No more that MAX 10 - so be quick !!!! Before all you Betatesters write me (go to official announcement @ http://www.wkk.dk/article.php?sid=45. From there you will see a link to a forum, where you can apply for betatesting. Yours Truly, LordNam & Cypress of the COOL DANISH CLAN ........... WKK (Who Killed Kenny).
  4. Howdy boyz' I'm currently doing a WEBBASED Admin for OFP servers. The following actions will be possible. Restart OFP on the server (YES from the WEB) Restart ENTIRE Server (YES from the WEB) Do your OWN / NEW Mapcycles in an easy way - WITH filtering, and activate those  (YES from the WEB) If I get info on the banning part - I'll do that as well, so you can BAN/UNBAN a spec. player. You will be able to give different kind of PERMISSIONS, so that some people can only RESTART OFP, while others can RESTART Server. Besides that an admin with LESSER rights that another wil NOT be able to login to the tool, when in use by a HIGHER admin. Take a look here: <a href="http://www.wkk.dk/article.php?sid=43 (Edited" target="_blank">http://www.wkk.dk/article.php?sid=43 (Edited</a> by LordNam at 10:58 am on Nov. 27, 2001)
  5. LordNam

    Dear Suma and everyone ...

    The problem here is that OFP does NOT return correct info for MAXPlayers, when using the GSA query (like ASE). When using NATIVE OFP query, it returns the correct parameter. This is how I, managed to return correct info on OFP servers. Funny enough - so does ASE now - AFTER I released the source for my Server Query for OFP. Look @ http://www.wkk.dk (REALTIME Server Query). Anyway, a mix between the 2 queries - returns the desired results of MAXplayers, private/public servertype - etc.
  6. LordNam

    Running dedicated server as a service on w2k

    Thanx so much Loafer, it SPINS like a dream - now running OFP ded. server as a service.
  7. LordNam

    Running dedicated server as a service on w2k

    I tried (with no success) - to run it as a service, with SRVANY.EXE (a util from the RESKIT, to run .EXE files as services). The following error occured, when running with SYSTEM account + Interact with desktop (No network access, with SYSTEM account :-|) When running in another "context", as an admin - I got some CONFIG.BIN error. So I have had NO succes - sorry
  8. 2001 - [WKK] RealTime Server Query (RTSQ) for OFP, released to public. See: <a href="http://www.wkk.dk/article.php?sid=30 " target="_blank">http://www.wkk.dk/article.php?sid=30 </a> 23/10-2001: LordNam (lordnam@wkk.dk) ------------------------------------ The source for the [WKK] REALTIME Server Qurier, has now been released at last :-) Requirements for RTSQ: PHP 4.x on Windows OR Linux (Best run @ Linux), but runs smooth on Windows as well. The RTSQ, lets you display ACTUAL/REALTIME - server stats / info - from a given server in play @ a WEBPAGE ! This is the MOST comprehensive / complete REALTIME SERVERSTATS / SERVERINFO for OFP to DATE ! With the builtin features, you can LAUNCH an OFP game FROM a webpage (requires * ASE), display the SERVERLOAD - both textwise, and graphical - look at the included examples. You can also display messages, depending on how many players are on your server, e.g. Furthermore a debugger is in the archive as well, - for easy-implementation of new queries / data-entries. BEST OF ALL ITS OPEN SOURCE !!! YEEHAA - GO CODE, and get those serverstats UP'n running. The RTSQ, can query OFP servers, and display - the following data: - Hostname (OFP-server-address, portnumber AND name of the server) - Servertype (OFP-public / private - password needed for entering server) - Serverversion (OFP-version of running server) - Requiredversion (OFP-min. required version to join server) - Missionstatus (OFP-is mission loaded ?) - Missionname (OFP-current mission loaded running / in play) - # players (OFP-# of current players at server) - Maxplayers (OFP-maximum players at server - NOTE, this is the CORRECT value, not like * ASE)
  9. 2001 - [WKK] RealTime Server Query (RTSQ) for OFP, released to public. See: <a href="http://www.wkk.dk/article.php?sid=30 " target="_blank">http://www.wkk.dk/article.php?sid=30 </a> 23/10-2001: LordNam (lordnam@wkk.dk) ------------------------------------ The source for the [WKK] REALTIME Server Qurier, has now been released at last :-) Requirements for RTSQ: PHP 4.x on Windows OR Linux (Best run @ Linux), but runs smooth on Windows as well. The RTSQ, lets you display ACTUAL/REALTIME - server stats / info - from a given server in play @ a WEBPAGE ! This is the MOST comprehensive / complete REALTIME SERVERSTATS / SERVERINFO for OFP to DATE ! With the builtin features, you can LAUNCH an OFP game FROM a webpage (requires * ASE), display the SERVERLOAD - both textwise, and graphical - look at the included examples. You can also display messages, depending on how many players are on your server, e.g. Furthermore a debugger is in the archive as well, - for easy-implementation of new queries / data-entries. BEST OF ALL ITS OPEN SOURCE !!! YEEHAA - GO CODE, and get those serverstats UP'n running. The RTSQ, can query OFP servers, and display - the following data: - Hostname (OFP-server-address, portnumber AND name of the server) - Servertype (OFP-public / private - password needed for entering server) - Serverversion (OFP-version of running server) - Requiredversion (OFP-min. required version to join server) - Missionstatus (OFP-is mission loaded ?) - Missionname (OFP-current mission loaded running / in play) - # players (OFP-# of current players at server) - Maxplayers (OFP-maximum players at server - NOTE, this is the CORRECT value, not like * ASE)
  10. More info, look @: http://www.wkk.dk/article.php?sid=29 AND for the dubugger to be released in its full source as well @ http://www.pier.dk/ofp/ofpdebug.php
  11. Yeah Malboeuf, still waiting for the little thingy, with the SQUADLOGO.... REMEMBER It does NOT work on ded. servers - not for any of us here anyway. You promised to try and test it on your server / with your logo etc.
  12. Howdy boyz'n girls. Just figured out how to do realtime queries for players, etc. The source is gonna be released to public one of these days. Requirements.... PHP 4.x on Windows OR Linux. Have a look @ <a href="http://www.wkk.dk/article.php?sid=27 If" target="_blank">http://www.wkk.dk/article.php?sid=27 If</a> you have NO idea what this is - it's an PHP script - possible to query against OFP servers. Then it displays Servername, port, players, worlds, missions etc. on a webpage. Furthermore it is possible to LAUNCH the game, DIRECTLY from the webpage, IF All Seeing Eye is installed. I just have to implement the last couple of features - release date: sometime this week.