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About kissdznuts

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. kissdznuts

    My "WANT" list

    Good idea. Or make a loading area where you choose the equipment for each person in your squad/group. Also...........I want to see some truly amphibious units. Units that have scuba ability. Missions could be made that involve subs, sdvs etc. The game is well over due for some working amphib units.
  2. kissdznuts

    Screen flashing white

    I am getting this also. Very annoying. Was just checking to see if anyone else was experiencing it.
  3. kissdznuts

    Question about widescreen

    16:9 imp'acts ARMA about 20% on the fps. But then as long as you have a good machine the extra FOV is worth it. I concur. The FOV increase is well worth any minimal drop in FPS. If you run SLI, the trade-off is minimal; esp. when you balance off the graphic settings very slightly for speed. I am running 2560x1600 (3007 HD) now; it would be very, very hard to go back to anything smaller now. I was kinda of surprised at the plethora of widescreen settings AA has built in already which made setup gravy 3 weeks back. Whenever Nvidia will release some decent drivers for Vista, I'm sure the performance will go up even more.
  4. kissdznuts

    Question about widescreen

    Widescreen monitor or TV? If monitor what size?
  5. kissdznuts

    USA players get your ArmaA now!

    I can vouch for the gogamer.com as well. I ordered mine several weeks ago. Can quickly - much faster than I had guessed.
  6. kissdznuts

    8007000e Error in Vista

    I don't think it's fair nor reasonable to push your feelings regarding Vista + DRM to others who may find value and use from many of the improvements. Having said that...... every time Microsoft comes out with a new major release for an operating system, it takes hardware manufacturers several months for good/reliable drivers to be released. Back in the day, everyone said XP would never be as fast as 2000 with all the added GUI items. Fact is, the driver developers find out how to best utilize newer technologies. For now, the drivers across the board for Vista suck major a$$. Give it a couple months and most hardware will be stable. Give it 6 mos. to a year and they will be performing equally as well as XP.
  7. kissdznuts

    Nvidia Vista 64

    I'm running dated 2/7 and are stable. The performance isn't great win compared to xp 64 - but it is stable with AA 1.04.
  8. kissdznuts

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    I've seen a LOT of complaints from 8800GTX/GTS users, and not a single one seemed to consider that some of the problem may lie within the new nVidia drivers. ArmA is a new game ... couple that with new hardware and new drivers and it's easy to see why problems arise. Not to mention that SLI also has its fair share of problems with compatibility in games. Give it a bit of time on both ends as the drivers usually have to be tweaked for specific games and vice versa. I have considered the fact the Nvidia drivers are not what we expected, or that I am on Vista, or that this may have been a bad patch. However, we compared to the demo or the previous version (with no driver changes): 1. Textures degrade very rapidly. 2. There is an insane amount of crashing. 3. To much lag spiking in system resources. Just stating what is wrong on my end. I posted screenshots, etc. I'm just gonna reinstall to 1.04 until the guys get some of these graphic and performance issues resolved. Not a big issue - but they should be made aware.
  9. kissdznuts

    8007000e Error in Vista

    Nice find Karl. I just checked Nvidia's site last night and now, and still didn't see the link for these. Unfortunately, SLI is broken in these for DX10 still.
  10. kissdznuts

    1.05 Causes performance Hits.

    Great - so if we invested in 2x 8800s - we need double the KY?
  11. kissdznuts

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    This sounds interesting for me... Is there maybe a possibility that the losing textures and having much harddrive activity are related to having virus scanners that scan the files while ArmA is accessing them? I would guess these files would not be scanned on and on and on, but it also sounds plausible as a cause for these issues... hmmm Ok, I uninstalled my anti-virus and rebooted to ensure it was completely gone. Restart game. Started Assault the Convoy mission. Turn from building and run across runway. Immediately textures look funky. Upon trying to enter the copter - crash to desktop. Didn't work for me, but it may help someone else. deez
  12. kissdznuts

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    Hmmm. I have you beat for poor textures. This is flying around in the mission editor with no other units on dual 8800s, approx. 2 minutes flying http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=490873 Well, at least 2142 still looks good.
  13. kissdznuts

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    I am having the same problems as you. For example: when loading up Sahrani in the map editor and simply flying around in the cobra gunship, there are consistent lag spikes in frame rate with total texture loss (SLI 8800s). Prior to the patch, the game would crash periodically. With the patch (especially when in airborne vehicles), I am crashing about every 10 minutes. I am unable to do any campaign missions that require flying without crashing within a minute or so. There appears to be more hard drive paging with this patch. For users with high memory, there shouldn't be more paging to the drive - which ultimately slows performance down. I'm slightly peeved with the latest patch and hope many of these issues can be resolved quickly.
  14. kissdznuts

    8007000e Error in Vista

    With the latest patch, this is still occurring. Appears to be more frequent with the latest patch. Again, my rig has an 8800 also. Deez
  15. kissdznuts

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    The European patch (226) is the right one. Don't try it now though as every fecker is leeching it! 2 hrs for a 4mb connection for me. People are mentioning mirrors but I'm not sure. I checked my mirror and there's some ugly bloke looking at me all strangely. Thanks! I'll jump into the fray and see if I can get it now.