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Posts posted by Jacobite

  1. Mainly because I was under the assumption i would be playing with 5.. and that it has bene said in many reviews that when you loose someone.. you've lost them...

    So I was thinking that doing a certain objective has killed on of my guys.

    Also I might add relooking at the Arma2 "characters page" drops the hint of miles dying...

  2. Miles died during a cut scene...

    What the hell did I do wrong?

    I killed the sniper and went for lopotev...

    Is he ment to die or have I fucked up during cut scenes somehow?

    What im saying is... I have no control over those cut scenes so what happened?

    Any help appreciated.


  3. Get an exhibition stand at Multiplays I37 M-festival

    7-10th of August.

    People on this forum will most likly agree that Arma2 > Ofp2.

    Well thats because they are on this forum :P

    But I can tell you that alot of people that go to this Lan will most likely prefer Ofp2because of codemasters name and ofps original name.

    If....If Arma2 is not out by such a time could you please showcase Arma2 at Mfestival:D (Let me play for a few hours and ill be sold ;) )

    Its your chance to showcase your game to over 2000 people.

    And hopefully word of mouth will spread a little as well.


  4. I've always had a keen interest into Sniper rifles.

    How will Snipers and their rifles operate in ARMA2?

    Thinking along the lines of...

    Deep lung

    Bullet Drop

    Wind correction

    Stance modifiers

    Grade of bullets

    Grade of wepon being used.

    Scopes and Binocs

    I have read that bushes and other objects have another invisible layer that prevents ai directly pinpointing past them.

    In correlation to this..

    If the Sniper takes a shot from a far away distance and the AI is prevented from seeing the Sniper.

    Does the AI see the bullet stream? And from that point able to "guess" the position of the Sniper?

    Deployment of the sniper.

    How is this handled? Or rather what are the best choices

    Do i grab a jeep from base camp which is off to the front line , jump off a few miles beforehand and run up a hillside...?

    Any info on these things would be greatly appreciated.


  5. Hmm thank you, and you do make sense.

    But I suppose most of what Uni is helping us to achieve is an understanding of the algorithms involved,mathematics and a general knowledge of a few languages (perhaps to give us a flavoured experience).

    Grr,,, This pauses me on a choice i have to make for next year of Uni(2nd year).

    Python or Games programming in c++.

  6. I suppose you code it during your sleep as well?

    (Well the brain does help while you sleep:P)


    Im trying to decide what language/'s I should aim to be "proficient" at to be able to get a job...

    Currently im learning C++,Vb(both in Vstudio 08),next year Python and Java.


    Thanks for the reply to "Routine c++" much appreciated:P

    The fact that im asking STL vector?

    A quick search tells me Standard Template Library.

    Which I havent covered yet and I suppose I wont be until next year(as the least amount of time(well depending on time during summer))
