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About Kynxx

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    Private First Class

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  1. Hi. I haven't read trough all 534 pages of this thread, but here is a nice find: http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri "can you run it" is the name of this service. It's not perfect, but will give you some idea how fast your rig is. What games it can run with basic graphic settings or all settings maxed. Oh btw. my rig is this: intel Q6600 @3.1 GHZ abit platinum mobo 8 GB ram in dual mode amd/ati 5870 (stock speed) 4 x 160 GB HDD drives in RAID 5. (old shitty drives, but runs smooth enough all together) 2 x 22" LCD monitors (soon I'll get one more to use eyefinity) 20 mbit/s down - 2 mbit/s up speed to my ISP. (soon 30/30 mbit/s fibreoptic internet connection) My rig runs arma1 smooth with everything on max settings. arma2 and OA works great too: 1680 x 1050 10 000 meters view distance normal settings on the rest. I get ~20 -30 FPS. My two other computers is: AMD athlon AM2 5200+ x2@stock nvidia 8800 GTS 320 mb msi mobo 5 GB ram single SATA harddrive 320 GB western digital (or something) and amd athlon 265 dual core. AM3 @stock 4 GB ram nvidia 8800 GTS 320 mb single SATA drive 500 GB both runs arma1 well, arma2 on medium settings.
  2. bump indeed. hey. i have a 5870 graphics card from asus, today i tried to uninstall catalyst with all following bundled programs included the drivers, then rebooted, then executed ccleaner. then rebooted again. then installed just the drivers for my GPU. Now every game runs smoothly like a wet dream. PS: ArmA2 runs like a charm now :D I hope this helps my fellow gamers on planet earth.
  3. As a personal friend of Opteryx, I can assure you this is not the case, he is currently at a mental institution.
  4. i have been asking diffrent people for a while if this was possible with ArmA. some answered me that it MAY BE possible to create a addon that could act as a mountain with some caves or tunnels. but such thing in standard ArmA may be a naive dream for kids. Will there be by any chance to create caves/tunnels in ArmA2?
  5. Hi everyone at BIS. I have a more or less .. intresting suggestion for ArmA2, I must admit I haven't read all the other topics since i don't have time to read every single one (To be honest, I'm lazy). Here it goes: Would it be possible to implement respawn "yes/no" button in the mission editor? the way its done in ArmA1 demands commando lines and other stuff that has to be repeated (I think). So if it is implemented in the game itself, it's much more easy for everyone. Keep up with the good work everyone. Kynxx
  6. Kynxx

    Nevada Terrain 0.1

    please read opteryx's post one more time
  7. Kynxx

    can som one un pack pbo files

    I see lots of people have problems to understand the English language itself, so spellcheck.com won't be the best answer to solve this "problem". I suggest google translate. http://translate.google.com/translate_t I prefer to use this service when i see a website or text in a language I don't understand. I hope you'll find the answer to your problem!
  8. Kynxx

    Armed Assault videos

    Greetings ladies and gentlemen. A week ago i was playing ArmA, died and found myself having some exstra time to take some screens. Now I want to share them with you, but due to lack of knowledge how to post pictures in forums (I'm too lazy), I will post a link containing a folder with 10 pictures, Location: North Sahrani. mods: lowplants, QG and Beta patch 1,09 Enjoy download: http://dump.no/files/6f4ef6ad57c7/Pictures.rar Edit: >_< wrong thread.. sorry. i have hangover...
  9. Kynxx

    Sakakah Al Jawf v.1.0

    so arma crashes when you load the map? did you renember to add -mod=DBE1 into your ArmA shortcut? and its very important to put the sakakakah.pbo into the DBE1 folder. i dont take you for a fool, in case you already have done that. i just like to be captein obvious sometimes
  10. Kynxx

    Sakakah Al Jawf v.1.0

    I and opteryx tested this map on a dedicated server before opteryx made it official. The loading takes a bit time, but i think it doesen't take much longer than loading the Sahrani map. Tho.. I see the dedicated server shows me a bit more hunger for RAM. It is a big map It depends on the mission size also. the more objects, the longer time it takes. I know it sounds stupid when i say that, but it's logical. Just make sure the Sakakah map is located in the DBE1 map on the dedicated server. Yes. a dedicated server needs QG too, so add -mod=DBE1 into the ArmA_server.exe shortcut properties. I don't know who posted info earlier in this thread. There may be some problems with the dedicated server running this map with many players, I can't confirm this ATM.
  11. Kynxx

    Sakakah Al Jawf v.1.0

    No, not for me... i haven't Queens Gambit. Then you're gonna be the fat kid that doesen't gonna join us for fun in the three hut out in the forrest. when you get the QG; you're in
  12. Kynxx

    Sakakah Al Jawf v.1.0

    Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
  13. Kynxx

    Sakakah Al Jawf OPEN BETA

    @ opteryx: This map is awsome! Some advice for those who waits for the finished map: buy QG. i bet opteryx won't say much more for the progress on this map, since he already have much work, and dont want you guys to have too much expectations. Let's just say.. there will be some suprises opteryx: if i said too much, you can come here and kill me, with a spoon. for the rest of us: be patient. christmas isn't too far away. keep up the good work opteryx!
  14. Kynxx

    Fog is gone!!!

    agreed. next time i see some news about fog bug fixes, i dont belive it before i see some proof. it IS risking a bit installing beta drivers, it could ruin the gpu itself! like last time i did it, i started to get memory errors, even vorse fog bugs and texture problems ):< i know it was my own fault, but still. listening to others who "have found a solution" stopped here and now, and forever. now i will wait for BIS to release their 1,09 patch. with patience.