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Posts posted by kissdznuts

  1. -Weapon Mods like Ghost Recon style. choose grips scopes etc

    Good idea. Or make a loading area where you choose the equipment for each person in your squad/group.

    Also...........I want to see some truly amphibious units. Units that have scuba ability. Missions could be made that involve subs, sdvs etc. The game is well over due for some working amphib units.

  2. I would just like to answer some previous question. Yes, widescreen rendering does impact the frame rate. It drags it down. I'm running a 37 inch widescreen TV 1366x768. I normally play in 1024x768 but the game will play in widescreen format at 16:9.

    16:9 imp'acts ARMA about 20% on the fps. But then as long as you have a good machine the extra FOV is worth it.

    I concur. The FOV increase is well worth any minimal drop in FPS. If you run SLI, the trade-off is minimal; esp. when you balance off the graphic settings very slightly for speed. I am running 2560x1600 (3007 HD) now; it would be very, very hard to go back to anything smaller now. I was kinda of surprised at the plethora of widescreen settings AA has built in already which made setup gravy 3 weeks back.

    Whenever Nvidia will release some decent drivers for Vista, I'm sure the performance will go up even more.

  3. Borrowing the thread a bit....

    When playing on a widescreen should i use a wide-format such as 1280x720 or can i use 1024x768?

    Does it make any difference with regards to fps?

    I mean i can select 16:9 or 16:10 but if i use 1024x768 does arma "scale" it to a wide-format and does that affect my fps?

    Widescreen monitor or TV? If monitor what size?

  4. "Windows Vista includes an array of "features" that you don't want. These features will make your computer less reliable and less secure. They'll make your computer less stable and run slower. They will cause technical support problems. They may even require you to upgrade some of your peripheral hardware and existing software. And these features won't do anything useful. In fact, they're working against you. They're digital rights management (DRM) features built into Vista at the behest of the entertainment industry - And you don't get to refuse them."

    I don't think it's fair nor reasonable to push your feelings regarding Vista + DRM to others who may find value and use from many of the improvements. Having said that...... every time Microsoft comes out with a new major release for an operating system, it takes hardware manufacturers several months for good/reliable drivers to be released. Back in the day, everyone said XP would never be as fast as 2000 with all the added GUI items. Fact is, the driver developers find out how to best utilize newer technologies.

    For now, the drivers across the board for Vista suck major a$$. Give it a couple months and most hardware will be stable. Give it 6 mos. to a year and they will be performing equally as well as XP.

  5. Hmmm. I have you beat for poor textures. This is flying around in the mission editor with no other units on dual 8800s, approx. 2 minutes flying smile_o.gif

    I've seen a LOT of complaints from 8800GTX/GTS users, and not a single one seemed to consider that some of the problem may lie within the new nVidia drivers. ArmA is a new game ... couple that with new hardware and new drivers and it's easy to see why problems arise. Not to mention that SLI also has its fair share of problems with compatibility in games. Give it a bit of time on both ends as the drivers usually have to be tweaked for specific games and vice versa.

    I have considered the fact the Nvidia drivers are not what we expected, or that I am on Vista, or that this may have been a bad patch. However, we compared to the demo or the previous version (with no driver changes):

    1. Textures degrade very rapidly.

    2. There is an insane amount of crashing.

    3. To much lag spiking in system resources.

    Just stating what is wrong on my end. I posted screenshots, etc. I'm just gonna reinstall to 1.04 until the guys get some of these graphic and performance issues resolved. Not a big issue - but they should be made aware.

  6. Hi, I just made couple of bug reports,

    Poor FPS with Geforce 8800GTX after installing the 1.05 patch

    Graphic memory choke with Geforce 8800GTX

    Possible memory choke problem has been discussed in this forum before.It seems that Geforce 8800 users are in trouble, I'm one of many OFP fans who invested to 8800GTX to play ArmA.

    Please use the bug reporting tool, it is the best way to address this kind of performance problems to BIS. With 1.05 ArmA is totally unplayable now. With 1.04 there was only this memory filling problem degrading the video performance.

    Edit: BTW, I made clean install and applied the international patch. Then I also made a new clean install and applied 1.04 to 1.05 euro patch. Same problems.

    Great - so if we invested in 2x 8800s - we need double the KY?

  7. and disabled my Virus scan and other background applications the increase in performance was HUGE!!!

    This sounds interesting for me... Is there maybe a possibility that the losing textures and having much harddrive activity are related to having virus scanners that scan the files while ArmA is accessing them? I would guess these files would not be scanned on and on and on, but it also sounds plausible as a cause for these issues... hmmm

    Ok, I uninstalled my anti-virus and rebooted to ensure it was completely gone.

    Restart game. Started Assault the Convoy mission. Turn from building and run across runway. Immediately textures look funky. Upon trying to enter the copter - crash to desktop.

    Didn't work for me, but it may help someone else.


  8. I can't say that I've enjoyed the new patch much yet as after about 3-5 minutes of playing I am now suffering from very poor frame rates and textures like this ...


    This happens in all missions/editor and I have to restart the game to temporarily solve the problem! Shame, I hope it gets fixed, as I will now have to shelve the game and wait for a fix or revert back to v1.04. sad_o.gif Anyone else having this problem? huh.gif

    Hmmm. I have you beat for poor textures. This is flying around in the mission editor with no other units on dual 8800s, approx. 2 minutes flying smile_o.gif


    Well, at least 2142 still looks good.

  9. - Game performance is even worse for me after patching.

    - MP is laging badly as it was before patching, its almost imposible to play MP. ( i connecting to servers with ping below 100)

    - Same sound bugs, im loosing all sounds for 10-15 seconds from time to time.

    - Its almost imposible to drive a bike :/

    - New rusian sniper looks like unfinished addon weapon, left hand doesnt fit weapon at all - its a problem of almost every arma weapon.

    Im loosing my patience with ArmA .... sad_o.gif

    Waiting for another patch....

    I am having the same problems as you.

    For example: when loading up Sahrani in the map editor and simply flying around in the cobra gunship, there are consistent lag spikes in frame rate with total texture loss (SLI 8800s).

    Prior to the patch, the game would crash periodically. With the patch (especially when in airborne vehicles), I am crashing about every 10 minutes. I am unable to do any campaign missions that require flying without crashing within a minute or so.

    There appears to be more hard drive paging with this patch. For users with high memory, there shouldn't be more paging to the drive - which ultimately slows performance down.

    I'm slightly peeved with the latest patch and hope many of these issues can be resolved quickly.

  10. I have a question regarding the 1.05 patch. I have the UK version (on DVD), which patch should I download? There isn't a UK specific patch. Do I download the Euro 1.04 to 1.05 patch (226 MB)?



    The European patch (226) is the right one.

    Don't try it now though as every fecker is leeching it! 2 hrs for a 4mb connection for me.

    People are mentioning mirrors but I'm not sure. I checked my mirror and there's some ugly bloke looking at me all strangely. crazy_o.gif

    Thanks! I'll jump into the fray and see if I can get it now.

  11. I couldn't find this answer (which means someone else will probably post a link in 2 minutes): How does the AI detection logic in the demo compare to the retail version (for those of you who already have the full version)?

    Example: sometimes in the demo, I notice that you can take 1 shot at an enemy soldier while buried in a bush - to have the AI soldier lay down turn 45 degrees and make a 1-2 shot kill. The AI also appears to see concealed soldiers at a much larger distance that I can often see them.

    I was just inquiring if anyone else has noticed this occurring and if it's like that in the retail version (not that it would detract from me getting it - whenever it becomes avail. for download).

    Thanks for any insight or input.

  12. I have been looking for this setting in Vista as well and have been unable to find it.

    It is supposed to be located under dxdiag. Not sure which version of Vista you are running. Try this:

    1. Go to the run menu.

    2. Type dxdiag

    3. Once the direct X diag screen comes up and has loaded everything, press the Sound tab.

    4. There may or may not be a scrollbox in the dead center where you can adjust the hardware acceleration.

    Hopes this helps.

  13. Its confirmed:

    ArmA: Armed Assault will be named ArmA: Combat Operations in North America. Publisher is Atari and the game will be released in May.

    We'll continue sending UK gameboxes overseas for 2 more months I guess smile_o.gif hell, I couldn't wait for this great game, so I bought Czech version that I don't understand a single word biggrin_o.gif

    Yeah - May. That really sucks. The English download version isn't available until the 27th. Seems like forever and a day to wait already.

  14. Nice idea for a thread SickBoy.

    I'm running the 64 bit of Vista Ultimate.

    The Good:

    - Very graphic and intuitive interface. The Aero UI is very cool.

    - Very, very fast boot time.

    - Overall speed of the O/S appears to be very fast (your mileage may vary depending on your system specs)

    - With my mbo, I was able to install the O/S without having to install Raid drivers.

    - The ability to monitor more apps, services, and remote users very easily via the task manager.

    - Comes w/ 32 + 64 bit install DVDs.

    - Decent configuration area to setup the majority of system settings.

    The Bad:

    - Somethings such as gadgets need more options.

    - "Deep sleep" causes a boot condition where there is not keyboard, mouse, or monitor input - must be turned off.

    - Driver signature security makes it almost impossible to run apps like truecrypt in traveller mode - very annoying.

    - Some very limited configuration options in other areas. Example: to change the default app for multiple file extensions - in XP you could just go to the File Type tab in Folder options. This exact screen is very buried in Vista. The start menu isn't has configurable in my opinion. The default Aero menu is cool, but the programs menu sort order is backwards (files before folders) and the menu doesn't expand off to the side like it does in XP (hard to describe if you haven't seen it). If you revert to the XP style menu, you loose the most recently used apps section on the left side, the majority of the settings don't apply to the "classic" menu anymore.

    - Some hardware vendors don't have reliable drivers yet.

    - Some settings I haven't found how to retain yet. Example: In 2000/XP you can change Windows Explorer to details view and then apply that view to all folders. This doesn't work in Vista and requires the user to constantly switch the view back. Annoying.

    - Ultimate was supposed to allow users to new "extras". Notta thus far - just so you know.

    I haven't dabbled into everything, but what I have seen is promising. Overall, Vista has potential, but needs some patches and drivers released still.


    Audigy 2 value - v2.12.0001. Drivers only. Surround sound etc, configured through Vista itself. Functional, with no problems. My surround sound decoding is done at the logitech speakers (which may explain why SickBoy and I have diff. results here regarding surround sound).

    Saitek x52 - v300107_64. Functional, with no problems.

    Logitech G15 keyboard - drivers not available as of yet!

    Logitech MX-518 mouse - using default Vista drivers. Functional, with no problems.

    Nvidia 8800's SLI - v100.59. Probably the most horrible drivers ever released by any company. Causes constant reboots with anything requiring 3d graphics. Vista comes with a chess game called Chess Titans which has a little bit of 3d graphics. Even this will consistently crash with .59 drivers. Supposedly has SLI support - although the system will not stay running long enough to tell.

    v100.54 - Semi-stable drivers but no SLI support. Still have a period system reset with games like BF2142. (for those who may play that).
