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k i n g

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Everything posted by k i n g

  1. k i n g

    tvt\ handcuffing

    Wow! That's exactly what I'm looking for. Unfortunnately this is an old thread and the script is not working. Has anybody something similar? AI will surrender based on the skill and damage level?
  2. @TRexian ah ok... but thank you. This script seems to be pretty good! For the next release, it would be cool if you would provide more information how to implement it. You are just telling the parameters which have to be used, but you dont give an example how the array/syntax has to look like. And to check your example missions is not that easy, because they are compressed as pbo. Why not release them as editor mission? Dont consider this as criticism, it is just a little tip... cool script
  3. how can i start it from a trigger? Especially for JTD_buildingSearch.sqf and JTD_blockSearch.sqf... The description is only telling which parameters are needed, but not how the array has to look like. I tried [grpx, (getMarkerPos "blockMarker"), 250] execVM "JTD_buildingSearch.sqf"; but nothing happened...:confused:
  4. does anyone know the system of an original american radio messages. i think there has to be a kind of "radio discipline" in the us military. How does one unit/hq call another unit correctly?
  5. Ahh... i just thought someone in this forum did join the us military... but the link is very cool, thanx:)!
  6. @cytreen ah ok... got it obviously it is not allowed to do it like this: i dont know why, but it seems that the waypoints are the problem. now i do it like that and it works perfect:
  7. @Cytreen no, unfortunately not... they still spawn in z2:(
  8. puuhh... just read this whole thread (yes all 76 pages)... but did not find a solution for my problem. i have 2 master zones and 2 waypoint zones: and on page 11 of the readme i read: But when i start my mission the units from the master zones are generated in all 4 zones. How can i generate the units only in the master zones?
  9. ahh.... thanx, i already saw the site, but i was to blind... sorry, yesterday was a long night (crysis warhead) ;)
  10. @ArmAIIholic sounds like a very good tool, exactly what im searching for, but sorry man, i dont get it. on page 5 of this thread you say that you will write a manual and on page 8 you say, that you already wrote a manual! Where is this manual? i cant find it in the wict-files. But in the startsettings.sqf you suggest to read the manual first. Wouldn't it be a good idea to add the manual to the download? Sounds like a really good tool, but i have no idea how to add it to my mission.
  11. @rexehuk Hi….sorry, i ve been busy for a long time. What do you mean with No, i’m starting it with a script from a trigger?! Oh....maybe i missed your hint: What do you mean? Do i spawn the DAC_zone (fun=[...]) from the init of the logic? And what do you mean with Sorry im not that editing genius....
  12. @rexehuk Creating a LOGIC camp will not work, atleast when I tried it... My solution was the following. // Takistani Army case 7: { _campBasic = ["FlagCarrierTKMilitia_EP1",["Land_Campfire",8,5,0],["Land_tent_east",5,0,0],["Logic",10,15,0],0]; _campAmmo = [["LocalBasicWeaponsBox",10,2,0],["LocalBasicAmmunitionBox",10,-4,0]]; _campStatic = []; _campAddUnit = []; _campUserObj = [["Land_Antenna",5,-5,45],["Logic",17,35,0],["Logic",17,20,0],["Logic",47,0,0],["Logic",27,0,0],["Logic",17,-35,0],["Logic",17,-20,0]]; _campRandomObj = []; _campWall = []; _campObjInit = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]; }; I then forced it down using a gameLogic so that the game always started in a position I defined. Unfortunately it is not working. i still get the error message that z1 is not suitable for a camp.
  13. This is really an amazing tool. Real good. But tested it and got the following issue: I start the zone z3 with but the zone has a lot of wood in it and i get the following error message when i start the mission: So obviously, my camp is to big to be created in the zone. I do not understand this, because i use only a logic as base: Is there a way to get the units created in or near a wood area?
  14. k i n g

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Works fine, thanx a lot!
  15. Hey, i have just a short question. Is it possible to hide the position of the player on the map. so he cannot see on the map where he is? may be this is possible by forcing to play the mission in veteran mode, but there is no solution in this forum how i can force this :confused: Thanx in advance!
  16. @ Buliwyf: Hm.... no.... the problem is that the mission is part of a campaign. i do not want to force all users to play the whole campaign in veteran mode. ...hm... my only wish is to hide the players position on the map. @ CarlGustaffa i dont think this is it. I want/need the map because there are necessary markers on it. Just want to hide the players position... maybe it is not possible... but thanx for your help!!!!
  17. k i n g

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Awesome scipt, really good. But yet another question: Im starting the script with [getPos x1,LDL_options select 0,LDL_options select 1,LDL_options select 21, LDL_options select 20]call LDL_ac130_rot_setup; and i have the plain named plain1 with this setVariable ["LDL_planeInUse", false, true]; im getting this started with addaction. Everything works fine, but there is one problem. When i open the map, the player is ,of course, at the location where he activates the ac130. looks a little bit strange, cause i want the player to be at the marker where the ac130 is. I tried to get the player into above mentioned plain1 (player moveincargo plain). But now he is at the start location of plain1, but not in the attacking ac130. Is there a way to get the player into the created plain? To see him at the map at the correct location?
  18. hm.... acording to this thread http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=77869&highlight=cadetmode this will not work. and honestly, i dont know how to start this in an sqf:(
  19. k i n g

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    :yay: works great! cool !!!
  20. k i n g

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    @lurchi: ok, lets get deeper: can you please do me a favor an try this: 1. create and empty mission with 1 player (copy all the stuff from your mission "AC130_0%2e5_Script.utes" exept mission.sqm" in this folder) 2. Place an object with this init: this addAction ["Call AC130", "LDL_ac130\ac130_action_map.sqf"]; 3. start the mission and call the ac130. In my mission the counter starts and it is said, that the ac130 is available for 2 minutes. thats all, no ac130 appears....
  21. k i n g

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Maybe you have the AddOn active and forgot to place the init? no, i already tried it with vanilla arma2 v1.7 without addon
  22. k i n g

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    hm... little and stupid question... when i start the example mission AC130_0%2e5_Script.utes in the editor and call the "addaction" Ac130 or AC130(AI) nothing happens. It is the same with the uav. Well, when i start ac130(AI) a counter appears and a few options, but i thought the plane has to attack my selected positition. And with"CallAC130" i thought i become be the gunner of the AC130. Or not?!:confused:
  23. k i n g

    Campaign ideas...

    Does anyone still remember the movie "Clear and Present Danger" (German title: das Kartell) with Harrison Ford? It is based on the book with same title from Tom Clancy (German title: Der Schattenkrieg). In this movie, a special forces unit is operating in the jungle of Columbia with the task to destroy the infrastructure of drug syndicate. Look this movie (or better read the book; more details) and you have a very good story for a campaigne.
  24. hi everybody, i searched a lot, found nothing. I want to create a plane which flies to a relativ position of marker (200m right of the marker) with a script "airstrike.sqs" With "target" setMarkerPos _pos and strikePilot doMove _pos the plane is flying directly to the marker "target", but that it is not want i want. I want the plane to pass the marker about 200m right of it. so I tried it with: strikePilot doMove [(getMarkerPos "target") select 0,(getMarkerPos "target") select 1+200,200] and strikePilot doMove [(getMarkerPos "target") select 0,(getMarkerPos "target"+200) select 1,200] but nothing worked. Has anyone an idea?
  25. @CarlGustaffa: Thanx man, works great:yay: