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Posts posted by Longinius

  1. Quote[/b] ]He got impeached for perjury, which Bush hasn't committed (Yet...).

    Yes, and the act of perjury was in regards to something noone except his family had any business with anyway. What does it matter to the people if Clinton has a mistress? Does that make him any better or worse as a president?

  2. SWG is one of the best MMO's out there, no contest. Still, it suffers from many of the same problems as the others.

    To me, these kind of games get tedious after a while because it all becomes routine. Nothing really changes. Nothing happens.

    I think the reason it gets that way is the fact that characters never really die and there is pretty much no risk in whatever you do. You cant lose that much even if you pull insanely stupid stunts.

  3. Quote[/b] ]As I said before, servicemen do not generally sign up to go kill people/to get killed. They accept that this is part of being in the military, but they don't sign up because of this.]

    Hopefully soldiers sign up because of a desire to protect their homes, families and countrymen. By any means necessery. This usually involves killing in the case of a soldier. That is one of the main objectives of a soldier, to destroy the enemy. Another is of course to survive, in order to do even more destruction to the enemy.

    Quote[/b] ]The military isn't just about killing/getting killed. It is practically the opposite, as it basically teaches you how to live, how to fend for yourself. My father learnt tons from being in the military. From sewing, to driving an M60, to night vision techniques.

    Its about training the soldier to survive so he can destroy the enemy. Its not about survival for the sole reason of survival. Because if that was the case, soldiers wouldnt be armed at all since it makes them a target. And they wouldnt train to kill, since it makes them dangerous.

    The point is that soldiers are used for many things, and trained for many tasks. But their purpose is to destroy any enemy that threatens their nation or population.

  4. Quote[/b] ]How about you go to Iraq and walk around in a police uniform without any weapon. See how long you last when you walk into some pro-Saddam riot full of people with AKs and RPGs. And don't pretend that Iraqi civilians don't have guns, that's just plain naive.

    Why would a police walk unarmed into a riot? Its not like there are riots 24/7 on the streets of Bagdad you know. Obviously a police headed for a riot situation should and will be armed. However, a regular patroling officer doesnt need to flash guns. If that is his or her only way to get respect, then they have all ready failed.

    Of course police officers in a country like Iraq should have access to arms. The question is to which extent during routine, day to day business with civilians.

  5. "So they have experience with handling hundreds of angry people with assault rifles, RPGs, and makeshift explosives?"

    You ask how police are supposed to enforce the law without weapons, I responded.

    In the particular case of assault rifles , RPG's and explosives I dont think we are talking lawenforcement. I think we are talking peacekeeping.

  6. "Hmm, what else does the military specialise in? Do the two militaries in war all sit down in a huge circle, make patterns with tank tracks and then sing songs?"

    He is partially right. It isnt about getting killed. It is however about killing.

  7. Yeah, sound is odd in some places and the text skips as well. I reckon its the host site that has doctored it a bit.

    Anyone know how to pull up old files on CNN? I looked around but found no suitable way to access old news clips like this.

  8. There are plenty of disturbed people here that just like me probably enjoy Monty Python... I have been trying to figure out the name of one of their sketches, but I just cant grasp it...

    Its the one where three or four guys try to out do eachother about how hard their childhoods were. You know, shoe box in the middle of the road, living on the bottom of a lake, their dad killing them every night and waking up 30 minutes before they went to sleep...

    Anyone know the name of that sketch?

  9. "In My Country: Yet again we use one of the people that are defenseless like children. I can't believe this guy thinks he can get away with calling the Bush administration a "group of religous extremists"."

    Freedom of speech and opinion, he can call anyone whatever he wants as long as it isnt offensive or insulting smile_o.gif

    Besides, he isnt exactly wrong, there are religious extremists in TBA.

  10. 1. There is such a thing is crying "Wolf" to many times.

    2. You cant really compare the terrorist threat of Israel to the US. Its not even remotely the same situation.

    However, contiously alerting to terrorist threats has one good effect. It constantly reminds people that there is an enemy to fight, that there is a threat, which allows a government to get away with stuff they would never be able to pull of in peace time.

  11. Quote[/b] ]I'll believe coordinated AI action when I see it. Apparently individuals who d/l and compiled HL2s source code found that much of HL2's "unscripted" AI action wasn't really so unscripted at all. I can't say, not having played the game [no shit I haven't played it, there's no demo or full version] but I would be willing to bet that within 2 hours of playing the game, it becomes apparent that the AI have say 5 or 6 actions they'll take, and everything is just a composite of those actions.

    Well I guess you'll have to see when you play it then. Not much I can say that will convince you I reckon.

    Quote[/b] ]Like hell conversation is not scripted. No matter how large the pool of possible animations and conversations is, it is little removed from totally static conversations triggered by the player, as seen in a billion other games. They're still wholly predetermined.

    This depends on what type of conversation you are refering to. If you are talking about player to AI conversation or vice versa, then yes, it will be scripted. That is necessery to drive the story element forward in any game. As for AI to AI conversations, those are random and not pre determined events.

    Quote[/b] ]A scripted event is one that is predetermined, not necessarily one that happens in precisely the same manner. In any case, given enough retries, you'll quickly find that it IS happening in a number of precisely similar ways.

    A matter of definition I guess. But to most people I think a scripted event is an event that is triggered at a certain point, and always playes out the same way. Much like the scripted missions in for example Medal of Honor.

    Quote[/b] ]Uhhh. You're trying to tell me that in all other games, when you shoot an enemy and the AI [dumbly] moves to the source of the sound - that is scripted? Try again. Even though it's adding a level of complexity by actually going through the motions of communicating information between the individual AI, it's not *THAT* great.

    No, I am telling you that when reinforcements are magically called in during such events, then its scripted. Like when a door opens up and more AI rush out, or some bunch of guys suddenly arrive from a previously cleared area. That wont happen in Far Cry.

  12. Quote[/b] ]Hunches or inside knowledge?

    Inside knowledge smile_o.gif

    Quote[/b] ]AI hiding behind obstacles is old news - Halo did it.

    Reacting to fire is old news.

    Its not the fact that they are doing it thats new, its HOW they are doing it and the fact that they are coordinating their efforts. While you are busy trying to flush out a guy hiding behind some rocks, his friends are working their way around to flank you. If you are really unlucky, some other git is putting down suppressing fire as they move from a covered position.

    Quote[/b] ]Idle animations are VERY old news - I know titles as early as Mario64 had this, and IIRC I've played old 2d console games that had idle animations, albeit extremely primitive ones. The conversations are predetermined and are selected from a pool...it's still scripted, even if the particular one chosen is determined in a random manner. I think it is little different from games such as MP2 which have grunts talking to each other in many places throughout the game.

    No, it is not scripted. Of course it is taken from a text someplace written in to the game, but it is not a scripted event. It can happen at any time, any place and they can talk about basically anything from football to how stupid their commander is. I wouldnt call that scripted. A scripted event in a game is something that always happens the same way when you activate a trigger.

    Quote[/b] ]Backup/Reactions - Nearly all games already have routines whereby AI react to firefights.

    Again, mostly through scripts. Once you engage the soldiers at point A, the guys at point B are automatically called up. Here the soldiers will have to reach their radio first to call up people out of audible / visible reach. You can either destroy the radio or prevent them from reaching it to stop reinforcements. Or take out the closest reinforcements to buy you time before attacking your main goal.

    Quote[/b] ]This game is just putting a pretty facade of animations and sound over the otherwise invisible AI routines.

    Have you tried the game at all?

    Quote[/b] ]Whether it is better than OFP cannot be assessed until the game has been played. Looking at it's individual behaviours, the AI looks pretty stupid, but perhaps in action some sort of synergy will arise.

    It isbetter than OFP, and worse. Its not the same kind of game at all. You are comparing apples and oranges.

    Quote[/b] ]More generally, from that movie the game looks like a retarded, gung-ho/G.I JOE shooter, with an arcade environment and lame voice acting to match.

    Take out retarded and you are close to the truth. Its a shooter, not a soldier simulator in any way. Its more like MOHAA, Quake or what not than OFP. That doesnt mean it isnt good though, far from it. And the multiplayer is awesome. With a view distance of over 1 kilometer, you get some intense shoot outs happening.

  13. "imagine you´ve saved 30 seconds before the chopper appeared and after reloading you take another route. now if the chooper is there"

    Depends on if the AI soldiers have requested a chopper before you saved or not...

    "... will the bad guys fastrope into the same tiny space again or do they really search for the best postion to attack you (obviously that wasn´t the case in the video"

    If its the only location possible to fast rope into in the area, yes. If not, then they will chose the one best suited related to your location.

  14. Ran just managed to give me new found respect for the French.

    After countless business trips, meeting a multitude of rude taxi drivers and waiters I now know that deep down the French are actually good people (no sarcasm or pun intended, all though, quite a bit of humor).

    Good post Ran.

  15. Quote[/b] ]Crusades , Inquisition , relgion wars .. etc etc etc

    Yes. These things alone would make Christianity the most violent of all religions out there. And then we havent even considered the Christening of pagan regions, like the Nordic Area for example.

  16. Quote[/b] ]I read somewhere where the Koran did tell to kill non muslims, also had a former muslims talk to us at church, do not think the religion is a peaceful as some might say.

    Based on your ignorance on other issues, I doubt you are aware of the fact that Christians had a period where they killed anyone who wasnt Christian or Converted. This was called the Crusades, and the soldiers that fought during the crusades fought in name of Christ and Christianity.

    So you see, scripture has nothing to do with the actions of men.

  17. Just got back from seeing it myself. It was of course great, but I found many things lacking that I think were important for the story. And there was a bit to much attention to stuff that wasn't as important.

    But still, it is a great movie in its own right.

  18. Quote[/b] ]Where the freedom of press when the U.S is bombing news station's like Al-Jazeera wich tries to bring objective news in the Middle -East

    Or when they deny games journalists entry to the US because they don't have the correct visa.

    "You are free, as long as we approve of all you are doing!"
