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About karazy

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  1. I apologize. Are you from Germany? I'm uploading to Vimeo at the moment... if this doesn't work, I'll try another video site. http://vimeo.com/24364063 It'll take a little bit to upload and process.
  2. Hey guys, I just made a video showcasing the different features as of right now. I also did something similar for ShackTac with their Fireteam Radar ( ).
  3. I thought they were going for fun realism...?
  4. karazy

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Someone, for the love of god, find an answer for this. What is up with the random faces? I sent Hya an email asking about default BIS heads. This random stuff is ridiculous. My character has a white face in my user profile, but because of this random script he is sometimes black and other races. What? Also, I shouldn't have to do complicated init lines just to get something that should happen anyway as it does with allllll other units.
  5. karazy

    my Arma gun pack

    -PLEASE- Totally freaking agreed.
  6. karazy


    welp... thanks for taunting us.
  7. Cypher style would be hot http://www.globalsecurity.org/intell/systems/images/cypher-pic1.jpg
  8. karazy

    VeloX Units

    Why in the hell would you use rapidshit. Mediafire, maaan.
  9. karazy

    SJB Weapons Pack

    Hm. No SCAR.
  10. karazy

    Ebud's SF's

    Yeah, headgear like that ala OFP's ole Black Ops addon would be fuckin sweet.
  11. karazy

    RH weapons

    Someone should just up and make a SCAR-H or SCAR-L. I'm going crazy waiting for SJB.