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About Krise

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  1. have just DL beta4 and it still flickers, palace not usable. have loaded PROPER too, DBE1 and CWR.
  2. discovered that it depends on the sight distance. using 2.500 mtr its quite right. sliding it to 10000 it crashes nearly immidiately. using 5000 it needs a bit more, but most of the time it crashed on my system when flying over water, headlong cost left or right and turning to seaside. normal time used. system win XP. using both rv-mat and -data. *edit. now tried with no addons, just ace islands. addon file is clean, cause of recent newinstall arma. flown some minutes with 10000m viewdistance. crashed somewhere in the west-mid area. its different, sometimes over water far from coast sometimes near cost or over land. doesnt depend on where u look or where u are. simply happens. have tried with jeep, driving in all directions with 10000 , after some minutes with 4 x time, CTD ! with 2500 VD no prob. i would recommend to use this island at present with VD max 2.500 . when it crashes with jeep it will crash with heli as well (depending on speed and data to handel , i guess ) , and islandusing with no heli is not that interessting.
  3. intel dual core E6600 Nvidia GTX 7950 SLi, graphic setting mostly to normal, aniso high, AA high, shadow low, shading high, PP low, view dist 5000 m, no ECS crashed all times , also in normal flight mode. on different spots under diff circumstances, 4 x ,2 x , normal. can repeat CTD at every flymode setting. arma 1.14
  4. same results as burns. but need more time to crash, nearly 2 min flown with harrier at 4 x acc speed. 700 kts . also mid island. dont know exact position. flown cossing island , along coast , deep that sometimes bushes pop up. its hard in 4 x mode cant handle it constantly mission settings ? none. just started with editor, set harrier in fly mode an start. graphic setting all at normal, in ECS mode also. 7950 GLX SLI