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Kung-Fu Kennobi

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About Kung-Fu Kennobi

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  1. Kung-Fu Kennobi

    Tripwire Script

    My scripting abilities are very limited so far! (Starting and still learning a lot!!!) Is it possible to trigger 4 grenades (different location) at the same time with one trigger. In clear, i would want that when Opfor trip on one trigger(tripwire) that would release 4 grenades at the same time. Is it possible with one trigger? i'm using the script in reference in this post, what would be written in the activation of this trigger to activate grenade#90 to #94. (yes i have 90 different trip wires on my map, that should be enough after this!) on activation : trip= [trip90] execVM "tripwire.sqf";
  2. Kung-Fu Kennobi

    Extended eventhandlers

    Hi I don't know if it was already mentionned but, is there a way to hide all the writings that the Extended Eventhandlers does while playing? Just asking because in MP it is annoying, sometimes I miss some comments from teammates because of this. Let me know Thanks in advance
  3. Kung-Fu Kennobi

    Canadian Units

    I was wondering if anybody was working on Canadian units so far... Â Adding those units with the weaponery and textures and also including the LAV III(I think the US Stryker was based on this vehicule) with the 25MM chain gun would be awesome. Just checking. Â I'm far from being a modder, but I realise completly the amazing work done by those people. Keep going, your making Arma even greater... THANKS
  4. Kung-Fu Kennobi

    Chammys Sound Mod

    Awesome Beta so far... the sound of firefights are great!!! My first observations are : In general everything needs more volume.. to give us a kick when firing. No reload sound on DShKM and M2, I liked those sound of bullets belts being installed, and the last metallic clank when reloading. Reloading tanks should have the sound of BIG shells falling on the ground. The rest so far is great... Thanks