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Posts posted by kissdznuts

  1. Whats the difference between system builder + retail? :S

    Anyone know? :S I just remember reading that it was for 'system builders only'... whether that means that you can't 'Upgrade' you have to format and start again or not i dunno.. :S

    For system builders-only are OEM releases which the computer selling and building companies may use to install their new computers with which they sell... Think about Dell, IBM, Acer etc...

    These versions are cheaper than the retail versions or upgrade versions that customers can buy in the shops.

    If you have a willing computer shop, you can get such version there with the only downside that you can't use it to upgrade wink_o.gif

    Si Si.

    Typically OEM when you get OEM anything its just that. If you get an OEM harddrive, its just the harddrive in an antistatic bag. If you get an OEM O/S, it's just the disc.

    Retail comes with the pretty box, useless manual, couple post card ads, etc.

  2. Heh... I gave them a couple months now... It's just a bit frustrating looking at ya two 7600GT when you can only use one of them.

    I'm gonna get Vista final soon. Does anyone know if it's legal/possible to install Vista on two PCs? (Home Premium).

    I read somewhere per Microsoft, it is legal to have Vista installed on 2 machines at once. However, you need to go to a site and "point" the current license to only one machine - so your basically limited to running Vista on only one machine at a time. Its the same scheme that Alcohol 120% uses.

  3. i dont think he was aiming it directly at you smile_o.gif

    Understood capt.

    Thanks Kiss

    Your post has helped me understand what is wrong with my system.

    I have a SLi set up and when I checked it with this >>> http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/referrer/srtest it came out as well past the min spec.

    As I had just upgraded before Christmas by way of the excuse in giving my old pc to the wife for her home office I am a bit miffed to be having play issues.

    Can you tell me what [not too technically now] is the result of forcing Vsync off, is that anything to do with me runing SLi what does it change on my machine to allow better mouse movement.

    Hey Barnaby,

    Here's what I gathered from a friend who is a video guru. Jack-UK is correct that the setting helps to eliminate a video problem called screen tearing. This tends to happen when there are drastic changes in frame rates when playing. When the rates starting varying heavily, the screen starts "tearing" meaning portions of the screen are not rendered correctly. Turning on V-sync forces the cards to run at a consistent frame rate - which therefore eliminates screen tearing.

    He went on to say that there are preset levels of frame rates in which the system will determine what is the best FPS setting to eliminate screen tearing. For some reason, AA determines a framerate that is very slow though. Like Jack-UK stated, this issues exists regardless if the system is running in SLI or not.

    I added this to the AA Bug List wiki page so that it may hopefully help others who check there.

    Thanks for the link to http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/referrer/srtest. I was unaware of that site - something to try tonight. wow_o.gif


  4. I feel slighted with your comment Desertfox, although I can understand those types of posts may happen.

    My intention of creating this post was not to brag about my system; but rather explain the issue that was occurring and that I didn't think it was because of lack of hardware power or incorrect drivers (to automatically eliminate "You need to upgrade your hardware in order to play this game" or "update your drivers" responses). When writing my orig post, I did cross my mind that someone may misconstrue what I was trying to convey. For the record, by posting my system specs, I honestly did not intend to brag nor cause dis-respect to anyone else here.

    I've been a huge OFP (resistance, hammer) fan since the game came out and have been looking forward to the sequel for years just like everyone else. I have been a "silent" member of the forums for forever and a day, but generally don't post and just troll.

  5. Took me a while to get Vista up and going (it's got some issues here and there, but overall it's cool).

    Turning V-sync off def. has made the scope start working as expected. Thanks to Jack-UK for the tip! The game graphics really do look amazing in AA with everything turned up. Now if only the English version would ship smile_o.gif

  6. I did a couple more tests. I maxed all graphic settings and reran the demo. All guns (except the m21) work properly. Frame rate is fine with no noticeable lag when using the guns in normal or sight mode. When using the sniper gun, mouse still acts erratic.

    Turned all settings to completely lowest, and the mouse was slightly better but not normal.

  7. Here's my system:

    EVGA mbo with a intel quad-core chip.

    4 gig memory

    4 drive raid (striping)

    2 8800 GTX in SLI

    SB Audigy 2

    I installed the AA demo. All video settings are setup as default (nothing changed). When playing a co-op game and going into sniper mode, my mouse/frame rate is horrible. I have tried adjusting the mouse sensitivity and the float zone - with no improvements. System is not overclocked. Basics like defrag have been covered.

    All Nvidia control panel settings for AA, antisoptropic set to application.

    All other games the system chews up and spits out except AA (which was the whole reason for the upgrade).

    Anyone have any suggestions on how to increase game performance with my setup?

  8. I haven't noticed anything in the recent rounds of ArmA beta reviews about keyboard and mouse support.

    The org. game was flawed in how you were allowed to remap the keys on the mouse. At least one mouse button always had to be the primary action key, which meant many of us were unable to use our favorite key configs.

    Does anyone know if ArmA will allow you to completely remap the buttons on the mouse and keyboard? I really, really hope this is fixed in the upcoming version.


  9. Title says it all: No amphib units in AA.

    WTF. I would rather just wait until OFP 2.0 to see if there are any amphib units. This is a huge disappointment to me. It's a shame to see if amphib units were left out of AA.

    I am patient. I can wait. Which will come faster........... DNF or amphib units if OF (natively speaking).

    J deez.

  10. Depends - would I be able to reconfigure the mouse buttons?

    I've paid for OFP and 2 expansions only to not be able to reconfigure my mouse yet. If I reprogramming the mouse is not capable in AA or OFP2, then I am sad to say I won't get either.

  11. I'm not 100% on how it works but it detects virtual drive software. I use alcohol 120% quite foten for cd's and stuff but unfortunatly for me starforce thought that the reason I had this installed was so I could mount the game mad_o.gif . Meaning the blighter kept giving me the "Unable to insitialise protection failure" stuff despite the legitimate copy. However due the big problems it's provided over the years many of the "bigger" game devs don't bother with it, in my experience the games i've bought with it on are the old "cycling manager 4 and GTR". not your average best seller games. it stops piracy but at the cost of 1:10 legitimate copies not working.

    With any luck we'll get it on a good old fashioned dvd/cd with safe disk as opposed to starforce.

    Sonna of a Bi#$%

    This really pisses me off. I bought Lock On Gold last week and haven't been able to play it all because of the "Unable to insitialise protection failure". I also have alcohol installed and had no idea this is what is causing my misery. If there is any restrictions like this from preventing the software from working, why isn't it listed on the case?

    I will not uninstall alcohol for any game.

  12. Will there be any Melee weapons in Armed Assault?! Such as Hammers, Knifes, Bayonets

    Knifes and bayonets I can understand, but hammers? LOL. That would probably be the most humiliating way to die ever.
