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Everything posted by Kam2000

  1. Kam2000


    Always the same
  2. Kam2000

    Do You want PunkBuster in Armed Assault?

    I voted yes!!! I don't care if it's PB or others anticheats but the important is that we MUST have a good anticheats or the game will dead after about... uhm... maximum 2 weeks! And will be the same of OfP now! ufff... always the same discussion but never a good action! I'm bored!
  3. Kam2000

    How often do you (still) play OFP

    Now few times because it's unplayable. too much cheaters and the game it's not supported since 2002, cheaters can do what they want without any kind of problems.
  4. Kam2000

    Armed Assault Anticheats!!!

    i think ArA will dead in 1 week maximum. If i undestand well all addons and mod will be easy to convert from OfP to ArA, so i think also the cheats!!! Only 1 week and after will be like now... And BIS will release some patch ---> fixed the soldier shoes and some features Cheaters still remaining We report in BIS forum BIS will continue release some patch ---> fixed soldier smile and features All will left ArA and will go to play others game ArA dead BIS will annunce OfP 3 for 2030 ... ... ... grrr Sorry for my english
  5. Kam2000

    Armed Assault Anticheats!!!

    I'm also really happy ( and disgusted ) that BIS don't move it ass in this 2 years that all ofp players and clans said ---> IT'S UNPLAYABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now all players and clans left OfP. I don't know what we can do... If we open a topic maybe BIS is happy because it have a new topic and discussion, so many posts and registered users... But the problem is still not resolved after 2-3 years... Maybe BIS don't care what we post but it care that we post. ArA after 2 days will be like OfP NOW!!! if BIS don't undestand, OfP like now we mean UNPLAYABLE!!! follow this steps: 1) Open ASE 2) Check Servers with players ( if you find only one it's a miracle ) 3) Join a game and play IT'S UNPLAYABLE!!! U-N-P-L-A-Y-A-B-L-E from 2 years!!!! 2 YEARS!!!! 2 Y-E-A-R-S It mean for 2 years you don't resolved the problem, you don't care what we all posted and asked, just 1 think!!! ok let's see... like always... sometimes realease some patch ---> fixed some features OfP community ask only 1 good anticheat ---> FIX CHEATS!!! FIX OFP!!! FIX ALL!!! FIX what you want but i want play ofp like 3-4 years ago. uffff grrr Â
  6. Kam2000

    Armed Assault Anticheats!!!

    Because without anti cheats the cheaters can do ALWAYS what ever they want but with anti cheats they can only do their work as long as there are no updates for the anti cheat measurements out. Thats the point! Leaving them without any riposte they will ruin a game in the shortest time. And also because they can be caught
  7. Kam2000

    Armed Assault Anticheats!!!

    Right and for that we need A G-O-O-D A-N-T-I-C-H-E-A-T !!!
  8. Kam2000

    Armed Assault Anticheats!!!

    You think wrong because the truth is that -90% cheaters in OfP and anyway in official league match no need addons or mods just clear OfP. -90% cheaters mean +100% OfP popularity,players,clan.... It's not hard to undestand
  9. Kam2000

    Armed Assault Anticheats!!!

    Doesn't metter if PB or other anticheat but ---> W-E M-U-S-T H-A-V-E A G-O-O-D A-N-T-I-C-H-E-A-T-S.
  10. Kam2000

    Armed Assault Anticheats!!!

    Maybe they really are not interested and they only want get posts in their forum... In fact OfP was not supported like all others game although all posts of bugs or cheats in BIS forum. Â
  11. Kam2000

    Armed Assault Anticheats!!!

    Only because a player have got much kills this not mean that he's a cheater and you can't kick or ban this player. There are also a players with good skill that don't using cheats. We need a good anticheat!!!
  12. Kam2000

    Armed Assault Anticheats!!!

    You all thinking cheaters all that guys that respawning tank or ship or destroy the map or move the building? No guys!!! OfP it's allready dead, 95% of clans and players left ofp not ONLY for that kind of cheaters but because no one CW it's sure that it's clear CW. I prefer the cheater that spawn tanks or something sh** that clanmembers cheaters that play with colored uniform, wireframe, speedhack and be happy because they play well at others eyes or because they won the CW with cheat... OfP it's unplayable from 2 years Armed Assault must have a good anticheats like PB or something that guarantees or at least diminishes the cheaters or i really think the game after 2 weeks will be full of cheaters like now in OfP and all will be the same. Clans and players left or don't buy the game. ---> Sorry for my english, i hope that guys undestand what i mean <---
  13. Kam2000

    Armed Assault Anticheats!!!

    It's allready dead since 2003. Just scan server with ASE and see in-game servers.
  14. Kam2000

    Server Problem!!!

    We just got a dedicated server, allready updated and latest filecheck installed. But we got only one problem: When a player join on our server, don't appear on chat: Player connecting Player connected But just this: - RES I don't know why that? Or when i kick one players, don't appear any message... Strange!!! Can someone help me? Sorry for my english
  15. Kam2000

    Server Problem!!!

    Thx guys!!! Problem fixed... We checked that STRINGTABLE.CSV files was not in Res/Bin folder
  16. Kam2000

    Server Problem!!!

    We just got a dedicated server, allready updated and latest filecheck installed. But we got only one problem: When a player join on our server, don't appear on chat: Player connecting Player connected But just this: - RES I don't know why that? Or when i kick one players, don't appear any message... Strange!!! Can someone help me? Sorry for my english
  17. Kam2000

    1.96 beta mirrors

    OfP Online Mirror ---> DOWNLOAD Patch 1.95 BETA
  18. Kam2000

    1.95 beta mirrors

    OfP Online Mirror ---> DOWNLOAD Patch 1.95 BETA
  19. Kam2000

    Race pack out

    TnX @ll    Play it in MP in our server    IP: Porta: 2302 psw: racing version 1.94  Â
  20. Kam2000

    Ofp and all-seeing eye

    Cool Gj =)
  21. Kam2000

    Ofp mapchanger server tool

    Grazie Danke
  22. Kam2000

    Ofp mapchanger server tool

    When i click on EXE i have this error: (applicazione nn correttamente inizializzata (00000x00adsa)
  23. Kam2000

    Your contribution is important!!!

    Contribute for the growing of this comunity. click on the TOP100 banner and on the sponsors banners to give us votes what are just clicks for you but are a big pleasure for us. your help will contribute to the incrasement of our services and our quality. Very soon e release english version of site ;) http://www.operationflashpointonline.tk/ Thanks you!!!
  24. OfP Online has created its first OfP Pack for you! OfP Online Vietnam is a collection of Addons by various authors dealing with the Vietnam-War period. The Install-program does not modify any original file of the games and limits itself to installing the files of this pack into their respective folders. Attention: these files are not official and so CODEMASTERS bears no responsability whatsoever for any eventual misfunction of the game itself. This mod is not underlying any license so it is free to use but its commercial reproduction and distribution is strictly forbidden. OfpOnline Vietnam Pack consists of: Seb Nam Pack 2 116 various Nam Addons 249 Multiplayer missions 20 Singleplayer missions 2 Singleplayer Campaigns 1 Multiplayer Campaign OfpOnline Vietnam Pack is not only intended for singleplayers but also for people who like playing online, infact, like mentioned above there's also a whole Multiplayer Campaign to be played on our server: IP: Port: 2254 Given the fact that the OfPOnline Vietnam Pack is the webs most complete Nam-collection, it is pretty huge, that's why we've made two versions: the complete version (209 MB) and the basic-version (81 MB). To speed up the download the pack has been uploaded to a special and faster server. To have a fast download of the pack you'll have to register at our forum and post your email-adress: here <a href="http://ofponline.altervista.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=349" target="_blank">FAST DOWNLOAD </a> You will receive the download link to our server via email. Remember that we possess a system to track the ip-adress of everyone downloading the pack. And that the OfPOnline Pack is protected by copyright and it is strictly forbidden to pass the link to person which are not authorised by OfPOnline. We hope you'll enjoy the Pack! DOWNLOAD FAST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- MORE INFO = http://ofponline.altervista.org/forum/viewthread.php?tid=431