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Everything posted by Kinakin

  1. ok I want to put the respawn inside a structure. Problem is they respawn on the roof. atm im using a marker named respawn_independant in description.ext I have respawn=3 respawndelay=5 the only elevation code Ive delt with was something i rippet off an unrelated post and is this setpos [getpos this select 0, getpos this select 1, 0] so im guessing it should be something like respawn_independant setpos [getpos respawn_independant select 0, getpos respawn_independant select 1, 0] but when i put that in the .ext file the game crashed. So if anyone wouldnt mind hinting me in the right direction that be nice.
  2. ok I tried putting a m2 in a house that is in the map by default, issues im having are as follows. It only lands in the ground floor. even if there is no ground floor. so Im wondering is there a way to change the altitude of the object? also I was thinking maybe I could use the http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/buildingPos command to place it but I dont know how to give a spesific building a name. In perticular houses that are placed tehre by default. could someone help me on this ? been searching in forums with no luck.
  3. Ok i noticed by making RACS forces hostile to west that civilians will also become hostile ( aka fire apon you if you give em weapons) but they still count as negativ score when killed. which isnt all that big of a thing. However. This also means that if you kill to many and then enter a vechile your fellow players cant enter the vechile. Anybody know how to make the civilians count as hostiles?
  4. mea culpa. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....ivilian for future refrence. And thank you again.
  5. well thank you all for the help =) worked out good.