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Everything posted by LTCWarpig

  1. LTCWarpig

    M1A2 SEP

    that is not the site, I have seen it and thats not it.
  2. LTCWarpig

    M1A2 SEP

    not sure if you guys could work this in some how but. the real M1A1 has a auto range button for the gunner he lazes the taget and the gun auto figures the balistics to get to the taget even on moving tagets. It tells you what line to use to hit the target. I think you retical needs to change I would get you a pic of the actual reticla but its classified.
  3. LTCWarpig

    M1A2 SEP

    are you planing on making a map display in the commanders or loader area to show where you are on the map
  4. LTCWarpig

    Wolfbane´s tracerfx script addon

    hello wolf i have intergated the tracers in the SUCHUSMC addon and I was wondering if you were working on getting the tracers to auto detect what time of day it is. So it would automaticly change the tracer type.
  5. please help i looked everywhere
  6. LTCWarpig

    Squad logo on vehicles

    Im new to oxigen i need more info on how to make this work
  7. LTCWarpig

    Squad xml addon

    how do you get your squad XML pic on your addon?
  8. LTCWarpig

    Squad xml addon

    where i did a seach and i couldn't find anything on it.
  9. LTCWarpig

    100 player server

    Hello, This is LTC.Warpig of the 1st battalion 8th Marines OFP squad. I am writing to every squad in the ofp league to ask if they would like to join us in a renting a 100 player server. We are looking for 6 squads to join us we would like these squads to be well involved with ofp with regularly active members. The cost for this server is $600.00 a month split 6 ways would be $100.00 each squad a month. The full 6 months must be paid up front for each squad. The reason for this up front payment is due to the fact of the bandwidth that is required for the game. Our server company must sign a 6 month contract with there bandwidth provider to receive this much bandwidth. If for some reason a squad can not make a monthly payment or if we pull out after 1 month the company will go under. So to protect them and to keep us out of a legal contract we pay the 6 months up front. each squad will have a 4 hour block of time that they are allotted every 24 hours times will rotate on peck times every 6 days. We are currently paying $100.00 for a 20 man server. If you have any questions please contact me at andystev@hotmail.com or call our server company www.actionblaster.com joel- 408-562-0100 testing for this server will be starting in a few weeks. we are looking to start this server december 15th. Please contact me by then LTC.Warpig (Andy Stevens) 1st Battalion 8th Marines 1stbattalion8thmarines.com
  10. LTCWarpig

    100 player server

    go to www.actionblaser.com
  11. LTCWarpig

    100 player server

    well i might be able to get a oc3 line so it might be posiable still need to test it.
  12. LTCWarpig

    100 player server

    ok but how are you going to get the conection speed
  13. LTCWarpig

    Squad URL on dedicated

    if some one could help me on this that would be great