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About Kneip2k

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Kneip2k

    8800GTS CTD'ing...

    Yes I did test the driver... with a GTX tough. And it chewed my graphics up and spat it out again like outdated butter on a hot summersday. I went from 169.09beta to 160.03 (wich was the butterspitter driver) to 169.04beta and now everything is stable as a snitch with concrete boots.
  2. Kneip2k

    8800GTS CTD'ing...

    Thanks RS! Â I willl try this one out for sure... Im running a 8800GTX and I cant play for more than 20-30 min without some serious system crash (BSOD or total freezeup). Edit: Well I didnt get far with theese drivers. The models seem messed up (low poly thingy) and my fellow teammates have lost all their textures. Now they are running around looking like grey, humanoid robots (wich made me laugh pretty hard).
  3. Kneip2k

    GTX8800 Problems Solved yet?

    Hmm... This worries me a bit. Just got my new rig last week, and Arma is downloading as we speak ( Finaly I might add!! ). Im looking forward to hours and hours of multiplayer fun, but this 8800GTX "problem" is sucking the life out of me. Can a game actually ruin your GPU ( Stock game, stock cooling and so on? ). I don`t really know if theese problems will pop up on my system, only the computer god knows for sure. My sys: Intel Core2 Duo E6850 3.0GHz 3 gigs of ram WinXP Pro (for now) 8800GTX Any tips, warnings or predictions would be most welcome Edit: Got it all working evetually. But after playing the game for about 20-30 min. I encounterd what some discribes as grey beams coming from the center of the screen. I quickly Alt+TAB`ed to check the GPU temp wich was 77 degrees c. Alt+TAB`ed back to the game, hitting resume and was greeted by a rather quick BSOD and a automatic reboot of the computer. I have not done any tweaks or anything (-maxmem and so on). Bought the sprocket ArmA Gold Edition and was happily going trough the training stuff when it all fell apart. Im running the latest beta drivers (169.09)
  4. Kneip2k

    Multiplayer viewdistance...

    LoL the init.sqs was advanced enough for me... I will try to aquire some more knowledge later, just need to cool my head down after the viewdistance "problem". I mostly make my own missions for LAN play (we are all green when it comes to OFP). LoL my missions has only units and waypoints in it, no triggers and stuff. It gets to complicated when trowing triggers in the mix. But I can see the benefit with triggers and such involved. Hell yesterday I found out that you can make the circle in the waypoints bigger hahahaha... Anyway thank you all for the help.... Now I will go and bug some other forums with my trigger and objective questions...
  5. Kneip2k

    Multiplayer viewdistance...

    When I unPBO the mission I have to make a init.sqs and simply put in setViewDistance XXXX and then pack it again and it should work for all players...? Or is it some more commands that should be put in there...? Now I am exploring new OFP frontiers... Â Edit: Looks like that did the trick Tried it as server but I Â Â Â Â dont know about the clients...
  6. Kneip2k

    Multiplayer viewdistance...

    OK... And this trigger will work with every "human" player on the server? I am all alone now and I do not know if just me alone on the server would be a valid test... My friends will gather tomorrow for some LAN action so it would be nice to have this up and running by this night... I will do some further testing tonight (my day/night rythm is totaly messed up). I must say thanks for all the input... Very helpfull indeed.. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
  7. Kneip2k

    Multiplayer viewdistance...

    Aha... So it is possible with different VD for different units...? "setViewDistance" in the init line of unit ey? And not a trigger, wich did not work.... I will test this... Have no idea what a script is really.... Im pretty green when it comes to OFP... But I am learning stuff each day now... I love it! Kneip
  8. Kneip2k

    Multiplayer viewdistance...

    Oooh... Thanks! I will try that once we fire up the server again... Never seen that Avon Lady's FAQ, brilliant! Maybe there should be a sticky made for theese kinds of sites (Links sticky that is) Could be very helpfull instead of searching your a** of trying to find easy answers to simple questions... Or maybe there are some kind of links thread lying around here..? But now its back to eating turkey, drinking beer and setting of some fireworks... Â And again... Thankz Edit: Okay... I tried the "setviewdistance ****" but it did not work AFAIK... Went over to the OFPEC.com and found aaaalot of stuff about MP viewdistance. The only problem is that it was way to advanced for my brain...(LOL?) Adaptive VD in MP I think the "setviewdistance" thing is some local command and not a server side thingy. Source for that wierd statement Anyway I hope there is some easy ways to do this instead of making advanced scripts (wich I have no clue how works or where to put) all they say is "make a script ba ba ba init.sqs ba ba ba ba) Sorry for almost whining, I think its the beer!
  9. Kneip2k

    Multiplayer viewdistance...

    Ye ye... Noobish 2k i know, but how do you change the viewdistance in multiplayer, is it set in stone? Running a LAN server but we only got like 1000 meters of view... Kill this topic if this have been up before. Did a search, but no result. Happy new ARMA year!
  10. Kneip2k

    DAMP - Dynamic Afghanistan Multiplayer Campaign

    Ah.... thank you kanotson, lol it did work, the files where wrong... But still, it opened up new doors... thanks! Â Edit: Yep... Got the stuff..! Thanks again...!
  11. Kneip2k

    Armed Assault videos

    Very nice indeed... Im a fan of all your vids m8...! If you are going to make more training vids all I have to say is: "Feed me! Feed meeee!" PS - Looking forward to some more shack vids on your site.
  12. Kneip2k

    DAMP - Dynamic Afghanistan Multiplayer Campaign

    This sounds amazingly fun...! The only problem is that the links for the addons required is dead (http://ofp.gamezone.cz/xxxxxx/xxxx.this.that <--- Linked in the readme file DAv1.2). Tried a search for the required addons on different sites and search engines with no luck. Is there someone out there who can point me in the right direction? Im kinda newb in the whole OFP thingy ( Have had it for years but never kicked off until now lol, damn CS and BF...Im never going back! ) Â I find the whole addon/mod/mission deal to be a bit advanced, lots of stuff has to fit together for it to work and such.... Not that its scary advanced, just a little bit hard to get your head around when errors keep popping up and the only solution is a clean reinstall and try again... Im hoping for some superb answers from the community gods lol ! Thanks... Â
  13. Kneip2k

    Armed Assault videos

    Nice vid rg7621 ! That made my day... Good to see some combat footage for once.... Thanks!
  14. Kneip2k

    Mods/Addon Ideas

    Ok first post... Would have been cool to see i c-130 specter gunship circle a town with a rain of metal down its left side... I do not know if it could be done in OFP... Too much guns! I have not seen one for OFP...