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Everything posted by KingC

  1. KingC

    Russian Federation Units V.1

    These weapons are a really nice addition to my arma install. It's nice to get proper, accurate weapons for the east side to make the warfare less asymmetric and more enjoyable. Because I just quite recently purchesed the game, I'm not completely aware about the progress of the add-on scene. (but i'm trying to lurk and search actively to prevent unnecessary posting and asking questions) My only problem is that i can't seem to get these to work through the modfolder method, but as I don't have too many add-ons as of yet to manage copying and removing files shouldn't be too much of a problem. Looking forwards to v2
  2. KingC

    Smoke On [Movie]

    I liked the flying on the trailer, but the music used in that made me want to stick glowing metal rods into my ears. Generally I find it nice that people are making such ambitious machinima projects. They are a nice low cost method of making indie films and I think that machinima production and popularity is increasing. As the graphics of videogames have also improven greatly, I could imagine these kind of films entertaining also for those who are unfamiliar with gaming, and can be also used to attract people into games.
  3. KingC

    Armed Assault videos

    Maybe the addition of ladders to every house that won't go all the way down but are around 1-2m from the ground so everyone won't be fooling around on the rooftops.
  4. If you look at this screenshot you'll notice that the option of 16:9 aspect ratio is in there http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/9631/arma2006111320373292kopyl9.jpg
  5. KingC

    ArmA reviews

    Hmmm...Am I the only one who sees those as positives?? Not if they add to the depth, realism and functionality of the game, as they'll likely do. I'd like to add this also to the not necessarily negative things
  6. KingC

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA modding?

    I know these sound abit far fetched, but I'd like to see two kinds of modding done to ArmA. First wish would be dangerous wildlife such as bears, tigers, wolves, snakes and boars Also the ability of hunting minigames might be fun with those additions. Second would be non-combat mods like racing or something that involves different approaches to completing missions.
  7. KingC

    Arma hardware and impressions

    Ouch My compuiter setup is almost identical and i were thinking of playing the game without upgrading. Only differences is that i have a AMD 64 3000+ and R9800 pro. Have you tried all kinds of windows optimizations like defragmenting etc.?
  8. KingC

    Helicopters in AA

    Just add some keyboard button for secondary fire, and if users have special mouses they can assign it to mouse 5 for example. But as the game is as far as it is on development terms, such wishes might be too late for implementation.
  9. KingC

    Sahrani map!8

    If you do the math, you'll notice that 20x20 km equals 400 square kilometers. and by that it, sure looks like it's 400 square kilometers.
  10. KingC

    Petition AGAINST StarForce

    Good intentions... Bad idea for execution <span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>(there have been multiple notifications about not discussing about that in here, as the copy protection is up for the publishers to decide)</span>
  11. KingC

    Tanks in ArmA

    Yes there has been a video displaying independant MG in the top of a tank. It was in the finnish 500mb video with the armed assault press edition (relatively old build) and they played multiplayer and manned a tank with one as a driver, one as a gunner and one as a commander.
  12. KingC

    ArmA Photography

    PC format blog has apparently released these triple monitor screnshots. http://blog.pcformat.co.uk/resources/pcformat/windetriptych1.jpg http://blog.pcformat.co.uk/resources/pcformat/windetriptych2.jpg http://blog.pcformat.co.uk/resources/pcformat/windetriptych3.jpg (sorry if these have been posted earlier, didn't see em though.)
  13. KingC

    can someone who has arma confirm snipers

    I think that sniper outfit is reasonable for the game. I don't always need to look like a wookie in order to be a sniper in game
  14. Someone had an idea to mount a controllable camera on an RC plane and connect it to motion sensing video goggles. It looks like using Track Ir on a real-life application and the video of it functioning is breathtaking. Video here: http://video.google.fr/videoplay?docid=-2237947353453839215&hl=fr Just imagine the possible entertainment or military applications.
  15. Well if Sahrani is as large as previous islands combined, how about the idea of making all of the previous islands and combining them to one huge map?
  16. KingC

    Armed Assault is GOLD !!!

    There are some really strange things happening in those screenshots. Perhaps they had to tone it to minimum settings or there are some graphical bugs. Just look at the vegetation, terrain and buildings in these pictures http://games.tiscali.cz/reviews/arma/x7.html http://games.tiscali.cz/reviews/arma/x16.html
  17. KingC

    ArmA Progress Updates

    VSB2 is going to be a successor to VBS1 (virtual battlespace system) and it's a military training simulator that uses the same engine as ArmA "real virtuality 2", if i'm not mistaken. Altough it's a different product, it's nice to look at those videos and concentrate on the bits that are likely to be in ArmA. <span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>(btw. my first post to these forums... Kinda got bored of just lurking )</span>