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Posts posted by Longinius

  1. I think I'll be voting no. But I am still not determined.

    To be honest, it is my firmest opinion that we shouldnt be voting at all. This is what we have elected officials to do, its far to complex for the average Joe to grasp (me included)

    I did vote yes for joining the EU. But I dont like the way the current economics are run. Its all very political, and not at all in interest of economics. Making it look more like a banana republic than anything else.

    But come the 14th, we'll see.

  2. You are right. But they have never done anything even remotely like this here before. There has been political violence, but not on this level or this brazen.

    Recently, they have also been restrictive in use of force, letting leftist activists attack first and then defend themselves, with determination.

    I dont think it was political, per say. Probably a looney or a junkie.

  3. Basically that it can become lifethreatening, but she is stable for the moment.

    Anyway, I am mostly shocked that ANYONE gets attacked in a high class mall in Sweden and nearly stabbed to death.

    Most likely a junkie who got a sudden idea after seeing Anna Lindh walk past.

    They are even talking about the possibility of putting the election on hold...

  4. "Even in the Iraq war now Ericsson provided the US military with radar systems with the full approval of our government, which incidentally was against the war."

    Yes, and Aimpoint sold their products to the US as well. Their sights are'nt listed was war material, but the mountings are (meaning they can sell the sights, but not the mountings). However, the ISP (Inspection for Strategic Products) has a small list of countries we can sell arms to, even if they are at war. And the US is of course on that list.

  5. "I'm not so sure. I mean how much does this differ from systems that are already in place in a lot of countries? To enter any foreign nation you must have a passport, so tracking is already somewhat in place isn't it?"

    Yes, and you show the passport to government officials: customs officers. This is about private companies handing out information on private individuals, and being forced to do so by a government.

    "Who's to say that an intelligence agency hasn't already been recieiving that information?"

    I sure hope they have, otherwise there is no point in customs declarations.

  6. I liked the demo, had a great feel to it. Good pace, easy to pick up, and I actually felt like there was something bigger going on. Probably because of the fact that I wasnt alone on my side, others were moving with me, and people were still dropping all around.

    I really liked how you could see the AA guns firing in the distance, and then all of a sudden, you are looking down at those pricks from a slightly elevated church window. Niiiiiice ;)

  7. SAS, a major Scandinavian airline, will from now on hand out information to the US government about its passangers heading to the US of A.


    This information can include name, gender, travel route, address, phone number, method of payment and special requests.

    Now, I am not to fond of ANYONE tracking my movement at their own leisure. I understand why its being done, but if anyone is investigating me, I'd sure as heck like to know. I dont want to end up in some government database for god knows what reason.

  8. The reason is obvious. Marketing wants the demo on covermounted CD's close to release. They wont have that if they release the demo to early, it has to be timed.

    Of course, gamers dont give a rats arse when the demo is released, as long as it is as soon as possible. But for some reason, many marketing people have adopted a classic military style of thinking:

    If the map doesnt correspond with reality, follow the map.

  9. I have played it, and can sum it up the following way:

    You will like this game if you are into the political cloak and dagger way of operating. You better be a patient player with a background in strategic games, used to planning, waiting and not seeing the result of your actions for a while before they take effect.

    The game looks amazing. You can zoom in on any location or person in the cities, every character you see is an individual and every character is a potential friend or foe. Things happen in real time, so you better keep an eye on the streets and just not on the tactical map. You will actually be able to come across events as they play out, zoom in, watch, and then decide what action you want to take.

    The atmosphere is great, it has a unique gameplay and is quite immersive. I like it, but I dont think its for everyone.

  10. Seems logical to me. Almost every component/technology and its cousin in the hardware business is or was patented at one time or another. Was only a matter of time before the software guys chipped in.

    I dont like it, but I can see it coming.

  11. "Bushie would probably be the first executed US president if he had organized 9/11, way too risky"

    Thats why Bushie himself wouldnt have done it, but one of his many underlings. Bush wouldnt even have to be aware of such a thing.

    Note I am not saying TBA did this, I am saying that IF they would have done such a thing, Bush would have been kept in the dark. Plausible denial and all that.

  12. Quote[/b] ]The UN is not some form of an utopia - it's an imperfect system for an imperfect world. The UN does the best it realistically can to bring peace and a decent quality of life to the population of our planet. It does not deal in fantasies. USA is a superpower and untouchable as such. Thinking anything else would be a delusion and would in the end hurt more people than it would help.

    I know, that was what I refered to when I said that the UN can't take action.

    Still, it takes no genius to figure out why some people would come to hate the UN for just this.

  13. Quote[/b] ]There is blood on the hands of both and I hope there is something like a final judgement that will punish them and the ones who assisted them during their warmongering campaigns.

    Forget final judgement. The UN should grow some balls and do to the US what they would have done to any other aggressor and occupier.

    It sickens me to see some countries getting away with everything. And thats probably something that can have motivated this attack (not sole factor most likely).

    Yeah, yeah. I know. The UN can't and won't take actions against the US...

  14. Quote[/b] ]Where was UN when america declared war in Iraq? where was UN when Sudan was bombed by US? Where is UN when american army sprays DU round over Iraqi landscape with their A-10's and M1a1?Where is the proof that Saddam had WMD's hell the UN had everything to do with it! They knew there was no evidence and still they turn a blind eye?

    Where is UN when america attacked Afghanistan?

    The only point this guy has is that the US got away with all that because they are the US. Most other countries would be under heavy UN sanctions for actions like this.

    While I also agree that the way the UN works need to be revamped, I think supporting the murder of UN employes is sick and disturbing. And if anything, deserves measures taken from the mods.

  15. I'd also like to point out that there is an enormous difference between people in the 60's digging tunnels in the jungle, and contstruction workers in our present day trying to build an enormous under ground bunker in the desert. Satellites would pick that construction up in no time, or the hard ware running to and from the site any way.

    Or are you telling me that the coalition, with all their intelligence sources and satellites, wouldnt pick up on a constuction project that size, in a country they basically have under siege?
