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Everything posted by karazy

  1. I actually didn't n.n; Sorry about that. But now I bet my request gets ignored even more.
  2. karazy

    New 3rd person camera view

    That would be incredible.
  3. karazy

    New 3rd person camera view

    EXACTLY what I'm thinking. You can't really use it to peak around corners or over obstacles anymore... so in a way, it's even more realistic than the normal 3rd person.
  4. karazy

    New 3rd person camera view

    Check my post right above Puma's... I added a video of it.
  5. karazy

    New 3rd person camera view

    I consider myself a milsim gamer (with my close group of online friends, we have chains of command and ALWAYS stay in character)... but sometimes I don't want to have to stay in the same perspective. Different strokes. I've uploaded a video demonstration of this little mod here. Check it out to see it in-game with a U.S. infantry soldier, a blackop, and to see if it affects the vehicle view. I apologize for the quality, you can only do so much with Windows Movie Maker and the Youtube quality compression.
  6. I never thought of that... It's close to the results that I (and a few others it seems) would like, but then there's not enough gear to claim them as resistance. Look at Williec's resistance fighters for original OFP- http://ofp.gamepark.cz/news/pics3/clodo1.jpg Or Saddam's Chechen insurgent pack http://ofp.gamepark.cz/news/pics/sectionpics/Chechen.JPG Those guys all look rag-tag, military on a very low budget. We need ArmA equivalents for TRUE resistance missions.
  7. We need rebel units that are more like the molotov-cocktail throwing type of resistance fighter. Rag-tag... civilian clothes with stolen armor on top of it... all randomly generated with each mission load. Doesn't that sound so awesome? I wish I could work with O2, because I would definitely do it. Is anybody working on something like this? And yes, I've seen the Soeldners and Relikki's stuff. We need less military GI influence and more freedom fighter rebel influence!
  8. karazy

    New 3rd person camera view

    Some people like to play in 3rd person RESIDENT EVIL 4 STYLE (GoW angle was actually inspired by RE4, ask Cliffy B.), dude. No need to get all technical up in here btw I am really really excited... tomorrow can't come fast enough.
  9. karazy

    Horrible Performance...

    Crap happens to me too. Good to know it's just the engine.
  10. karazy

    Operation FacePlant US Infantry v1.00

    oh damn hot new ACU addon, but still those damn clone faces. i wanna use the faces that you can choose for YOURSELF.
  11. karazy

    Lasers Rangers in ACU

    I have those. I said "good." hahaha no offense to the author.
  12. karazy

    Lasers Rangers in ACU

    Jeezzzz. I've tried replacing the head in Oxygen, but it is just SO confusing for me... maybe with permission from Sgt_Eversmann someone could help me?
  13. I know that they're supposed to be the Spanish CIA, but these will make GREAT Mercenary (blackwater type) units.
  14. karazy

    Lasers Rangers in ACU

    you could remove and replace them with the original faces and head model. or you can check the facetex 2 readme, copy the line with the mixed faces, unpbo the sgtlsracu.pbo, go into the config and in the inithandlers you replce the baseface.sqs with that mixed faces entry from the readme Okay, thank you man. Is there any certain tool you recommend for removing/replacing the head? I'd just really like to have the default faces (where the players can actually choose which face they want for their unit) on these great ACU guys. ...now if someone would only make a good MultiCam unit, like in Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter. *coughs loudly* hint hint :P
  15. karazy

    Lasers Rangers in ACU

    Is there anyway to get rid of the custom faces? I dont much like the clone effect.
  16. b..b...but.. i'm not that advanced ;-;
  17. I already have tried FFUR and I really didn't like it, bro. I play with a small group of people where we roleplay scenarios out and have chains of commands stuff, like alot of you do, and I really liked the BMI blackops. They just need some camo pattern for daytime use.
  18. I know, but I really, REALLY dont wan't to download the whole pack.
  19. Any way to find these? I'd love to have those camo versions.