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Everything posted by lacko

  1. Sorry, it's my fault: of course I didn't use that code above, but this in bellow: player hcSetGroup [grp1]; player hcSetGroup [grp2]; player hcSetGroup [grp3]; But the main problem is the division by zero, not the syntax. And it occured a few minutes after the gameplay.
  2. My problem is: The mission started with a single suad and player is the commander of this single squad, but later he get more squads as a HC. In the editor I put the starter squad and the HC and HC subordinate module. Syncron the HC to the player and the HC subordinate to the HC, but nobody syncron to the subordinate. But later I add the three other squad to the player with player hcsetgroup [grp1,grp2,grp3]; It works fine. But a few minutes later I got error messages (in my arma2.exe the debug/error info is enable) to my screen continously a division by zero. What could be the problem and how can I solve it?
  3. How surrender modul works? I just put it into the map and all AI character at all side will surrend if the suppression is high? Or I have to syncronize or initalize somehow? It's a little bit underdocumented in the biki...
  4. If I want the enemy surrend, I have to sync this modul to the player group? Or to the each enemy group?
  5. I have an other problem in Bandland. I1m a veteran OFP/ArmA player, but I never play with CTI/Warfare, because I don1t like RTS. But in ArmA2 campaign, it's not possible to avoid. It's not a problem, I like try new things, but I1m really noob in Warfare. So, I can command my subordinate squads after Left Ctrl + Space. Everything went fine. And I build up a camp and produce soldiers and UAZ. But all produced unit is in my team. So now I have a huge team. But I want send these produced units to mu subordinate squads, because it's very weak. Or I want create a new subordinate squad, like an independent BMP squad. How can I do this? Or where is a normal tutorial about Warfare. (I searched a lot by Google, and I just find ArmA 1 Warfare tutorials and it works very different, because in that tutorial, the produced units were independent and go fight, not stay with me...