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Everything posted by Kimmeh

  1. Kimmeh

    Airplanes one more ?

    Exactly. And if there's one more plane added, it has to be a Russian transport plane. It'd be nice. It just makes sense. It's the only real possibility! *takes pills*
  2. Kimmeh

    More Russian Aircraft

    As I prefer to play missions for the East/Opfor/(Rusfor in ArmA 2 I guess), a Russian transport aircraft is pretty important to me personally. Using the C-130 in the Russian-sided(read: most) missions I make would feel a tad odd, but I wouldn't want to scrap fun paradrop missions just for accuracy of what countries uses the plane. Rusfor transport plane addons? No way, that way publics can't play it. I'm very happy with the Rusfor aircraft so far. Yes, the US got much newer stuff, much more, and even an armed UAV as the Russian UAV is unarmed. But the Su-34 flies marvelous, and the Su-25 is just a killer aircraft, think of the A-10 with a lot of vodka, and wings full of S-8's! But please, if even remotely possible, give us a Russian transport aircraft, just modify the C-130 a little, anything! I'll tattoo the BIS logo on my back if you do it! xD Kimmy
  3. Wow I just stumbled into this and it sounds truly what I'd need for the ArmA 2 coop clan I'm going to make. It's got a nice official immersive way of radio communication with sitrep reports and all, and allows a combination of AI and humans, it's great. If you would make something this big in ArmA 2 and it'd be fully functional and to my liking, I'll have my clan use it on all missions(providing it's a script, not an addon), hell I'll throw in $10 on your paypal account as a thanks! It's too bad you had little feedback on it Dr Eyeball, it was ambitious but few people want the hassle of strategic gameplay in ArmA/ArmA 2, but it's exactly what I like to aim my missions and future clan on. Big battles just have more of an epic feel to it, and allow for so much tactical intrigue. Please throw me a PM or something if you're planning to make this for ArmA 2, I'll subscribe to the thread for sure! Kimmeh
  4. I'm looking for proper recruits with a life, not basement virgins. ;)
  5. Kimmeh


    Actually I never noticed it, but it doesn't really bother me, I think ArmA looks pretty at night. :) But hey hey, who knows maybe ArmA 2 fixed it! Kim
  6. Kimmeh

    Weapons charge

    I'm not sure what you mean by 'overcharging'. To be completely honest I first thought you meant something like charging up a railgun, while a big ball of lightning builds up inside and a buzzing noise can be heard... but I digress. Maybe you meant overheating? If you did mean overheating, I haven't heard anything about it in any interviews or feature lists from what I can recall. ArmA didn't feature overheating either. Would be neat though, of course. :) Sorry I can't help much more, Kim
  7. Kimmeh

    Hookers in ArmA II?!

    I demand they also put in Deuce Bigalow, just for the sake of balance!
  8. Yeah it's groups indeed Andersson. And I fully agree it's a tad low, which is why I made this thread, to hopefully grab BIS's attention and make them reconsider changing it. As far as I know there is no maximum amount of units, just groups. Kimmy
  9. Hey Yono, Well I recently talked to someone from Israel in-game and he was playing ArmA so I guess it's possible. On the other hand maybe he got a downloaded version(direct2drive for example, I dunno which one BIS used exactly), but even if so, they'll prolly do that for ArmA 2 as well. =) No worries! Kim
  10. Kimmeh

    Deadfast's Translations

    Wow I picked up some new info here and there thanks to you Deadfast, kudo's to you! :D Thanks! Kimmy
  11. Kimmeh

    PTSD - Virtual Treatment

    Hmmm... interesting. I've got PTSD myself and must admit after so many treatments I'm a tad sceptical about this solving the entire problem. 'Healthy' people may see it as 'being negative in advance which will make it not work anyway' but you cannot judge that until you've been there. However, it may be a tool that'll assist towards healing in the future. I think this method, or stuff like Virtual Reality stuff, may help to re-confront a person with the situations and re-wire the brains reactions to certain stimuli. A bit like EMDR(a rather famous anti-PTSD method). Maybe as virtual reality grows more advanced it'll be more immersive and thus more confronting, and perhaps more effective? However, people with PTSD are sometimes very trigger-sensitive and even a scent or sound can make the past events flare back up again, so I dunno. And not everyone is suited to the 'confrontation' treatment method. I do wonder if it actually can be fully removed. I mean, 'trauma', means wound. PTSD is the result of a psychological wound. Maybe you can heal the wound, but the scar or damage to underlying 'tissue' will still remain? Food for pyschologists. (I hope to be one, someday   ) Kimmy Edit: spelling.
  12. *runs away cackling madly*
  13. Update: Our website is online! We are just testing out the possibilities of this webhost and it isn't finished yet, but it should give you a basic view of how we work. Edit: after testing of the webhost and discussing the offers with them, we decided not to buy their services. For the moment, we have made a quick-n-dirty freewebs site, which isn't optimal, but will serve it's purposes for the moment. We shall find another over time. Kimmy
  14. Kimmeh

    Bye Bye Old BI Forum

    Good bye babushka, you served us well. *pats board*
  15. Very interesting point Wolfrug, never thought of that. If that is really the cause for the limitation(hey, life is weird sometimes, so are games), it would be a matter of adding more options for group names, like adding a third number or something. Ah well, can only hope BIS notices this little outcry of a thread. Kimmy
  16. The SU-25T is a different airplane compared to the Su-25, visually and somewhat in capabilites. The KM is a Georgian-Israeli upgrade, the SM is the russian upgrade, I think it has a glass cockpit. The SU-25KM has a glass cockpit and whole other bunch of fancy gadgets, including pinpoint weapons delivery system, although I wonder if they could handle GBUs or KABs. All in all, going from the vids and pictures, we're having a bog standard Su-25. I'm not sure if we'll be seeing the export version or a russian one. The differences are not huge, it's a very basic aircraft, it's hard to remove much from it. The visual differences are at the back, the russian version has a bit more done with heat signiature dispersion by adding a cooling air vent and the exhaust has been slightly redesigned, plus more flares have been added. All this as a result from battling the stingers. There's also a slight difference between the antennas, but I can't say for sure right now. I wonder if the steel plate between the engines was added to the export versions...hmmm. On the website it says Su-25's for the CFD and the Ruski's. If we were given a screenshot that allows us a look at the underside of the hull, we could locate the TV-imaging module, but I think the su-25t also has a module that allows them to fire missiles that home in on radar sources? Ah well, I hope they'll add the Tango, I loved flying it in Lock-On, way more than the regular Su-25. Handled like a brick though. Kim
  17. Omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh (etc.)!!! Frogfoots! *hugs Su-25T's front wheel tenderly*
  18. Kimmeh


    Nope, but I get the feeling you had to navigate by stars back then... Well, assuming you have to navigate by the stars it does influence gameplay then. I was wrong then, my apologies. Kim
  19. Very well-written post there, and I agree with your points. An easy to understand tutorial can be vital to attract casual gamers. We don't want to scare them away after all. And yes the freedom of ArmA might be a big attraction to the people who are used to more arcady games! Like the saying "today's children are tomorrow's adults" I shall now construct a new one in name of the Motherla-.. in name of realism-oriented games: "Today's casual gamers are tomorrow's hardcore gamers." There, my journey into the annals of history has started. Anyway, good point, I'm pretty sure BIS will make sure the campaign and tutorial is better this time though, allthough I'm afraid it still won't be as thorough as the CoD games. *shrug* I don't mind, but the new players do I guess. Kim
  20. Kimmeh

    new guy

    I uh, find it hard to understand you nz oram. Try a little punctuation, capital letters etc. The environment is destructable, but not everything is as accurately modelled to look good. Limbs can't be blown off I think. Maybe this'd raise the age limit? Trees fall down from expliosions and tanks crushing them.(are you an enemy of Greenpeace by any chance?) The last question was incredibly vague so I can't answer it. Hope I helped. Kim P.s. you gave me a good chuckle Raphier. ^^
  21. Kimmeh

    [TRANSLATION] Interview about ArmA 2

    I love the smell of sarcasm in the morning. Yeah you're right tho AI will perceive everything and is only limited by what the developer codes them not to know.
  22. Kimmeh


    Those who would actually bother to notice it would be impressed, but I personally would rather have them working on more gameplay-influencing things. If you had unlimited resources it would be great of course. Kim
  23. Kimmeh

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Wow someone here seems to be in need of a hug. Anyway, I personally will be getting OFP2 when it gets a bit cheaper, just to see what it's like, it may have a few nice touches here and there. But I will not keep playing it online probably, for two reasons: 1. There is a pretty low playerlimit for online coop play, even on PC. 2. There are no playable fixed wing aircraft in OFP2, and I play ArmA for two things: making missions, and flying in coop missions.(Don't say "go play Lock On n00b" coz I allready play it! xD) Maybe it'll give BIS some nice idea's for an ArmA 3 if there'll be one? Who knows. Kim
  24. Kimmeh

    Business as Usual...

    I am _so_ with you here. Both on the fear for where games will go in the future, and wishing consoles were never made. I saw great game series like Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six, Splinter Cell, and to some degree Hitman go downhill as soon as console versions were introduced. I mean go on the ghost recon, splinter cell and rainbow six forums, last time I checked I was showered with threads how the series has turned into complete elephant turd. Makes me kind of sad when I think about it as I had an incredibly fun time with the earlier ones. Not that I'm a console-hater(well, I try not to be), I mean I've a playstation 2 and 3, and had great fun playing stuff like Grand Theft Auto games on it, and fighting games like Tekken. They just shouldn't take certain gametypes and port a dumbed down version of the earlier game. I mean I know I'm also speculating a bit, but from the in-game footage and features I've seen here and there in OFP2, there's quite a few things that make a voice in my head scream 'ah, console-game'. (about the voice in my head, I've taken my medication thank you very much, it was figural speech) I've got faith in BIS though, they'll stay true to their core I think. Hope. Pray. Kim P.s. Just to be clear about it, I don't hate consoles, they can be great fun! I only hate what they made many developers do with their games.
  25. Kimmeh

    [TRANSLATION] Interview about ArmA 2

    Make a thread about it I'd say! More translated previews pl0x! La Kim