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Everything posted by Kal

  1. When i start OPF all the credits screens appear,then after the last one (the one with the title) the game crashes and there's an error message telling me "Cannot memory-map file 'dta/music.pbo'". What thge hell is going on? ( I have V1.91)
  2. This is a very stupid q in know but how do you open .rar addons and .ace ones? I When i dbl click on them it asks me what i want to open it w/, and i don't know which thing u use. ???
  3. This is a very stupid q in know but how do you open .rar addons and .ace ones? I When i dbl click on them it asks me what i want to open it w/, and i don't know which thing u use. ???
  4. My day for stupid qs,anyway how do you insert your own recordeed speech into a mission? and... When i put this </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_sg = "seagull" camCreate [x,y,z]<span id='postcolor'> in a trigger, a seagull isn't created why? ps.. can you skip the loading screens when the game starts up, i press Esc and Enter but nothing happens...
  5. How do you make a whole lot of maen run into mg fire WITHOUT putting their gun on their back (Careless) and going at full speed as opposed to normal?
  6. What is the script for getting a unit to surrender? I searched for loads of phrases and no results came up. p.s. i'll kik myself when you tell me it...
  7. This makes him put his hands behind his head, but when the Officer shoots him, he goes all bloody but doesn't fall over
  8. I know how to make a unit captive, but i've got this level whe an East officer kills a surrendering civilian, so what do i do with the switchmove?