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About Kammak

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. What a brilliant response. You disagree so you tell people to shut up. Outstanding! Calm down and get outside a little. You're taking OFP too seriously.
  2. Puzzled too. Looking at Laser's last iteration of Rangers, I wouldn't include him in that list...purple cammies, day-glo vests, BDUs that don't match the boonie hats, etc.... These ADF guys look good and consistent. Perhaps its on your end?
  3. Kammak

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    I agree Fingolfin, the backpacks are great. I would also like to see an init command/script call to add/remove appearance items rather than an action. I stopped using the UKF troops because of the spammed action menu (and the encrypted pbos)- most of the items of that action menu won't be used ONCE during a mission. It should either be configured through init lines, or with a collapsing action menu system so it can be hidden/reduced to just one action menu item. Also, backpacks should not take an inventory space. That would be a bad solution.
  4. Kammak

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Many people don't have the time, talent, or inclination to fiddle with junk in O2. This is a topic to discuss Hyk's addon, discussion includes "wishes". Why it would offend you that other people post wishes is curious...
  5. Kammak

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    sigh. Repeating a lie doesn't make it truth. The USMC is part of the Dept of the Navy. The USN is part of the Dept of the Navy. They both have the same civilian leader, the Secretary of the Navy. They DO NOT have the same military chain of command. Period. The Marine chain of command follows up through the Commandant of the Marine Corps, who is a member of the Joint Chiefs. The Navy chain of command follows up through the Chief of Naval Operations, who is a member of the Joint Chiefs. A USN officer has no chain of command authority over any USMC unit, unless he holds a JOINT command billet (ESF). The Commandant of the Marine Corps is equal to the Chief of Naval Operations, Chief of Staff of the Army, and Chief of Staff of the USAF. The USMC is a branch of the armed forces. It is not subordinated by, controlled by, or superceded by the USN. They are SISTER services of the Dept of the Navy. The only naval infantry force in the US military is the SEALs. They are naval personnel, sign a Navy contract, but fight on the ground instead of aboard ship or aircraft. Their chain of command runs through the CNO. No Marine chain of command goes through the CNO. The previous post about Dept of Treasury and any uniforms...total la-la land. Only members of the Unites States Marine Corps are authorized to wear the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor insignia. Navy folks wearing cammies do not have the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor on the chest pocket. Ditto on the soft cover.
  6. Kammak

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Hyk, this update is fantastic. I really enjoy the woodland SF guys with packs...perfect for combat patrol missions. Few addons get me excited about making missions with them, but this one definitely does! I also appreciate the option to download your soldiers with JAM weapons, instead of including a cobbled-together weapons pack as well. I equip most units with Earl's weapons from the Marine Assault Pack, so I appreciate getting JUST your soldiers in the download. My one request is the ability to place different division patches on the soldiers, like 10th Mtn, 101st, etc...that would add a lot to in-game atmosphere in missions. However, these units are wonderful as is. Thanks very much for your hard work! I'll be enjoying these for quite a while.
  7. Kammak

    M14 Pack

    Thanks for the wonderful pack! This fills a gap that's existed for too long in OFP. My only complaint is I now have to update all my missions to add these fine weapons in! Outstanding job. I look forward to more addons from you in the future. Regards, Kammak
  8. Kammak

    Marine assault pack

    Download link: http://home.mho.net/kmaclennan/ofp/AddJamToTact.zip This is a small download which includes one script and a readme. Purpose: This is a script meant for mission makers as a time saver. Â It adds all JAM2 ammo types to Tactician's weapons arrays used by TACTEvents.pbo. Â This allows units firing JAM2 magazines to have the same smoke/dust effects as the default MAP weapons/magazines. Â I *should* have included this in the updated c8xjam pbo's, but to be honest, at that time I hadn't messed around with the TACTEvents scripts! More information about how to use the script is in the readme. Â Details on using TACTEvents can be found in the "TACTEvents Guide for Mission Editors" at: http://www.digitalgrenade.com/boom.php?usmc Thanks to Tactician for the outstanding effect scripts!
  9. Kammak

    Kammak MAP Units 1

    Below is a link to a brief walkthrough/tut on the demo mission "Lamentin Sweep" included with the addon. I had a complaint that the mission was "too hard".... http://www.digitalgrenade.com/cgi-bin....4884698
  10. Kammak

    Kammak MAP Units 1

    ? I use the models from Suchey's MAP pack, but created new classes, not inherited from SUCHusmc.pbo. The new units have differing config values from the units using the same models in SUCHusmc.pbo...is that what you are asking? I didn't just derive a new class from Suchey's and change the display name, if that is what you are thinking. The point was to have Recon (with recon attributes) in woodland MARPAT, Corpsman with the same recon training, and snipers with appropriate enhanced stealth and spotting attributes. I think using someone elses models to make a new class definitely requires the original author's OK - that only seems proper and polite. A bit different than just making a mission using an addon.
  11. Kammak

    Kammak MAP Units 1

    Did anyone try these out? Like them, hate them, don't understand the point to them...anything? The download works, right?
  12. Kammak

    Kammak MAP Units 1

    Sadly, no. No new model/texture work at all - strictly config stuff. Force Recon/Recon units have stealth & spotting values equal to original Force Recon guys. Recon Marine uses the "USMC Rifleman Grenadier" model (recon cover). Force Recon Corpsman uses the "Force Recon Assault" model, with the Corpsman command icon. Recon Corpsman uses the standard "NAVY Corpsman" model. The Recon/Force Recon Corpsman have stealth/spotting values matching the Recon/Force Recon Marines. Sniper units have configs based on BAS DeRa snipers, slightly improved. Force Recon sniper uses the "Force Recon Scout" model. USMC Sniper uses the "USMC Squad Leader" model (soft cover). The Patrol Marine units are strictly cosmetic - same config values as original USMC units, using the USMC Squad Leader model (soft cover). Just changed the loadout and the name. The "(D) NAVY Corpsman" unit is just a replacement for the default desert Corpsman that doesn't heal. I know a few addons have already addressed this. As this addon was made several months ago and I have used that unit in missions, I have left it in. I made these originally for personal use for my own missions. As I considered releasing my missions, I had to release this addon so they would work! I know all the items that should ideally be changed on the models to match the new units, but I don't have any real interest in modelling or texturing. What I needed were some additional units, with unique abilities/config values, that the MAP did not include...these units are as close as I could get with pure config work. If any modeller/texture guys want to work on a proper MAP expansion, please contact me. I've got several ideas and would love to collaborate with someone to implement them.
  13. kmkSUCHusmc.pbo Download: http://home.mho.net/kmaclennan/ofp/KammakMAPUnits1.zip An addon for use with Digital Grenade's Marine Assault Pack (MAP) v1.0. Â Released with permission from Suchey. Â **This is not an official Digital Addon**. Â This addon **does not** overwrite any original Digital Grenade files. Please don't complain about another config hack...I want more 3D work done for the MAP like everyone else, but don't have the talent for it. Â So here is a small addon I've been using for a few months to make missions with. Â Some of the units are now a bit obsolete/redundant, but as I have missions using them I have kept the addon as-is. The download includes kmkSUCHusmc.pbo and a demo mission using some of the new units. The addon only requires the Marine Assault Pack. Â The Demo Mission also requires JAM2. More information can be found in this thread from Digital Grenade: http://www.digitalgrenade.com/cgi-bin....2878303 Units added: ============================================== Force Recon Corpsman, Urban MARPAT, kmkSUCHfrMedic Force Recon Sniper, Urban MARPAT, kmkSUCHfrSniper Recon Marine, Woodland MARPAT, kmkSUCHrecon (D) Recon Marine, Desert MARPAT, kmkSUCHrecon_des Recon Corpsman, Woodland MARPAT, kmkSUCHrcnMedic (D) Recon Corpsman, Desert MARPAT, kmkSUCHrcnMedic_des Patrol Marine, Woodland MARPAT, kmkSUCHpatrol (D) USMC Patrol Marine, Desert MARPAT, kmkSUCHpatrol_des USMC Sniper, Woodland MARPAT, kmkSUCHsniper (D) USMC Sniper, Desert MARPAT, kmkSUCHsniper_des (D) NAVY Corpsman (kmk), Desert MARPAT, kmkSUCHmed_des Faces Added: ============================================== kmkCamoFace1 The face is the same as "CoC_DiverCamo", which was in CoC_Diver.pbo. Â It is re-released with permission from the Chain of Command. I hope to release the rest of my missions using this addon soon..but have to get them cleaned up and de-customized! Hope you enjoy the addon and the mission. Â And thanks again to the Digital Grenade team for the outstanding Marine Assault Pack. Â
  14. Kammak


    Ok. I'll be on the lookout for the update! Thanks
  15. Kammak


    Sounds great Skeg_man, is the update available yet? RE: The helmet/vest thing, is the cap something you added in the update? Because the version I have right now has NO difference between headgear - both "helmet" and "vest" types have a helmet on. They are identical.