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About Joonas

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  1. Hey, Thanks for the answers. They're kind of complicated but i try to solve my way through them. I am sorry i've never programmed or used code in any situation of my life. Actually, i cant make the setpos working. The units dont seem to want to teleport regardless. Do i need to create a script file or can i type these in activation field. Because the latter doesnt seem to work. How would i exactly teleport a group of units to marker, say marker1. About the helo firing, dofire didn't do the job. The tanks refuse to shoot invisible targets or even objects defined on map. Same with helos. Long time ago somebody gave me a script to order the helo to shoot it's weapons like 30 times. Like, simple said. "This, shoot SomethingLauncher x30" But in code language. I have no clue. Would this be a script file and trigger to force the helo to perform the firing script? Thanks To your question : The mission is a city-defense (Le moule @ Everon) Against waves of enemy units. Area respawn with given time. No realism. If you have ever played defensive maps on games like warcraft 3 You'll know. Your enemies would spawn at random locations and overwhelm the city and helos fly over the city firing it and tanks rolling from the hills. This would of course be extremely hard mission to complete. Basicly there will be waves of enemy infantry, sneaky spetz natz squads, tanks, helos, paradrops in sight. A long and painful map that gets harder every passing minute as your enemy gives you no breathing time. When all members of your team are dead before at least one could respawn again it's a defeat.
  2. Alright. Figured number 1, cubadead. figured paratroop. Please help me to : Have helo shoot his weapons when it reaches selected area. No targed needed, only firing at ground at given time. How to order a tank shoot an object. I tried Tank Dofire (Object xxxx) Didn't work. How to create radio messages, no voice requires. only text. How to teleport an unit group when trigger is activated(True). and move them towards next waypoint(Sync trigger and next wp probably) How to teleport group to random location(Marker) with certain chance. Like 25% marker1, 25%marker2, 25%marker3, 25%marker4. Thanks a lot
  3. Hey, Been a while since i've been editing in OFP. Honestly said i was a kid when i built map for a group of friends to play co-op with. Good times. I'll keep posting questions as i progress but i would like to put em all in this one thread instead of flooding the forums. Alright. Figured number 1, cubadead. figured paratroop. Please help me to : Have helo shoot his weapons when it reaches selected area. No targed needed, only firing at ground at given time. How to order a tank shoot an object. I tried Tank Dofire (Object xxxx) Didn't work. How to create radio messages, no voice requires. only text. How to teleport an unit group when trigger is activated(True). and move them towards next waypoint(Sync trigger and next wp probably) How to teleport group to random location(Marker) with certain chance. Like 25% marker1, 25%marker2, 25%marker3, 25%marker4. Could somebody be kind enough and give me all the objective status commands. How to show hidden objective for example. Thanks a lot