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About KevlarBR

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  1. KevlarBR

    On searchlights and walls...

    Sweet, I got it! I placed the command above on the On Act of the Get In waypoint instead on the searchlight! Thanks man!!! Works perfect! Hoowah!
  2. KevlarBR

    On searchlights and walls...

    Thanks for the advice! However, Arkon2, I could not make the unit face the direction the invisible H was placed. Just to make sure I understood right, I created a invisible H and named it h1. Then I created a searchlight, placed a soldier nearby it and used a Get In waypoint to make him use it. I named the searchlight s1. I then entered "s1 doWatch (getPos h1)". Is this correct? Am I doing something wrong? Thanks also for the wall tips, will sart building it! - Kev
  3. KevlarBR

    unit Spawn ON Water Tower

    Personally, i use this a lot: this setpos [(getpos this select 0),(getpos this select 1),X] Already used to place units on top of a lighthouse, on top of an antenna, inside a guarding tower, on top of a hotel and even to place an engineer on a SU wing to add some life and reality to the SLA base =D Finding the right spot to place them can be a bit boring, but once you do, it's awesome!
  4. Ok, I've got another problem to my mission! Actually, to my noobiness and for your guys amusement, I have 2 problems! 1- I have an airfield in Rahmadi I built, and I would really like to fence it, all around. I couldn't find the wire fence in the buildings list (only the one with a whole on it) and even if I could, I would not want to link the wire fences 1 by 1... Question: is there a way to create a fence using scripting? 2- I wanna place searchlights all around Rahmadi. I placed the searchlights and linked 1 soldier with Get In waypoint to them, but once they go in, they seem to always point north. But I want them to all face the ocean, like checking the ocean for any boats, etc. I've tryed messing around with waypoints but couldnt. Is there a script to make a unit face a certain direction when on a searchlight, or better yet, to make them move from one side to another, "searching"? Thanks in advance! - Kev
  5. Perfect! Flawless! Thank you very much man!
  6. Ok, I'm new to editing missions, I'm REALLY trying to understand scripting and all, but it's way too hard. Although I have improved quite a bit since I started doing it, I still cant' figure out the harder stuff. My question (first of many) is: how can I make 1 objective be completed after 2 AI are killed. I have 2 officers, and one of the objective is to have them both assassinated. I have figured out how to make one of them dieing being an objective with the condition being "not alive officer1" (they are named officer1 and officer2, respectivelly). But this way, I have 2 objectives for 2 kills. My question is: how can I make the objective being completed after both are killed? Thank you in advance! - Kev