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Everything posted by Kenwort

  1. Latvian Tactical Gaming Community - ARMA 3 Announced
  2. Looks very good on my desktop now! Thanks for the screenshot @Black!
  3. Redirect him to dslyecxi youtube channel if you want to show him some intense/fun mp gameplay. :) Pvz58L8bCaU
  4. use youtube brackets [ YOUTUBE] [/YOUTUBE] and post the red part http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koO3lSyarVg inside them
  5. 48ykaJHrKVw VmM3lzeQkXA pzoSgct6hO8
  6. That might be the Atoc feature. You can turn it off in ArmaA2OA.cfg Also I have very low texture problem. Even if settings are set to very high, high or normal... textures appear in very low quality after some time.
  7. this bug is still annoying the hell out of me :(
  8. Kenwort

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 78188

    Tried without any mods... same thing. Looks like it has something to do with anti-aliasing.. when switched off the bug disappears.
  9. Kenwort

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 78188

    Hmm.. I can't seem to get rid of these bugs even when downgrading beta patches. :(
  10. Kenwort

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 78188

    I see only these two annoying bugs with this beta patch. My system info sig. left side beta patch - right side without this beta patch left side without beta patch - right side with this beta patch
  11. Kenwort

    Sound Of Anders (soundmod)

    Got it, thanks. Thanks for the mod Anders! It's really great! SOA + RH heli = awesomeness
  12. Kenwort

    Sound Of Anders (soundmod)

    The file you are looking for seems to be unavailable at the moment. Please come back later. :(
  13. Mission 2 Part 1 DJlEjDind9U Mission 2 Part 2 DHWa2JHImjc
  14. Kenwort

    ArmA 2 Player Occupation

    Webmaster, Internet Marketer.. work from home. 2m from bed to work, 2 hours for work rest for gaming :)
  15. Thought I'd create a type of mini series where I play through BI campaigns and some of the best community made ones. I know some people like watching others play through games (I know I do.. ) So if your interested you can subscribe and follow the series :) CkdRyktw2LY
  16. Our forum is now live: http://armedzone.com/forum/ More content coming soon.
  17. SimHQ - 05.02.11 - Karachinar Scud Hunt x4ozJNCUC34 SimHQ - 05.02.11 - SHQ Spetznaz Raid yhhGcQsWe6E