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Everything posted by Krofton

  1. Krofton

    Script:  Artillery barrage

    Sorry if this is a dumb question. I'm fairly new to scripting. But when I use your script in my mission, it gives me the following error: ' |#|sleep esd_bdelay * (random 2); // Wait f...' Error Generic error in expression target...' And it drops 1 bomb and then stops. Any ideas? I really need this script to work correctly.
  2. Krofton

    Artillery Support

    Mr. Murray, will you please work on a version of your Airstrike script for 1.08? I don't think you know how bad people are in need of it. It would be much appreciated by many! Especially me!
  3. Krofton

    Script:  Artillery barrage

    I actually really needed something like this for a mission I am currently working on. Thanks man!
  4. I am currently creating a mission in which a Stryker team must reach a destination through Corazol with enemy infantry in ambush positions throughout the path. For an ambience effect I would like to have the rifle and machine gun troops fire at the Strykers (yes even though it wont do anything), not just the AT troops. Is there any way to implement this? Help would be MUCH appreciated as I am pretty much at a standstill because of this problem.
  5. I am currently creating a mission in which a Stryker team must reach a destination through Corazol with enemy infantry in ambush positions throughout the path. For an ambience effect I would like to have the rifle and machine gun troops fire at the Strykers (yes even though it wont do anything), not just the AT troops. Is there any way to implement this? Help would be MUCH appreciated as I am pretty much at a standstill because of this problem. Search has done nothing for me, I apolagize if this is a dumb question.
  6. Yeah I was thinking something with an invisible target might work, the hard part would be to have it be attached to the Stryker itself...and I would have no clue how that would work. I would really appreciate it man, thank you!
  7. Yeah its confirmed, doFire will still not make them fire at the stryker...if I replace the stryker with a civilian and leave it the same name, voila, the AI fires at him. It looks like I'm going to have to change a value in the Stryker's vehicle config maybe...to make AI think it is a light vehicle (such as a hummer) so they will fire their small arms at it but yet still have the Stryker immune. Anyone up to the task of figuring this out for me? I'm really desperate at this point and I would really appreciate it.
  8. Yes I am currently using the following init line: {_x doFire Stryker1} foreach units group this I tried adding the doTarget to it as well but to no avail. Any Ideas?