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Posts posted by karazy

  1. Who here can run 2 miles without being severly winded? Who here wieghs over 150 pounds? Well lets add 80 pounds to you, and send you off running at a decent pace...say 6:30 miles? I give most people here not even 500 meters before their legs give out, and they fall on their face. Hell, I'm even going to go out on a limb and say 80% of you can't walk at a decent pace for even a few miles with that much crap on, without falling out. Do you know what kind of energy it takes to maintain control, and grip on a 27lb weapon system while you are RUNNING? You can't pump your arms, and you should be trying to maintain positive muzzle control. I get winded just thinking about it. Alot of things aren't even being accounted for by most of you. What about boots? It takes alot of energy to run in boots. Altitude is also a factor, if you're body isn't used to running at a certain altitude, you get tired faster due to thin air.

    I thought they were going for fun realism...?

  2. Ok how do you make it so the unit uses the head you choose for it. Since it always uses the random look for some reason.

    Someone, for the love of god, find an answer for this. What is up with the random faces? I sent Hya an email asking about default BIS heads. This random stuff is ridiculous. My character has a white face in my user profile, but because of this random script he is sometimes black and other races. What?

    Also, I shouldn't have to do complicated init lines just to get something that should happen anyway as it does with allllll other units.

  3. Awesome work. I especially like the CQB version. This was one of the first addons I have downloaded and one of my favorites. The only thing I could even say in hopes of making this addon better would simply be a request for headgear, possibly a model without a helmet, maybe one with a patrol cap or ball cap, or one of my favorites the drive-on rag. smile_o.gif Anyway awesome work in any event smile_o.gif

    Have a good 'un

    Yeah, headgear like that ala OFP's ole Black Ops addon would be fuckin sweet.

  4. I need some awesome ARMA video footage. Battles, transportation scenes, epic stuff.

    No in-person screens though. I don't want to see the HUD and stuff.

    I'm making a video set to Massive Attack's "Angel." Perfect for slow motion battle scenes that will rock the mind.

    You can upload your video to SendSpace, fast and free.
