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About KillerPain

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. KillerPain

    Fog cheat

    Well, cuz I want everyone to know. I could just spert out the clan name. But since just about everyone on ofp knows I don't think I need to do that. And if you haven't heard I will be happy to tell you.
  2. KillerPain

    Fog cheat

    BTW, there is a cheat. Â A tweak for Nvidia. Â That can remove or lessen the fog. Â Someone has just shown it to me. Â I saw it with my own eyes.
  3. KillerPain

    Real games dont fade...

    Are you sure, I have tried that but it looks encrypted!
  4. KillerPain

    Ohhh, this is making me mad

    But I havent' changed it since I got the game, it just started doing it. Also it is fine once I get in a game.
  5. KillerPain

    Ohhh, this is making me mad

    Ok, this is wierd, Now when I launch OFPR, I get like mouse lag, my mouse moves a like 0.5 frames per a second. And when I go to join multiplayer games(which takes forever), I have a <300 ping filter set. And only like one game shows up. All the others ping at like 500. When they usually ping at like 100 or something. It is really messed up. Once I play a game though it slowly works itself out. Can anyone explain?
  6. KillerPain

    Badly in need of help

    Could it be FADE?
  7. KillerPain


    LOL Paynemaker, You visited TIBS cuz he lives down the road. But you are missing it, an aimbot just auto targets. Once that target is in place you fire. Just like you do with out one. So If you can do it, you don't think you can make a program to auto do it. Also read the post of above. It is possible and there are aimbots. Aimbots from other games have been tested and have worked. Although not perfect. Any coder and programer can tweak it do do right. And if you think noone would do that. Sometimes thats the way these kids are, just stupid little pricks. They enjoy doing it.
  8. KillerPain


    Yeah the cable cheat is getting way out of hand. I see it all the time now. They talked about making in to where your player locks up, if you "disconnect" but they never did it.
  9. KillerPain


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Sep. 25 2002,10:20)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">okay- would you like me to put a bandaid on it? Because Im not exactly clear what pointless bitching is going to solve. By the way, do I know you? You sound familiar, in a constantly-whining-about-people-killing-you way...<span id='postcolor'> Number 1, the point was to let all you blind mofo's out there know that their are more than just a simple little ammo cheat. Number 2, I wouldn't whine about being killed since I do the killing. Number 3, what's your problem? Number 4, I really wish BIS would do something about it. Number 5, I just found your Server Address on All Seeing Eye. Â I will come give you some Pain in the next day or two. Number 6, you need to chill out. Goodnight!
  10. KillerPain


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Sep. 25 2002,09:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">No. Also, that crack is eventually going to kill you. It's late, and I didnt bother to read a whole post all the way through. Gimme a fucking break. Now, in other news, you are absolutely sure that a guy 300 yards away from you, is running when he shoots you?<span id='postcolor'> No, I am blind and I play this game. Yes I am sure, like I said I am also, in the top 15 or so. I am not dumb, nor have I smoked crack, well in the last hour, J/K. I know what I have seen. And I would let it go, but seeing it from the same 3 or 4 people is kinda wierd, DON"T YOU THINK? And I am not talking lag or desync, this has happened on a OC48 Connection, and they had 38-50 pings with no desync. And I continue to see it from the same players over and over again. I have done a lucky shot or two like that maybe in the whole time I have had this game. But over and over again. I don't think so.
  11. KillerPain


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Sep. 25 2002,03:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">If you can't hit targets at 300 yards with a double tap, then you aint in the top 15 pal.<span id='postcolor'> TEX, I can do it with one tap 500 yards away with a Bizon, But that isn't my point. If you would read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I SAID ON THE RUN, RUN BEING THE KEY WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!! FULL RUN 300 YARDS AWAY? CAN YOU DO THAT OH ALMIGHTY TEX?
  12. KillerPain


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (InqWiper @ Sep. 25 2002,09:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">So the guy fired 2 shots while running and hit you from 300 meters?<span id='postcolor'> Yes, Seen it from 3 or 4 players, several times over and over again. Â For all you, that would be an aimbot. Â And yes there is one. Â Any computer, any game, any password, an any program can be hacked. Â Just takes the knowledge and time. Â But it has been proven over and over again. Look at Microsoft! Â Why do you think you have to patch Internet Explorer all the time? Â CUZ SOMEONE HACKS IT. Â And they spend millions a year on security prevention.
  13. KillerPain


    Cheating tips removed
  14. KillerPain


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Dark_Intentions @ Sep. 24 2002,21:15)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">For the first year or so-I came across few if any cheats. But last 6 months-I see more and more cheats. Also see more and more crap like intentional TK and seem to be getting the "Remember original games do not fade" message on almost a daily basis when others connect on some of the servers. Tons a "so and so uses modified config file" also(all will claim a sound mod, but who knows?)This to me is an indicator that a different crowd of people are becoming part of the community. This is more and more reason why I think many are moving toward direct h2h games instead of dedicated servers(dropping #'s could also be that game is not as new as it used to be?) Oh well,such is life huh? I am sure of 1 thing though-there is no way to stop all cheating-it will always be with us as long as weak minded and skilled individuals play online games. Â <span id='postcolor'> Any you are very correct about this@!!
  15. KillerPain


    Well, KAMAZIA! I am sad to say, you don't get around much. Â I am also in the elite, top 10 or 15, no argument needed. Â I am posting under a different name, than I play with, just becuase I signed up a long long time ago. Â I have also been playing this game since the day it came out, and played the demo before. My clan has a dedicated server and I have played thousands and thousands of hours. Â We catch a few people a week just with the ammo cheat alone. Â So, I know you don't get out much. Â Just saying you have only seen one. Second, I know when a player can run from 300 yards away, and hit me with two shots, on a dedicated server(no lag), and do it over and over again, something is up, and since you would be in the top 10 you would know that, that is not possible. Also, there is the lag cheat, which I have seen 10 times at least in the last few months. Â And although to have hard hard evidience you can't. Â And yes BIS can do something just like all the other Game Makers have. Â Like ID with punkbusters, and Unreal with CSHP.