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About K6

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  1. Hi Guys back again. Ok let`s see... BIS it would be awesome if you could send me a copy of your map so that I can have a look at it. Would be awesome. I would like to mention that calling the map BHD is ok. I allready mentioned that I made a map called Battle of Mogadishu (http://www.levels4you.com/df3/index.php3?page=sp) which was actually the storyline of BHD.This was long before the Movie was out and just after the book was released. At this time NOBODY was interested in this story. When I released the map a guy contacted me called Ranger Dan. Well, he was a member of Task Force Ranger and a member of the relief convoy. He thanked me in a long email that I honored this fierce battle with this map....BTW he loved to play it.
  2. Hey Guys thanks for the good points! I allready made Missions (Swordfish I-III) maby you saw it somewhere! I will try your Mission. Actually I try to collect Information about usable addons. When I said I want to make the best BHD Mission it wasn`t meant as an offense. I just want to make it as good as possible. Like you I´am into this BHD thing a long time. I made a Mission for Delta Force Land Warrior called Battle of Mogadishu......whatever...I`am looking forward to play your Mission... Best wishes K6
  3. Hey fellows, I want to make the best BHD Mission ever and actually I start to search for appropriate addons. Though my question is if some of you guys know where to find middle eastern building types and black looking characters? Thanks K6
  4. Hey fellows, I want to make the best BHD Mission ever and actually I start to search for appropriate addons. Though my question is if some of you guys know where to find middle eastern building types and black looking characters? Thanks K6
  5. Hey folks can someone tell me which the best Flashpoint addon resource page is? Thanks K6
  6. Ok the problem is, that the Unit you are looking thru activates its NV as soon as its night, dusk or dawn. The solution is that you have to remove the NV goggles. Open the units window and enter into the init line: this removeweapon "nightvisiongoggles"; I hope that this is the correct term... if not pls sombody tell us. Wishes K6
  7. K6

    What would be cool for next ofp

    Ok in my oppinon we need the following things: 1.) Rivers which can be entered with PBRs from the ocean. 2.) Bigger Islands with much bigger woods. 3.) Middle eastern style buildings for desert island. 4.) A portable radio with which you can call in support of all kinds via a not so easy coordinates system. 5.) K-Pod helmets 6.) Bigger rucksacks 7.) BETTER WEAPON SOUNDS. 8.) AI squadmembers are dying to fast
  8. K6

    Whose gonna stick with ofp now?

    Mhh what a stupid topic! You wanted to try out the poll function? Yeah...thats what you wanted cause the question is Bullshit. Yeah sure I not only stopped playing OFP I destroyed my PC afterwards, burned my house, smashed my car with a baseball bat and killed myself.
  9. K6


    It would be kewl if there would be the "new" huy wich is still used in the US forces. The one with larger engine outlets. You can this model on the independence lost site I think....would be great
  10. Yeah pal. God bless! This site is just great.If I`am not wrong I saw your name there. Thank you cu K6
  11. K6

    Anybody got some good missions ?

    hope you like them http://www.levels4you.com/cdc/of/swo1/
  12. The last statement was great, but size does matter I would be very honored if you were able to put my Missions on your site. People like you are keeping the community running!! Just grab them and if you find time, then give me your URL. My E-Mail is    Kingsix@gmx.net I think there is a very big need for such a site. Mapmakers who create big custom Missions and others would be happy to know where they can publish their work for sure. Because of all the trouble I had with publishing my maps I decided to stop creating Missions, but with such a site online it would be a pleasure to carry on. Cu K6
  13. K6

    Swordfish seal missions

    The last statement was great, but size does matter I would be very honored if you were able to put my Missions on your site. People like you are keeping the community running!! Just grab them and if you find time, then give me your URL. My E-Mail is    Kingsix@gmx.net I think there is a very big need for such a site. Mapmakers who create big custom Missions and others would be happy to know where they can publish their work for sure. Because of all the trouble I had with publishing my maps I decided to stop creating Missions, but with such a site online it would be a pleasure to carry on. Cu K6
  14. Highlandor I can`T put them anywhere, because tehy are to big... and yes its my work.