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Everything posted by karazy

  1. What OFP addons have people successfully converted to ArmA?
  2. karazy

    New 3rd person camera view

    I found the file to edit, but yeah this is about as close as I could get too. I've got a video of Hedcrusha's Ver. 0.3 up, too:
  3. Is there anyway to move the crosshair to a native point on the screen in third person mode? At default, it's set to the center... but I'm trying to help with the 3rd Person Camera Edit addon, and it needs to be moved a little to the right. Is there anyway that we could get a dynamic angle like this: Without being totally off-aim It doesn't look off-aim in these screens, but you have to aim a little above and to the right of your target to hit where you'd like in third person mode.
  4. karazy

    Framerate Limits

    No matter what I do to my graphics (lowest everything, including resolution), I get 30 FPS average in-game and 60 FPS average when looking at the sky/maps/etc. What can I do? I know about VSYNC, and I don't want tearing. I have a Viewsonic 19" monitor (native res: 1280x1024) Geforce 7900 GT 256mb AMD Athlon 64 3200+ (2GHZ) 1gb DDR2 RAM (or something like that.)
  5. karazy

    New 3rd person camera view

    Hey dude, the length from the player is perfect. Now it just needs to go a little more to the right. When you do certain animations, your body goes in the way of the crosshair. What file do you edit in the bin.pbo to get to the camera details? I'd like to give it a try and give you some input for future releases. Got a video of it up. clicky
  6. I have all the tools and I know how to create the .pbo, but what should i label the folders/files as? I saved the face as a .paa file, but when I put the .pbo in AddOns, it just shows up as a new profile and the face doesnt even show up. Answers?
  7. I got it working, I think. I changed it from the BIS style face texture to the custom face .jpeg style (only one big box, not multiple smaller version of the face) Here's the .pbo, try it out and see if it works for you. rpface.pbo It's face18, only a little paler and less shadowing around the eyes (it looked like makeup).
  8. Okay SoulCatcher and s8n: I put Soul's text into my config exactly (changed his "texture" to my correct "textures" folder), and "violenceinhd" shows up in the face list- but when i select it, it crashes arma to the desktop. click for it That image is the .paa in jpeg conversion.
  9. karazy

    Framerate Limits

    I remember playing the CoH demo with everything up besides AA (which was on the medium- what? 2x FSAA?), and I got 40-60 almost constantly, besides air strikes and other graphics-intensive effects. I bet if I had my res lowered it would've run better.
  10. karazy

    Framerate Limits

    Karazy, ask alienware about a rebate/trade in for a faster CPU GPU combo an Intel Duo E6300 and a 8800 GTS and new ram might be cheap from them in the Uk you can kinda upgrade with them. And you would get 2-4x min' the performance of your current machine. Yep, hate to say this your current machine now just about hits medium spec. Sorry but the 8800's changed everything then the intel Duo cores came along and scrapped even the AMD 62 FX. Drop texture to low, leave AA off, turn off PP (cause even the might 8800 struggles with that). Leave vis range about 1km and drop terrain to low. In nvidia control panal hardset Af and AA to app controlled. If you have alienware video booster, set it off as its a pig with some games. Also make sure you are auto updated with all the latest drivers blah blah etc. Just bear in mind even a quad core intel with 8800 GTX SLI oc'ed with hyrdogen can run ARMA or Supreme Commander and not go below 5fps if you max everything at high res. Is all my stuff really the medium mark? I'm not sure if this is exactly true, because at ANY graphics setting I still get 30-60 FPS, whether it's everything on high or everything on low. ALL my other games- BF2, HL2 and it's engine mods, GRAW- run at highest every setting and I'm still okay (50-60 FPS average in all but HL2, which is 60 constant). I might as well just disable VSYNC and revel in the glory of white lines. But thank you. I'm gonna give Dell-ER, I MEAAAN Alienware a call and see if they can give me rebates.
  11. karazy

    Framerate Limits

    Moaning? I paid hundreds for this thing with the successor to OFP in mind about a year ago, and when it finally comes out I get OFP style performance even with all the settings on low. I'm sorry that I can't accept mediocrity like you seem so easily able to. And my FPS counter is off. It gets to the point where I don't need an FPS counter to be able to tell. I'm not fricking showing off, I just want a decent performance with this game.
  12. karazy

    Framerate Limits

    I bought this computer from Alienware (lol), so I'd sure as hell hope it isn't bottlenecking.
  13. Well I've tried many combinations of everything, and I can't find a code that works. I'm up to this point: CfgFaces = class rpface1 class ViolenceInHD { face = name="ViolenceInHD"; texture="\rpface\textures\violence.paa"; }; I dunno if I've mentioned this yet, but I'd really like the face to show up in the default list of faces on the profile screen, btw.
  14. Okay, so I've got the .paa file for my face... I just need to know what to put in a config.cpp for my .pbo
  15. karazy

    New 3rd person camera view

    http://www.armedassault.info/ Congrats, Hed.
  16. karazy

    custom faces / not able to join

    Still stands.
  18. karazy

    custom faces / not able to join

    Nothing really got answered here, so I guess I'll bump and ask... When I join my friend's listen server, my custom face is pure white. What can we do to fix this, besides giving him the face file or something.
  19. karazy

    Grass Shadows

    If you have played the game Oblivion on PC, you know how much of a framerate difference disabling shadows being cast on grass can make (like 20-35). Is there any way to do this on Armed Assault (besides lowering the terrain to very low)?
  20. karazy

    New 3rd person camera view

    After playing with it for a while, I've figured that it's much too close. The camera needs to be a tiny bit father from the player. I would do this, but I have no knowledge in these verses.
  21. karazy

    Ebud's SF's

    I've got a cool suggestion... for the Civilian SF units, maybe you could make the clothes under the armors random... as in, random colors. It would help a lot.
  22. karazy

    Grass Shadows

    Uh, no. I know there's a way. If they can do it on Oblivion, which is older, I'm sure it's possible here. I'm not degrading my entire game's look just because one feature is unnecessarily laggy.