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About Kaveman

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Kaveman


    Hi! I think i saw here somewhere, that in patch 1.07 the logo that appears in vehicles also show as a armpatch on the uniforms. PS: Mais um tuga aqui Â
  2. Kaveman

    clan of command and squad control

    Not really, the reason behind implementing the tiered system of command is to help us players manage and order more effectivelly our team members. The AI team leaders can spit out 250 orders/sec  we can't. I think it could be implemented in two ways for the AI team leader, as is now everyone is under his command, or assign leaders of subgroups as one unit and command it like a single unit. For example, A.I. TL says "2, move to XX XX" A.I.2 wich has 3 other A.I's under is command receives that order like a waypoint and orders his group members to move just like he would with a waypoint. Of course I have absolutly no idea how hard it would be to implement this. But after playing last night with my friends we felt the need for something more when controling squads, we wished we could have a "General" Officer wich could pass info to us like "move here" ou "target that" etc. And then sub officers that also could directly control his AI teammates like now and receive those orders from the "General" Officer.
  3. Kaveman

    Formations - Hopes and Discussion

    Hi! I hope that our AI squad mates in ArmA could be re-assigned to other positions inside the formation. You know when they die no one will occupy the positions, so your line formation for example can have holes between you and the rest of the squad. I hate it when my nÅŸ2 dies and the next guy stays miles away instead of occupying the position above him (nÅŸ3 goes to nÅŸ2 and so on).
  4. Kaveman

    Carrying abilities

    Hi! How about being able to carry more than one weapon so you can drop it by a friend in need? Or the ability to carry any ammo, even if you don't have the weapon? Sometimes when me and my friends were playing, our AI machinegunner would run into the enemy fire and suffered a lethal case of lead poisining . So I would run into the fire, drop my weapon, drop my ammo, pick his weapon and his weapon, run back, drop the weapon near a friend, run back to the dead machinegunner, pick up my weapon and ammo, run back behind cover... There was a lot of uneeded running That is the main reason why I would like to be able to carry more than one weapon.
  5. Kaveman

    Guess the name of the game

    @ jackson -> Carrier Command  I still love that game.
  6. @Keycat Hi! I have a question. Does supressive fire works if more than one soldier is firing at the AI? The readme wasn't clear about that. Great script anyway
  7. Kaveman

    WGL Mod 4.12 Update

    Thank you. I thought that mortars should have a travel distance before becoming live rounds. But hey.. live and learn This is why I like realistic games/Simulators/Mods. I found the instructions for the mortars, thanks again for pointing that to me. I missed them the first time I looked for them because I was looking for something like "Mortars for dummies" PS: I really like how when you get wounded it's not like before: "Damm i'm hit! Is there a medic around? No.. ok, let's move on." Now it's more like: "DAMMM!! I'M HIT!!! MEDIC!!! MEDIC!! OH **** I'M GONNA BLEED TO DEATH!! HEEELP!!!" Maybe it's just me?
  8. Kaveman

    WGL Mod 4.12 Update

    Hi! I too really love this mod. I making missions again just so I can see this mod in action. Just 1 Question for you modmakers, it came up last night after a...  ooops situation . Do mortars really go active immediatly after firering? I was playing with 3 other friends and showing them the mod and large scale battles. To help our side I deployd a M29K Mortar Hummvee (something like that) the problem was my aiming (Is there something I can read to learn how to aim your mortars?), after the "PFFTUT" from the mortar fire came a "KAfreakingBOOMM" as the mortar hit the top of a nearby tree and almost killed us all  . Although my friends found it funny as hell, and laughed for a good 5 min after that. So in short: 1 Do mortars really go active immediatly after firering? 2 Where can I learn more about aiming mortars? Anyways, congratulations it's a great mod Â
  9. Kaveman

    Reducing cpu load?

    Sweet!!! That answers a lot of questions I had! Thank you! You should advertise that page more, maybe some TV Comercials or radio, or maybe just put it in your sig  About the disableAI command... I think that disableAI could help reducing CPU load and lag. For example if i'm going to have civilians in the mission area and I disableAI "target" and "autotarget" on them, maybe the CPU load is less. Any suggestions on how I can test this? Again, thanks mcguba!
  10. Hi! Does the use of disableAI frees more CPU resources? What else can be done to ease the CPU load when there are lot's of units in the mission area? I've searched but found nothing relating to this. Â Â Any help would be great. Thanx!
  11. Hi! Go to the Avon Lady Faq Page. That's where I learned to use a custom face too. Â http://www.theavonlady.org/theofpfaq/index.htm on the left frame click on Miscellaneous, the custom face is the first entry. Good luck.
  12. Kaveman

    Interface discussion

    I'm sorry if this has been said before, but... The leader should have voice priority over everyone else on the squad when giving orders. When in a firefight it takes some time to select the soldier(s) and then select the orders only to have to wait for the "enemy spotted" and "I got him", and then finally you can hear yourself giving the order. Sometimes this can ruin a 40 min mission Â
  13. Kaveman

    Your most embarrassing moments in of

    One time I was playing CTI, the commander was AI, and the game was going good to our side. Then I remembered to buy a cobra to take a town that was heavily defended by 2 T-72 and 1 BMP. The problem began with the place our commander choose to plant the aircraft factory (On a hill? Â ). After saving resources for while, finally I could buy the damm thing. When it was ready it was in a very inclined position and when I tried to lift off it hit on a nearby truck and then I hit some trees and ended in a upside down position right in front of the factory. Then I had the brilliant idea to use a LAW to destroy it so a salvage car could come by and get some resources back. So I go to the end of the hangar thinking it was a safe distance from the cobra and fired one. I was killed almost instantly by several explosions and managed to destroy most of my base. Why: The commander had bought several vehicles and they were close to the hangar so when I fired and blew the cobra it started an exploding chain reaction that blew up our Mobile HQ and other several key facilities. Of course the game was lost from that point on. Luckily I was playing alone.
  14. Kaveman

    How do i...

    Thanks I will try those. Too bad the other way doesn't work. I could use it to decrease the number of triggers and waypoints. Anyway thanx for the info!
  15. Kaveman

    How do i...

    FSPilot Hi all! FSpilot, have u found an answer for this yet? I could reallyyyy use something like that on my missions.