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Everything posted by Longinius

  1. Longinius

    I have tourettes

    I wonder, do people think its cool to be disrespectful and act like total fucktards? The guy got offended, he had every right in that to. I to would have gotten offended. Nothing odd about that. What IS odd however are people dissing him for it.
  2. Longinius

    Check out this weird site.

    "That WTC photo with the "devil" was a pretty good job in photoshop but not that good. I would like to see video footage assuming that it was taken from a video which it was probably was. (i would like to see video footage as obviously an amateur made it and as it is too time consuming, difficult & expensive for an amateur to edit video footage)" That wasn't edited, atleast the media said so. It had something to do with the human mind trying to make sense of figures and patterns. Much like when you look at clouds and they ressemble something. Heck if I know though.
  3. Longinius

    What do you all think of black hawk down?

    It was a good movie. It could have been a great one, but they kind of messed that up. I mean, why even bother to have that Somali armsdealer? He had no importance what so ever for the movie. They could have scrapped him and crammed in more blood and guts instead.
  4. Longinius

    Is medal of honor worth the purchase?

    "MOHAA is so linear, and scripetd.. its more like watching a game than playing it the MP is a total loss as it plays like quake.. players run faster than jesse owens and carry an small arsenal.. its BS.." In my version of MOHAA you only have a primary weapon (rifle, SMG, bazooka OR support weapon) and a secondary (pistol) plus grenades. I dont call that an arsenal. its pretty standard.
  5. Longinius

    Is medal of honor worth the purchase?

    Lots of different opinions here I see. My two cents. Good graphics. Great atomsphere. Solid levels in single play. Nice additions, like germans speaking german for example. Fairly smart AI (dodges, retreats, throws grenades, covers eachother, reloads in cover). Good enough storyline. Several war movie references that were easy to recognise and quite fun to see (mostly Saving private Ryan stuff)
  6. Longinius

    Funny last words

    Heard yesterday on a MOHAA MP session Teammate - "Yeah! I Got the sniper, I got hi...*bang*" Teammate, respawned - "Scratch that...." For those that roleplay... "Don't worry, the DM won't hose me" "What a useless scroll. It just says, HASTUR HASTUR HASTUR over and over again..." NPC: "Lets drop our weapons and talk." PC : "Okay!" "OK! I moon the Balrog!" "A creature with two BABOON heads on a scaly REPTILIAN body? With TENTACLES for arms? Hunh. Must be some stupid wizard's magical construct. Let's kill it." For those that hike... "I never get lost. Trust me." "Its just beyond that ridge." "No sweat, I have been here before...." In the field... "Why is this man speaking in sign language?" "The safety is on. Right?" "But, but, the safety WAS on!" General... "Ha! Me ignorant. I'll show them!" "Was that a stop sign right there?"
  7. Longinius

    Military Humor

    Most of the time most of the soldiers spend their time in service whining about how much it sucks. Years later they visit forums like this and tell tales of how fun it was
  8. Longinius

    Your favourite war movie

    "I guess they'd rather be alive than free. Poor dumb bastards."
  9. Longinius

    Your favourite war movie

    There are to many to list....and in different categories, different reasons. The war movie I have seen the most times is probably "Red Dawn" though. CLosely followed by "Top Gun", "Hamburger Hill", "84 Charlie Mopic" and "Saving Private Ryan". I am not sure which is best though. Probably none of the above, those are just real easy to watch again and again.
  10. Longinius

    Wayyyyyyyyyyyy offtopic....

    Your poll is flawed, so don't worry. The problem is that your scenario takes place in a bar. Any male, in a bar, about to pick up a babe is either... a. drunk b. out to get some You don't go to bars to find female friends. And don't even try to convince me about that. You go to bars to get drunk, to hang out with friends and/or to try and score. It is also flawed because most of the people here, of a mature age, are probably fairly intelligent people. Where as at a bar you can count on some 75% of the males being not so intelligent. Atleast not at that particular time. So don't sweat it. I think you are right. Most guys would either walk away and forget it or remain friends in hopes of getting some from that women, her friends, her sister or whatever else female relative happens to be around.
  11. Longinius

    For those who've seen black hawk down

    "Natural instincts can not be used as an excuse. The life of a modern human is very far from natural. For example, monogamy is quite unnatural. Any man with a normal sex drive can tell that his natural instincts would cause him to have sex with just about every willing woman. Also, if the instinct on ownership was considered somehow "uncontrollable" (sex drive - the most powerful instinct excluding the survival instinct - can be controlled, why not the will to own?) , wouldn't stealing be okay? It's only natural to act on your instinct, you know?" You do have a point. The difference is that private property is socially acceptable. It would be very hard to change that since it goes against our nature. It would take a long time in order for people to get this instinct under control. "Humans also have natural tendency to work as a group, pack, society or whatever. Humans are not solitary predators. If there weren't an instinct of solidarity and altruism, how come the majority of people (excluding Americans to whom selfishness is a religion) are willing to cooperate and share?" The majority of people are surely willing to share, with a minority of people. I doubt most people are willing to share with people they don't know. In a group or pack you know the other individuals, quite well. I share with my mates, but there is no way in #### I'd share with someone I didn't know. There is no reason what so ever for me to do so. "The idea of selfishness and individualism is a newcomer, so it is quite reasonable to assume that humans are cooperative and altruistic by nature." I don't think it is. There has always been selfish people. You can be an individualist even in a group. "Humans are highly social animals and selfishness only arises from the survival instinct. Capitalism is very unnatural and disconnects the human from his "pack", making him alone and vulnerable and his fellow humans enemies, members of a competing pack (well, everyone is considered a pack of his own)." I disagree. Why does capitalism diconnect me from my friends? I see it quite the other way. Capitalism brings me closer to them as my salary allows me to live a comfortable life with lots of free time I can spend with my friends. I am far from alone and my other capitalistic friends make sure I am far from vulnerable. "In such a situation, it's his survival against the others' and selfishness becomes acceptable." No offense, but that's a load of bull. "You can observe the results of this unnatural behaviour in every western society: mental illness, murder, etc are much more common than in more "primitive" societies." And this is related to capitalism? Hmm, I seem to remember a couple of murderers from the communist societies. Want to know why murder is more uncommon in 'primitive' societies? 1. Smaller groups of people living together, depending on each other for survival. 2. Swifter justice. i doubt they send rapists and murderers to jail to be reformed. 3. Outside threats. 4. Shorter lifespans. As for mental illness. It is probably related to the above. In a world where the fittest survives, ill people won't grow old.
  12. Longinius

    For those who've seen black hawk down

    "Muslims people have killed x amount of people and has started x amount of wars and has killed x amount of civilians,but yet we don't talk about that." And Christians have killed x+y amount of people, started x+z amount of wars and has killed x+t amount of civilians. So what is your point? "Sure people say "we only hate the U.S. Government(only talking about middle-east people,not europeans)" ,if that's true why the heck you killing U.S. civilians?" As Americans would put it. Collateral damage. Yes, that term does suck when it hits close to home, doesn't it? "fill in the X with your number,because i don't know how many there is ,but it's alot.Also i bet more muslims has killed each otther more then america has,but heck your all muslims ,it's ok to kill a muslims ,if your a muslim right?" Yes, and more Christians have killed eachother than muslims have. Again, what IS your point?
  13. Longinius

    Black hawk down

    Its a good war movie. Could have been great, but I settle for good.
  14. Longinius


    One point for Damage
  15. Longinius


    Thats for sure
  16. Longinius


    Some new quotes for you. - But...what about the Geneva convention?!! - Never heard of it! *cablamm* - This little girl survived longer than that, with no weapons or training. Right <name removed for obvious purposes>? - Then why not put her in charge!? - He wasn't quite right.... In the head. - Charlie don't surf! (Should be easy enough guys ) - I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. - They took the bar! The whole fucking bar!! - There's something floating in the pool. - What? - You know how people get at these wild parties. They get all drunk an accident happens and...someone shit in the pool. - Huh? Who are these two? - Oh, they are from the Board of health. They are here to make sure I don't just dive in and...well.... (Disclaimer: Some quotes might be slightly off as these are not taken from websites but from memory. Which should also make it slightly harder )
  17. Longinius


    They Live.
  18. Longinius

    For those who've seen black hawk down

    "Dragging evolution forward to a destination of our picking is exactly what I ment by "imposing our values on human genome". On what moral grounds do we decide where to take evolution? Which attributes are to be considered desirable, which unwanted? Who's to decide that?" I'd rather control evolution myself and have it take some random route and my kids suddenly grow a second set of ears or something If we can control it, why not do it? We have allready messed with evolution enough, giving ourselfs much longer lifespans through medicines and such. Just as well go all the way. "Most westerners technocrats have a naive belief that we, the people of today (especially people in the western world), are the ones who are "right" about everything. What we consider "good" or "valuable" is assumed to be some kind of absolute, rational and non-subjective truth." We are right in being wrong. As long as we just stick with the idea of beign right whoever, we should be OK. "You really should see Gattaga, it's a good movie which deals with the moral issues of gene technology. I fear that gene technology will be an exclusive right of the elite and will be a major factor in the success of an individual (much like in Gattaga, in which people had their genes mapped as part of job interview). It is a great threat to democracy and equality." Is that the one where a genetically challenged guy wants to become an astronaut?
  19. Longinius


    Can't be right all of the time. And this great knowledge comes at a terrible price. My girlfriend hates me ;P
  20. Longinius

    No words for this one..

    Yeah, thats a pacifier or whatever its called in English...."Napp" in Swedish...
  21. Longinius


    “I'm not gonna kill him, I'm just gonna shoot him in the leg. He can still work with one leg! “ - “Willis: Where did you put my wife? Doctor: She's dead, sir. They took her to the morgue. Willis: The morgue? She'll be FURIOUS!†- Death Becomes her (?) “C'mon baby, come ta' papa, I'll kiss ya' fuckin' dalmatian!†- Die Hard, after setting of the firealarm “Hey, Carmine, let me ask you something. What sets off the metal detectors first? The lead in your ass or the shit in your brain?†- Die hard 2 (?) “You're a racist! You don't like me because I'm white!†- Die Hard 3 “Yeah, like the last two I got were important. The first one was from my wife, telling me she was leaving. The second was from my lawyer, telling me he was leaving... with my wife†- Fifth Element, after recieving notification of having won the contest “This is the nineties. You don't just go around punching people. You have to say something cool first.†- Last boyscout “The CIA didn't know the Berlin Wall was falling until the bricks started hitting them in the face.†- The Jackal (?) “Well... I used to be. I won an award once. From the Mayor. It had an expensive frame.†- “Man: There's an old Italian saying: don't burn your tongue on another man's soup. Willis: Yeah? There's an old Irish saying: don't listen to old Italian sayings.†- “It doesn't matter how many people I've killed. What matters is how I get along with the people who are still alive.†- “This is the land of opportunity, gentlemen. You have the opportunity to turn yourself in.†- “Sure, sure, it just happened. You tripped, fell on the floor and accidently stuck your dick into my wife. "Gee, I'm sorry, Mrs. H, this just isn't my week".†- “Just once, I'd like a regular, normal Christmas. A little eggnog... a fuckin' Christmas tree... a little turkey. But, no! I gotta crawl around in this motherfuckin' tin can!†- Die Hard 2 (?) “A hundred million terrorists in the world and I gotta kill one with feet smaller than my sister.†- Die Hard 1, after killing terrorist 1 I think “The United States Government just asked us to save the world. Anyone wanna say no?" - Armageddon “The meat's fine, the lettuce is fine, but if you bring me another hamburger with mayonnaise on it, I'll cut off your legs, set fire to your house and then watch you try to crawl out of your burning house with bloody stumps†- “Houston, you have a problem.†- Armageddon (?)
  22. Longinius


    Whats the purpose here....? Naming the movies? Easy... "Life is not all beer and gardetos!" - "I figure we demand some weird stuff so that later we can plead insanity" - This is the one where three rockers take over a radiostation. Damned if I remember the name though. Airheads? "We train young men to drop fire on people. But their commanders won't allow them to write f*ck on their airplanes because? It's obscene! " - A few good men "Good? Bad? I'm the one with the gun" - Army of Darkness "Sell crazy some place else, we're all stocked up here" - No clue "No, no, no. I'm going to leave them alone and not actually witness them dying. I'm just gonna assume it all went to plan." - No clue "Get away from me, you lazy-eyed psycho! " - Austin Powers "You're in big trouble, pal. I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast! " - Happy Gilmore "You had me at hello." - Jerry McGuire (allready established) "God creates dinosaurs, God destroys dinosaurs, God creates man, man destroys God, man creates dinosaurs." - Jurrasic Park "I'll send you a copy." BAM! Bitch went down. "I'll send you a copy." BAM! Syd! Superbitch! - Not sure...could be Scream?
  23. Longinius

    For those who've seen black hawk down

    "Newsflash... look at the US.. democratic, world power." Yes, but this does not mean it WORKS. Nazi Germany was a worldpower aswell, I would hardly claim that was something that worked out very well. Biggest isn't best. And no Wobble, I am not calling the US a nazi regime. It was an example of another government / nation that was big, but did not work out. "what is the alternative? monarchy.. that wors so well it doesent even exist anymore.. communism? wow look at the shining example the USSR and china are for that.. one fell apart the other is.. well.. ask a flattened student." Those are not the only alternatives. Democracy is needed yes, but not in its current form. There needs to be someone watching the watchers. There needs to be someone checking what the politicians are up to. Those someones need to be a seperate entity, not so form of Internal Affairs deal. I am sure that in perfect America politicians never ever abuse their power and think of themselves before anything else. But in most other nations, that is how it works. Credit card fraud, abuse of rights and priviliges, extreme wages set by themselves, decisions made regarding matters they have no real insight to. Democracy needs to be taken down to a more grassroot level and the power more widely distributed. That is the only way you will ever have a functional democracy, when the people in the communities can actually effect the decisions made in their direct area. Some decisions need to be taken at the top level, that is for sure. But many things should be cleared with the people it effect first.
  24. Longinius

    Palestinians change attack strategy!

    "I doubt that a source called electronicintifada and claiming to be "a resource for countering myth, distortion and spin from the israeli media war machine" can be even remotely reliable. Sorry, it's just another propoganda site." Just as believable as any Israeli website. Atleast to me who don't belong to either side. I doubt there are any neutral websites on the net without an agenda of their own.
  25. Longinius

    For those who've seen black hawk down

    "Because it's inherently anti-democratic and anti-people, for starters?" Newsflash. Democracy does not work. It is a bandage at best, slowing down a process of decay. Atleast the way it works now. We are entitled to chose people to rule us and we give them the power to rule themselves. That is bound to end in a big cluster fuck. "Smile while you're winning, it may change any day." Sure it could change. And I will change with it. If the world can be dynamic, so can I. "We're just drones oiling the Big Boys' Profit Machine. FYI I'm an IT consultant, so I might consider myself in the "winning side" but instead choose to be on humanity's side. I recommend you do, too." I am on my own side. I figure I better get my own life straight before I start messing with others. I recommend you do, too.