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Everything posted by Kenwort

  1. Kenwort

    Easter eggs

    yeah.. if you do that then a crazy santa who looks like this: will try to kill you with his rpg's and ak's and with the help of elfs, he will take over everon... muhahahaha... lol hepppy xmaz
  2. Kenwort


    Hey guys! Finally ArmAtube is back online!. <span style='color:green'>ArmAtube has changed it's host and script, now we are being hosted by xilahosting with unlimited bandwidth and videos uploaded and we have changed our domain to armed-assault-tube.com the old domain armatube.info is disabled now and doesn't redirect to the new site. Though I couldn't save the DB and videos from the early version of ArmAtube :-(</span> <span style='color:green'>Well at least this is a new fresh start, with a stable host and a more decent script </span> <span style='color:orange'>If you want to report something or give a feedback: [email protected] </span> Visit armed-assault-tube.com
  3. Kenwort

    Big-Foot in OFP ??

    Hey guys... Look what i found.. Big - foot in Operation Flashpoint Is this true? I tried to look for Big-Foot on Everon Grig Hh 82 in the night, but didn't find him. Has anyone found the Big foot or is it fake?
  4. Kenwort


    I'm getting a new host next week, this host wasn't even ment to do so much i just had it for building the site not running.. And i want to add that the site is only in test mode (demo) The full release with optimized features is going to be somewhere around X-Max
  5. Kenwort

    AAZ NEWS! on saturdays

    Nope It's getting better, though it's still on the drawing board, but i can tell you that ArmA -MM- are now working together with armedassault.info, so the news are going to be broad casted on arma.info. And yes it has stopped for the moment because I still haven't received my new laptop on which i could work on the news much faster and in better quality (arma,video render,editing etc). I reckon the first news somewhere around Christmas as a present
  6. Kenwort

    AAZ NEWS! on saturdays

    <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>I want to inform you that AAZ working together with AAMM will now provide a news report each week on Saturdays! We will talk about new addons released, maybe some interviews with addon creators and we will show footage of the addon that is released, we will show you how it works!</span></span> <span style='color:green'>Join us! Want to become a newsreporter? It's not hard! All you have to do is make a report of an addon or something new that is created for ArmA! Film it or just record your voice! What you should add in the news report is up to you, you can tell long story's or just a short version of the report!</span>
  7. Kenwort


    Lol.. yeah i guess so! Changing the host next week for better quality and faster speed with unlimited bandwidth and disk space for videos.
  8. Kenwort


    80mb for now, because it is in test stage If the project succeeds and is going to be used by many user, then I will move to a bigger host
  9. Kenwort


    Thanks mate! Just want to add if some one wishes to create channel dedicated to his mod, or his personal work, contact me and I will add a channel for you
  10. Kenwort

    Hardened Aircraft Shelters

    Wonderful addon there EddyD! <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>Link from Armed Assault zone</span>
  11. Kenwort


    Guys help me out please, I was making the unit after JB's tutorial, but something is wrong i can't run arma! This error pops out when i try to launch it! EDIT: Prbolem solved!! Thanks to Linker Split! The error was showing because of a bin config for a GUI running at the same time
  12. Lol Another great funny addon! now we only need to get those rabbits in these choppers and fight against the aliens! <span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Download link from Armed Assault Zone</span>
  13. Kenwort

    Alien addon

    Lol funny addon mate! Waiting for those Alien movies and screenshots! anyway here is a link from Armed Assault Zone
  14. Kenwort

    ArmA BHD:MOD

    Thanks for your support man! Contact me or Linker via MSN: [email protected] [email protected] or contact us on our forums here We really could use your help Cheers, kenny
  15. Kenwort

    ArmA BHD:MOD

    Thanks dude, yea the screen is great! It was made by Parvus! Thats why it's so great Yea I'm all over with projects..
  16. Kenwort

    Armed Assault videos

    Does anybody know which addons were used in that one (in terms of extraterrestrial hardware) ? Check this thread
  17. Kenwort

    AAZ NEWS! on saturdays

    Hey guys! Here is the first version AAZ News, Enjoy! Watch AAZ News
  18. Kenwort

    Armed Assault videos

    Haha!! Funny video man!! Frontpage on AAMM!!
  19. Front page on Armed Assault Zone Nice units guys! Btw we are going to show them on the AAZ news this saturday!
  20. Kenwort

    ArmA BHD:MOD

    Two new screens! Flying over MOG! Driving through the city. p.s. some nice screens will come soon from Parvus!!!
  21. Kenwort

    AAZ NEWS! on saturdays

    No no.. It will be a video, you can download it, share it, embed it..
  22. Kenwort

    ArmA BHD:MOD

    Should work now