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Everything posted by KuRoKo

  1. KuRoKo

    What is the slowest system running resistance?

    hmm.. you know when I got resistance I thought for a seccond as I contemplated an island like negova. well here is the first thing I did. I set every setting down to the lowest they could go, turned off every luxury then played the first custom mission I made on nagova.. a soldier and a car. then I went into the options (didn't leave the mission) tuned things on one at a time, then played for a bit, then options again and turned some thing else on, then got up to view distance and turned it up 100 at a time. bassically.. the trick is getting to the point where you have the luxuries and still have the game running without lag or choppyness. I have a pentium 3 733 Mhz 512 meg sd 133 mhz ram 64 mg geforce2 mx 400 umm thats pretty much all that matter right? game runs pretty fine for me, it's like breaking your computer into the game, also might I throw a rench into some people's plans. windows 2k is IMO the best OS for playing OFP on and such, because of all the OS's w2k uses the least and manages ram the best. But I have seen ofp (resistance I am talking about obviously) played on many machines. I think my computer is the last "level" to which ofp is playable while looking pretty nice. I have seen ofp on lower computers and well.. damn. and higher computers I dont notice much difference between mine and thiers.. infact some times I feel like clubing half the people with these awesome computers, they have a hell of a lot under the hood and dont know the old trick of taking the brick away from behind the peddle, thier machines run like virtual crap, the people who have the crapest machines out there are the ones who deserve the best one's the most ^_^ atleast they will pull out the best of the machine's abilities..
  2. KuRoKo

    1.90 bug list

    I have a way better request ^_^ How about giving us the option to change deffinitions of vehicles in real time.. So, an APC with aquatic abilities which allows it to drive in water as fast as on land.. or a harrier which can hover up and then fly like a plane.. and also, Allow us to use custom animations while in motion.. bomb bay doors.. or even futuristic addon's need this. for that matter deffining and adding our own animations would be swell too.. OOH.. also.. allowing us to bind new actions to keys... like when we can make our own animations we can define a key to jump.. or even back flip if people wanted to ^_^ would be kick ass for a matrix mod..
  3. KuRoKo

    Total conversion mods...

    well.. look at the total annihilation mod coming out.. they have a beta pack of units. I hope that total conversion goes all the way.. TA in operation flashpoint! what a dream!
  4. KuRoKo

    Total conversion mods...

    well.. look at the total annihilation mod coming out.. they have a beta pack of units. I hope that total conversion goes all the way.. TA in operation flashpoint! what a dream!
  5. KuRoKo

    Best add-ons list

    oh thats easy then ^_^ Total annihilation units baby Ta units!!
  6. KuRoKo

    K9 units

    hell no.. I would love to be a dog.. imagin running arround as a wolf say for instance. chasing rabits.. doing wolf like things.. eating people... yeah thats fun ^_^
  7. KuRoKo

    Aliens - dropship

    there is only one thing I can say about this one ^_^ Go baby go.. I am so disapointed that there aren't many unrealistic addons out there, why confine ourselfs.. OFP is so free and open that is one of the best things about it. between hoverboards, jump ships and maybe even the offchance of a mech/AC coming out ^_^ I think unrealistic is fun.
  8. KuRoKo

    Aliens - dropship

    there is only one thing I can say about this one ^_^ Go baby go.. I am so disapointed that there aren't many unrealistic addons out there, why confine ourselfs.. OFP is so free and open that is one of the best things about it. between hoverboards, jump ships and maybe even the offchance of a mech/AC coming out ^_^ I think unrealistic is fun.
  9. KuRoKo

    A question i have been wondering

    it isn't so much the transforming of a vehicle I am interested in. Like I said for a plane such as the harrier to be able to switch from choppper to plane and back again would be great. not much needed in the way of model changing ^_^ boy do I wish some one with great scripting knowlage could help me here *hint hint*
  10. Ok, so here is the question, seemings how lately there have been added options to addons like cars being able to open then hood etc. would it at all be possible to just have the same sort of menu to change a vehicles type, say from hellicopter to plane and back and forth.. say.. a harrier, or one of those cool plany things in G-police ^_^ bassically, could it be scripted that once selected in the little actions menu that it can change the vehicles type ( probobly already asked but feasibly I would imagin thins being the only way), I mean.. after seeing scripts changing the game from normal speed and then to slow and back again.. and the GTF mod doing wonders for scripting in the actions menu, I was wondering if it would work.. (I am probobly going to get the simplest of answers here)
  11. For models do the actions themselfs derive from names the makers want. example. does the creater of a vehicle give it certain commands like engine on/off and get in/out. if so.. make a new animated command which opens the door then trigers the unit to get in, then sets the animation to close the door and just name this action the same as the orriginal one ie. Get in ****** I probobly missed some thing, but I think it is some thing which can be done already by addon makers.
  12. KuRoKo

    A new bike?

    Yes and the ultimate chance to prove to your fellow comrads in arms that your a fool for not being able to ride let alone miss the curb before crashing into the millitary police officers new jeep... -_- no hasn't happend, I am merely stating the possibilities having an ultimate stealth vehicle can do to people... Seadoo!!! awesome Idea.. hell.. if I knew how to even start modeling.. I would make one right... about now.