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Everything posted by kernriver

  1. kernriver

    Armed Assault Video E3 Presentation

    Just saw the video. All in all, i'm pretty satisfied, of course AI could be better, but i don't know if in this stage of development BIS can make great AI enhancements. The same goes for that sniper rifle. What's done is done, i guess. At the moment the only thing i'm sure about is that i'll buy the game. Also, i wouldn't mind waiting a few more months, even half a year, if it ment improving these things we all saw wasn't so good.
  2. kernriver

    character switching

    I'm not so happy about this "group respawn" thing in campaign, but i'll survive. We can allways load or restart the game, i guess. Now that i've mentioned that, will there be more than one save per mission?
  3. kernriver

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Did I imagine something here in single player games for OFP or did I not respawn from AI that were still alive in a mission? Maybe it was MP only. I'm confused. Under a rock I see. A lot of us have been bitching about this difference in gameplay for the past month. No, he's right. It's not "character swapping feature" mazza is talking about, it sounds more like group respawn. Switching character is mentioned a little later in the article. You don't have to be dead to take advandage of the character swapping feature, at least that's how i understand it.
  4. kernriver

    IDEA Games at E3

    I agree with you guys. Who can tell what a good game is. Everybody has it's own favourite. Some like RPG, some like RTS or FPS...In my country people would say: sto ljudi, sto cudi, which would mean something like: a hundered people, a hundered personalities. I am talking about the effort that publishers put in a game. They release half-finished products and gamers buy them because they really don't know better.
  5. kernriver

    IDEA Games at E3

    Unfortunately, i think it's the other way around Publishers know there are enough dumb people around to buy every shitty game they put out, so they exploit that fact and don't bother to release good games anymore, of course there are exceptions, and of them is BIS and their future publisher
  6. kernriver

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I guess the way that palms sway is wrong in the first place. There shouldn't be so much movement. Or are the palm trees that week? It was in the video probably just to show us what we can expect, it's not finished yet...
  7. kernriver

    William Porter's Blog

    I think thats the best thing about ArmA
  8. kernriver

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    I'm really not trying to get that discussion going again, but i thought that Eric posted those pics like that because of his artistic preferences or something like that, i really did! It didn't bother me one bit.
  9. kernriver

    What do you play Ofp with?

    That's exactly what i have in mind
  10. kernriver

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    I would dive for cover personally. Try rolling sideways, rightnow if you have enough room, it's not as easy as GTA: San Andreas makes it look like and seems to be a lot slower then simply hitting the dirt in a direction. But i agree, that somekind of faster cover seeking animation is needed, it's bad when you can only sidestep slowly when your virtual life is at stake. Maybe BIS could make a "high-adrenaline" set of animation, something that gets triggered only by contact with the enemy or scripts. You know you are using the typical "aware" animations, with the slow going prone animations and all that, but if your squad sees an enemy or is "under fire" you automatically switch to a set of faster anims? I don't mean faster movement speed but faster lying down and maybe some other life saver anims that have shift-d/a controls. Dunno its just an idea. Not a bad idea at all. BIS would have to add a few more animations to make it work: 1. go prone, 2. stand up, 3. strafe left (standing up and in the prone possition), 4. strafe right (standing up and in the prone possition). All in all, 6 new animations. I guess these would do the trick. Now, triggering them is another story that my knowledge of programming is just not ready to cope Edit: Of course, faster strafing would have an impact on your aiming ability, something like sprinting or fast crawling, atleast in the prone position.
  11. kernriver

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I read somewhere that anything over 25fps is undetectable by the human eye anyway! 100fps? That aditional 75fps would be better put to other processes! Huh? You can see a huge difference between 30 and 60fps. At least on a crt, not sure about LCD's, since I've never used one. I guess that you can see the difference between 30 and 60FPS...but that wasn't my point I meant it more like this: if "2,7ghz opteron 144, rad. x1900xt, 2gb ram" runs ArmA at 100FPS, than my old rig might run it at, lets say, 30FPS. But if "2,7ghz opteron 144, rad. x1900xt, 2gb ram" runs it at 30FPS, than i'm f****d! Of course, it all depends on the setting they were using, but still...i hope i can run ArmA at 30FPS on this setting: 1024*768, medium (or even low detail). Although this great game would be spoiled by that kind of setting, i just don't find money growing on trees...i really can't afford a new computer.
  12. kernriver

    ArmA Progress Updates

    It would be really nice if ArmA is released in June, but if BIS can optimise it further i wouldn't mind waiting a few months more. Smooth FPS? How much was it? If it was 100FPS then i wouldn't worry. But if it was like 30FPS, than i would be very worried, meaning i would have to upgrade my rig (and maybe not just upgrade, but buy a totally new config)
  13. kernriver

    What do you play Ofp with?

    AMD 1700+ (1466 MHz@1914MHz) Epox nForce2, 1GB RAM ATI Radeon 9800SE 128MB, (softmoded) My brother: AMD 1600+ (1400MHz) ASUS VIA KT333, 1GB RAM ATI Radeon 9600XT 256MB It's not the greatest configs, but we have fun with it. Just today i forced my brother to install OFP after a long time, and we played coop in LAN all day
  14. kernriver

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    well that make sense though.. Your right in some way.. But not every time we are using heavy weapons or carrying too much weight. This fast movements i told could depend on the weight soldier carry I think rolling is not so unrealistic. If it ment your life, i bet you would roll with an elephant on your back...
  15. kernriver

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    Great. Thanks Ti0n3r
  16. kernriver

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    This has just crossed my mind. In RL, AK-47 has three modes (can't find a better word): 1.locked 2.single shot fire 3.automatic fire. However, in OFP there is a burst mode. Short bursts (3-5 bullets) are possible if you set it on automatic fire mode and you control it yourself, you just stop pulling the trigger after a few shots are being fired. It was always bugging me, why did BIS put it in a game. I've never used it (burst mode, i mean); if i want short bursts i just do what i described. I wish BIS would leave out this "burst fire mode". It makes changing fire modes a little annoying, for me atleast. Edit: Hehe, last night i fooled around with some CTI mission. I'm always amazed with the fact that people are still playing a 5year old game with the same passion as when the game was released. I think BIS deserves this kind of community, and the community deserves a developer like BIS
  17. kernriver

    William Porter's Blog

    And someone should make a nice little CTW (counquer the world) mission! You guys are crazy I love it!!! But seriously, with streaming terrain, wouldn't it be actually possible?
  18. kernriver

    AIs behaviour/improvement

    That's what i think too. It's the only thing in videos we've seen so far that looks like s**t. I guess BIS is leaving that for E3 or maybe even for a later date, who knows? I just can't believe that BIS is gonna left AI the way it is now (in videos).
  19. kernriver

    Vegetation concealment

    Sounds like Saint Pierre. Btw, i've had similar difficulties with AI shooting through tents, bushes, walls etc. I hope this would be fixed in ArmA.
  20. kernriver

    Kill yourself!

    Or better yet, Steven Seagal LOL I call him "Angry", his face is always so frowned
  21. kernriver

    Latest screenshots available

    Well, lets say that's so. There are ~40 missions in CWC. 25 (minutes) * 40 (missions) = 1000 (mins) / 60 = 16,67 ~ 17 (hours). So there's ~17 hours of effective play in CWC. If BIS wanted to equal that in ArmA, or lets say they extended that to 20 hrs, the missions would have to last atleast 1.5 hours. Those would be monster missions, if i'm right of course. I hope so!
  22. kernriver

    Kill yourself!

    -No, you run to your base and kill the enemy -Hmmm, let me guess, run and pray that you'll make it? -No, you run to your flag and do the best you can... I'm being a little sarcastic here, but do you want a war simulation or some arcadish game? If it's the latter, go play another game...
  23. kernriver

    ArmA Progress Updates

    "Enjoyment - At the end of the day, it's a game, and games are supposed to be fun and relaxing, so we have an objective to ensure that Armed Assault doesn't become overly frustrating or excessively difficult - unless of course the player chooses to play that way. That's why there are intelligently implemented skill levels and visual aids; the player can choose how much help he wants - or doesn't want." That's good news. If you're a newbie, you set your own difficulty. If you're a vet, the same goes for you. So the game will suit most of the people.
  24. kernriver

    Latest screenshots available

    I was wondering about something else: there are 12 missions in the campaign, right? If you want something like 15-20 hrs of playing, those missions should be atleast 1 hour long, probably twice than that. I don't know exactly how long were the missions in OFP, never timed them, but these missions are gonna kick ass! BTW, thanks for the info, Red kite Bravo 6: "The right soldier on the back looks like an Ape running.." OMG, you're right! LOL! But come to think of it, there are lot of different characters in any army, this actually looks like RL