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About Lillbastard

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  1. Lillbastard

    Windows XP black screen problem

    You were right. My windows desktop was 800*600, the game preference was 1028*768; so i changed my desktop to 1028*768... but it did'nt worked. So i putted my desktop back to 800*600 and i did same to the game.. now it works! But theres still a fu%$#.. i can play only in 800*600 and the graphics are'nt so good that way. i mean i wish i could be in 1024/768 as before on win98se. If you know the way to do that... ( im about to try the refresh=0 thing) Thanks again Mister Frag.
  2. Lillbastard

    Windows XP black screen problem

    I got amd 1gig and geforce2gts64 I just upgraded to Windows XP and since then i just can't play anymore operation flashpoint. Everytime i start the game my monitor screen get totally black (as if deconnected) but i can hear the sound of the game behind. I just can't play and it drives me mad about XP. I have the latest driver and i think i tried everything. I don't know what to do.. Is there a solution before i reformat everything?? Thanks
  3. Lillbastard

    Windows XP black screen

    I got Amd 1gig and geforce2gts64 I just upgraded to windows XP and since then i just can't play anymore operation flashpoint. Everytime i start the game my screen get black (like if it was getting disconnected) but i can hear the sound of the game behind it. I just don't know what to do now. It's driving me mad about XP. I have latest driver about everything but nothing works. Someone has the solution?? Thanks